Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 700 I can’t wait any longer

The prophet walked to the door of the temple, holding a small round heater in his hand.

The white Shark gauze robe hung down to her ankles, her eyes were covered by the Shark gauze, and her green silk hair hung down like a waterfall. The cold wind mixed with moisture blew in, causing the hem of the clothes to flutter.

At this time, he looked like an immortal who might ascend at any time.

The two divine servants knelt on the ground, their eyes looking at the prophet full of reverence.

The shell wind chime hanging above the door swayed gently, making a crisp crashing sound, constantly circling in this empty temple.

"Have you not heard back from the people sent to Rock City yet?"

The prophet's voice was clear and cold, falling on the stone floor like jade beads.

The divine waiter put his forehead on the floor and replied respectfully: "No."

Logically speaking, every temple must have a high priest, and the candidate for the high priest is usually the former witch doctor of Beast City. However, if there was no witch doctor in Beast City before, or the witch doctor is not qualified for the job, For the position of high priest, the Temple of Beasts has the right to appoint other orcs to serve as high priests.

Since the establishment of Rock City, there has been no high priest in the temple, which is obviously against the rules.

The Presbyterian Church talks about this matter for a long time almost every day.

Now that Rock City is developing rapidly and is very powerful, they would like to take the opportunity to place their confidants as high priests in the temple of Rock City.

It's a pity that the prophet never nodded in agreement.

The elders did not dare to disobey the prophet, but they were not willing to give up their job as the high priest of the Rock Temple. They would find opportunities to come to the prophet and say a few words every day.

In order to deal with these elders, the prophet sent a divine servant to Rock City last month to see what Shuangyun thought of the selection of the high priest.

Who would have thought that the divine attendant would never return.

The prophet actually didn't care about the position of the high priest of the Rock Temple. He just wanted to know what happened to Xianyuan. Unfortunately, he didn't come back, so he had nothing to do.

He used to be able to clearly see the slow future with his own eyes, but now, he can only see a blur.

Only his intuition told him that his life was about to be in danger.

There was lightning and thunder in the night sky, and it was still raining.

The shell wind chime was blown wildly by the wind, and the impact sound became more intense and compact.

The prophet was silent for a long time before speaking.

"I'm going to be away for a while. After I leave, you will be closed behind closed doors."

Hearing this, the two divine servants raised their heads at the same time and looked at the prophet in disbelief.

"Sir, are you going out?!"


"But aren't you allowed to go out?"

After the prophet took charge of the Temple of Beasts, the first prophecy he saw was the scene of his own death at the hands of a monster.

In order to prevent the prophecy from coming true, he has been living in seclusion and has never left the sacred mountain.

But now, he actually wants to leave the temple on his own initiative!

The prophet's tone was very calm: "I need to find someone. After I find her, she will come back. You don't need to worry too much."

"It is the rainy season now, and the heavy rain will not stop. Even if you want to go out, please wait until the rain stops, and then the divine guards will escort you out."

Faced with the dissuasion of the divine servants, the prophet never changed his mind.

"I can't wait any longer."

If he waits any longer, he may be dead.

The divine servants had no choice but to summon the divine guards as quickly as possible.

Of the twelve divine guards, five of them are away on business and will not be able to come back for a while. Now only seven divine guards can be found, including the double mirror.

On weekdays, the divine guards are elusive and rarely appear neatly in the same place like now.

They stood quietly in the temple, their aura of strong men spreading silently.

When they heard that the prophet was going down the mountain, they all looked puzzled or surprised.

The prophet had no intention of explaining. He took out a small wooden box and handed it to Shuangjing: "Send this box to Sun City. When Bai Emperor gets there, you will give it to Bai Emperor."

Shuangjing took the wooden box with both hands: "Yes."

"I went down the mountain this time to find someone. After I find her, I will come back."

Divine Guards: "We will keep you safe."

"No, you don't have to come with me."

The divine guards were all surprised.

The prophet said calmly: "You stay in the Temple of All Beasts and help me keep an eye on the Council of Elders. Don't let those guys cause trouble while I'm away."

Although the divine guards had doubts about the prophet's decision, they finally nodded in agreement out of their trust in the prophet.


Another bolt of thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, and the loud rumble was deafening.

The prophet's face flashed in the lightning.

"If I can't come back, you will hold this position for me until my successor appears."

Hearing this, all the divine guards were stunned.

They wanted to say something, but saw the prophet raise his hand: "I know what you want to say. My body is already dying. Even if I don't go down the mountain, I won't be able to hold on for long."

The divine guards had complicated expressions.

The eyes of a prophet are born to see through the past and the future. This is a gift from God.

But God also deprived him of his health.

One gain and one loss, very fair.

The prophet gently touched the small heater in his hand. He had not received much warmth in his life, and the little warmth in his hand became even more precious.

"I have been trapped in this temple for too long. I am really tired. I want to see the outside world before leaving."

The divine guards said no more words of dissuasion.

They withdrew silently.

The rain was still falling, as if it would never end.

The prophet put on a black cloak and walked down the stairs step by step under the worried eyes of the divine attendants.

He rarely goes out, and the last time he walked this road was more than ten years ago.

At that time, he slowly walked down the mountain and carried her down from here.

She once smiled and invited him to visit Rock Mountain.

I don’t know if she still remembers this incident...

Unconsciously, the prophet had reached the foot of the mountain. His face was hidden under his hood, and the rain and fog continued to blur his figure. No one recognized his identity along the way.

When he walked to the outer city and passed the shops, he saw an orc selling umbrellas.

"This is an umbrella purchased from Rock City. It uses fine bamboo pieces to make the umbrella ribs. The umbrella cover is also made of specially treated animal skin. It is smooth and strong. As long as you hold it, it will definitely I won’t let a drop of rain fall on me…”

The three words "Rock City" caught the prophet's footsteps.

He walked over, reached out and picked up an umbrella: "How did you sell it?"

"Just a colorless crystal."

To be honest, the price was a bit expensive, but the prophet didn't care.

He casually gave a colorless crystal and bought the umbrella.

Opening the umbrella, the wet rainwater is immediately isolated. It is indeed a wonderful little thing.

The prophet held the smooth umbrella handle, thinking that it must be something slowly tinkered with.

Only she will spend her time on the details of life.

He walked out of the City of Beasts holding an umbrella, and his lonely and cold figure gradually walked away and disappeared into the endless rain and fog...

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