Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 350 The Shenmu Clan (Part 2)

The girl looked at his almost paranoid look and suddenly smiled.

The smile is full of compassion.

"Bi Huan, life and death are determined by destiny. Even gods do not have the ability to bring the dead back to life."

Bihuan refused to believe her words, and he said almost paranoidly: "Impossible! There must be some way to save Yuying! There must be!"

The surrounding environment suddenly changed again.

The secret room turned into a forest. It was night, the sky was dark, and only the moonlight mushroom was quietly glowing with a light blue light.

Looking around slowly, he soon saw Bi Huan's figure.

He was standing in the shadow under the tree, and in front of him was a tall male beast wearing a black cloak.

The two of them seemed to be talking about something.

Wanting to see more clearly, Xuan slowly walked over and saw clearly that the male beast hidden under the cloak turned out to be a foreign demon orc!

This alien orc looks older, his temples have turned white, but he is still in good spirits, and his eyes are shining with shrewdness.

He smiled and said: "You only need to kill the saint and feed your partner with her flesh and blood, and your partner will be cured."

Hearing this, Bi Huan showed a look of struggle.

The alien beastman was like a queen in a fairy tale, constantly tempting the other party to eat poisonous apples.

"What are you still hesitating about? Are you still counting on the sacred tree to save your partner? Give up, it's just a tree and can't save anyone. If you want to protect your partner, you can only rely on yourself."

Bihuan clenched his fists: "But if you kill the saint, Shenmu will definitely find out..."

"Then destroy the sacred tree as well. I heard that if you refine the sacred tree into medicine, you can live forever. Don't you want to be with your partner forever? You will never have to worry about death coming to separate you. You can Stay together until eternity."

Bi Huan's eyes gradually turned gloomy: "Is it really possible to live forever?"

"Of course, not only will you and your partner be immortal, but your entire Shenmu clan will also be immortal. You will become immortal and become stronger and stronger. How wonderful!"

Bi Huan's heart gradually became cold and hard, and he uttered four words: "I know."

The alien orc raised a satisfied smile.

The surrounding environment changed again.

They returned from the forest to the underground chamber.

The girl was tied to the altar, and her limbs were firmly fixed.

She looked at Bi Huan who was approaching step by step in horror, and shouted in disbelief: "Are you really going to kill me? Are you crazy?!"

Bi Huan raised the bone knife and slashed her wrist.

The wound was cut deep enough to the bone, and blood overflowed and fell into the bowl.

After the blood was filled, Bi Huan helped the girl bandage the wound and left with a bowl full of blood.

Xuexuan quickly pulled the system to follow him.

They saw Bi Huan mixing the bowl of blood into the soup and feeding it to Yu Ying to drink.

The girl's blood seemed to be really effective. Yuying's face became rosier day by day, and her spirit became much better.

Bihuan was very happy. He would go to the underground secret room every day, cut a knife on the girl's body, and feed Yuying a bowl of blood.

Yuying's body is getting better and better, while the girl's body is getting weaker and weaker.

Until Yuying's condition completely improved, the girl finally couldn't bear the torture and died in the underground secret room.

From then on, Bi Huan sealed the underground secret room and never stepped into the secret room again.

Looking at the girl's skinny body slowly, I felt a chill in my heart.

She murmured: "Can this kind of life-for-life approach really save a dying person?"

The system said: "There is no way to bring the dead back to life."

"Then why does Yuying..."

"She won't live long."

The system speaks for itself.

It didn't take long for Yuying's body to develop problems, and she became bloodthirsty and cruel.

Her favorite thing is to torture animals until they are dying, then bite their necks and suck their blood.

Bi Huan sensed something was wrong, but he could not stop Yu Ying and was reluctant to make what she had done known to the public. Not only did he help Yuying capture animals for her to torture and kill, but he also helped her cover up her traces to prevent others from discovering them.

Xuanyuan watched with cold eyes, watching Yuying become more and more crazy day by day, and her appetite became bigger and bigger day by day.

One day, Yuying was no longer satisfied with killing animals, and she extended her claws to the orcs in the city.

When the first one dies, there will be a second one.

One by one, the orcs disappeared, and their lives and deaths were unknown. This quickly attracted the attention of the orcs. Everyone began to investigate the matter, but after a long investigation, they could not find out the truth.

Because no one could have imagined that the high priest would actually do this.

Unable to find out the truth, the orcs could only live in fear. They collectively went to worship the sacred tree and begged the sacred tree for instructions.

But without the saint, no one can communicate with the sacred tree.

It was only then that they suddenly remembered that they had not seen the saint for a long time.

Slowly stood in front of the sacred tree.

She looked at the big tree in front of her. Hundreds of years had passed between them, but she could still feel the sadness in the Shenmu's heart.

As if being inspired by something, Huan Huan stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to touch the sacred tree.

But the finger penetrated the sacred tree.

No matter how real everything seems to be, it is just a big dream after all.

She was in it and could only watch, unable to intervene.

The system touched her head: "Do you want to continue reading?"

Slowly retracted his hand and closed his fingers: "Of course."

In order to cover up the crime, Bi fantasized about blaming all the crimes on the saint, and then made it look like the saint was absconding in fear of the crime.

He planned carefully, but he didn't expect Yuying to lose control. She sneaked out and killed a cub!

The cub came every day to water the sacred tree and talk to it, but it saw with its own eyes that this innocent and lovely cub was brutally killed.

Shenmu, who had always been gentle, couldn't help but become angry at this time.

It pierced Yuying's chest with a branch!

When Bihuan found Yuying, she was already dead. Her body was lying in a pool of blood, becoming cold and stiff.

Bi Huan is in pain and wishes to live.

He raised his head and stared at Shenmu with an extremely hostile look: "You killed her!"

The sacred tree remained untouched, with only the branches still stained with Yuying's blood.

Bi Huan's sanity completely collapsed.

The sacred tree he once believed in most had killed his favorite companion with his own hands.

His strong hatred allowed him to endure the backlash brought about by his partner's contract.

"I used to think you were kind to the common people, but you just ignored my begging!"

"I regard you as my god, but you can't save my lover!"

"Tao Wei is right, you are not a sacred tree at all, you are just a useless old tree!"

"You can't save anyone! You don't deserve our faith!"

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