Cyber Heroes

Chapter 14 The world under Dyson’s principle

Xiangshan is a magical person.

In Yuki's eyes, this man named Xiangshan is the most magical person in the world. He knows a lot of things that Yuki, Mom, and even the mayor and Dr. Schultz don't know. But on the other hand, he would always believe some weird and bizarre statements for no reason.

For example, he would ask Yuki to call him "Master."

It is said that this title contains a kind of "contract" between knights and knights.

For example, he truly believes that "we may be living in a super-large illusion." Not only that, he also invented a ritual to test this kind of thing.

And the core component of that instrument is actually a greasy and dirty machine.

But Xiangshan looked really serious. After the demonstration, he asked Yuki to take the machine apart and reassemble it. This was repeated five times, and he stopped after he was sure that Youki could still remember the structure of the machine even without the aid of the chip.

The next morning, Xiangshan took Youki back to the town.

But at this time, Yuki's cabin had an unexpected visitor.

He's actually the mayor.

"Mr. Mayor." Xiang Shan was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Yog... No, it's time to call you 'Shan'." The biological part of the mayor's face put on a fairly normal smile: "Let me see how you are doing here."

His eyes kept glancing at Will's remaining prosthetic body.

Xiangshan sent Yuki away, and then asked a little strangely: "How do you know..."

"The doctor is my nephew. I heard that you bought some parts from him, and I thought that you would assemble the prosthetic body yourself." The mayor smiled and said, "I am inevitably curious! How is your prosthetic body doing?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "This thing is too difficult, I just made the beginning."

Seeing that Xiangshan didn't put his brain into the dog-shaped prosthetic body, the village chief was inevitably a little disappointed.

He knows that these warriors' prosthetics have their own design concepts inside, and many parts and structures inside match each other. It is actually very bad to make random changes by yourself.

In his opinion, the best result would be for Xiangshan to just hot-plug his brain and insert it into a dog-shaped prosthetic body.

However, when he thought that Xiang Shan might be a "chivalrous person", the mayor felt that he might not be suitable to interrupt.

He shook his head and asked, "Do you have any difficulties in this matter?"

——Is this... a sign of goodwill? Or just doing business?

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and tried to ask: "I don't have a suitable shell now..."

Naturally, the shell of this dog-shaped prosthetic body cannot be used directly on Xiang Shan. Xiangshan felt that he should also know bionic boxing, but bionic boxing was not a boxing used for combat, and he was not used to using bionic boxing.

But Xiangshan really needs an outer shell, at least one that can avoid dust. The shell can also somewhat avoid the observation of others. At least Xiang Shan felt that with a shell, he could avoid being knocked out of battery by the enemy's first move.

Besides...being able to survive Will Grande Doug was already a matter of luck.

He really needs a skull cap that matches the fracture on his forehead.

No matter how strong the brain-machine barrier is, it cannot meet the standards of alloy armor. It's a little too exciting to expose your brain to the outside world.

However, Xiangshan's skull seems to be made of some relatively rare alloy, and it is still too difficult to repair it as before.

The mayor thought for a moment: "This is not difficult. There is a 3D furnace in the town. If you can report the specific parameters to me, I can make a simple one - of course, there is nothing very good in the remnants of the sublimation war. Materials, even battleship materials, we can’t melt.”

Xiang Shan hesitated: "Then the fee..."

"Don't show off like this, Shan." The mayor patted Xiang Shan's wire-like shoulder: "You saved us all. I can still afford this reward."


Xiangshan expressed doubts about this. When he went to buy parts, he could feel Dr. Schultz's tentative intentions. Dr. Schultz is the nephew of the mayor. The town's interest groups don't seem to entirely view him as a "savior."

Is the mayor really that good?

"I haven't asked you yet, Shan. Are you used to living in Recycling Town? Ever since you were dug up by Yuki..."

Xiang Shan raised his hand and interrupted the mayor: "Mayor, I am very grateful to this town. You were also there when Yuki woke me up. I know it was you who saved me. I remember all this. You You can be considered my savior. If you have any questions, just say it directly. If there is anything I can do, I will try my best to do it."

The mayor stared at Xiang Shan, seeming to be thinking about something. But Xiangshan didn't know how to read the eyes in the camera. Finally, the village chief seemed to remember something and nodded: "I understand, then I'll just say it. In half a month at most, the welfare officer will come..."

Xiang Shan was shocked: "So good? There are actually social welfare?"

"When did there no longer be social welfare? After collecting taxes, we must provide social welfare. This is natural!" The mayor was also shocked: "How come you don't even know this?"

Xiangshan had no idea that this organizational structure, which looked like a complete throwback to the era of feudal society, actually had the concept of "social welfare". He scratched his head: "Strange...Why did I forget...Is this important?"

The mayor shook his head like an old man who was worried about his nephew: "You have forgotten so many things, what should you do..."

Xiang Shan asked: "What does a welfare officer do?"

"What else can we do? The tax officer collects genetic taxes, and then in half a month, the lord will calculate the taxes in various places, and then the welfare officer will announce benefits based on the taxes..."

Following the mayor's introduction, Xiangshan realized that the so-called "welfare" was actually very different from what he thought.

Here, so-called "welfare", like "taxes", are babies.

However, these babies are not collected, but are people flowing out of the human gene pool.

There is nothing to say about the "quality" of these babies. The most important thing is that they can effectively prevent the problem of homogeneous bloodlines in various settlements.

Generally, the amount of benefits is 120% of the tax

Take away ten babies and twelve will be returned.

The babies are then given to those willing to raise them.

However, the caregivers cannot give the male babies their own surnames, or change the "middle name" of the female babies.

The last name labels the Y chromosome, and the middle name labels the mitochondria. It is because of this need that "family" can be established.

The first of Dyson's principles is that "all humans have an obligation to maintain human genetic diversity." If you refuse this obligation, you will automatically lose the protection of civilization. A large part of the "names" are labels for "genetic diversity". An extension of Dyson's principle prohibits people from changing their names indiscriminately.


Xiang Shan was a little surprised: "With such harsh conditions, there are still people willing to adopt a child?"

Human beings want to raise children because genes give organisms the instinct to "continue the genetic information." In some human cultures, "adopted children" can be regarded as the continuation of the culture of the adoptive parents, inheriting honors such as "family name" - Xiangshan's impression should be like this.

But's not his bloodline, and he's not allowed to inherit his name?

The mayor was a little strange: "Why not? Is it considered a welfare for family members to help each other?"

"Welfare...oh...I probably understand."

Perhaps for “parents” in this era, raising children is really just “welfare”? In this era, parents don’t need to worry about “education” because “knowledge” will be implanted in the brain during the first brain modification. And cyber people are indeed easier to maintain than natural people in various senses...

Yulia seemed to only look at Yuki from the window at night.

But after understanding this level, Xiangshan felt that this era was even more awkward. In his opinion, Yulia's love for Yuki should be consistent with the love that existed in the past era, but...

The mayor was a little strange: "Is this strange? Shan, where did you come from? That place is very different from ours?"

Xiang Shan shook his head, and the sound machine simulated a bitter laugh: "I don't remember."

The mayor sighed: "Anyway, in half a month, the welfare officer will come to this town. However, this year the tax officer did not collect all the taxes... What happens next depends on luck. Maybe nothing will happen. It is possible that... we will temporarily lose our 'shelter' for a period of time."

After waking up for so long, Xiangshan probably understood what the so-called "protection" was.

If explained in the terms of the old generation, "civilized protection" includes what used to be called "personal rights" such as "right to life", "right to health", "right to property" and "economic, cultural and social rights".

Xiangshan still doesn't know what is ruling the world now, but he thinks that many other political rights do not exist for everyone. Therefore, it cannot be said that "civilized protection" is equal to "complete human rights".

People who have lost the protection of civilization have no rights protected.

Anyone can treat those who have lost the protection of civilization in any form.

If those who have lost their asylum continue to harm those who have asylum, they become "thugs", and then the lord has the obligation to eliminate those thugs.

However, the Dyson principle has never stipulated that "it must be eliminated to the extent that it reaches a certain level." In this regard, the lord's discretion was very wide.

Xiangshan once thought that the so-called "Dyson Principle" might be an idiotic thing formulated after taking "less management means better management" to the most extreme direction.

"If the lord is in a good mood, a thug may be fine no matter what he does. But maybe he will be killed by the lord just after he loses his asylum?"

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