Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 2 Chapter 890: First win half a move

The figure of Lu Tianxu was sluggish for a moment at this moment.

Everyone present also had their pupils shrunk slightly, looking at this scene with shocking eyes.

What kind of sword is this? !

Even cut a hole in the real law domain!

Moreover, it is still the power of practicing gold, stepping into the realm of Dongzhen with the indestructible gold!

Everyone realizes at this moment,

That kid named Zhang Qingyuan, maybe it wasn't because of his spirit that he came to the door to seek revenge.

He really has the confidence and preparation to deal with the cave!

Lu Tianxu fell into a daze,

But Zhang Qingyuan won't.

That green lotus suppressed the heaven and the earth, tearing the golden law domain apart, and the lotus heart reflected by the color of its five aggregates suddenly erupted out of an aura that made the heaven and the earth tremble, and it ran through the thousands of feet in the sky and landed in the sky. The market is beheaded!

The boundless momentum makes the sky tremble!

Everyone around just felt the lingering prestige, and they all felt a sense of fear and horror!

This is potential!

Step by step from the South China Sea, with each step, the momentum rises by one point.

This is a sword Zhang Qingyuan has used to explode all his accumulated potential along the way!

Before leaving the South China Sea that day, after Zhang Qingyuan Mingxin and Taoist confronted a move, Ming realized the truth of using Taoism to block himself from the general trend.

Then use a variety of swordsmanship to integrate the momentum accumulated step by step into it, and turn it into this earth-shattering ultimate move!

Lu Tianxu wanted to kill Zhang Qingyuan with invincible power as soon as he shot it, slashing the chaos with a quick knife, and annihilating this huge future threat on the spot.

Why didn't Zhang Qingyuan want to take this opportunity to injure each other severely and narrow the gap between them?

The sky green lotus transformed into swordsmanship tore the law domain apart, and the true ultimate move banned by the Five Elements Taoism contained in it was completely blooming at this moment, penetrating the world!

"Damn it!"

This contains the "power" that Zhang Qingyuan has condensed along the way, the sword of destroying the world and destroying the earth, and it has already carried dangerous power fluctuations in an instant, reaching Lu Tianxu like thunder and lightning!

Although Lu Tianxu was stunned for a moment at the previous moment,

But after all, it is the power of the real world.

The terrifying sword light burst out with a boundless aura, swept in front of him, and he responded in an instant without seeing any movement. The brilliant rays of light all appeared, transforming into a brilliant divine wheel. An indestructible and heavy barrier of light is formed in front of it!

boom! ! !

Brilliant rays of light erupted above the sky, vast power swept across all directions, and the vast expanse of golden light seemed to be galloping with thousands of horses!

At this moment, the entire sky was overwhelmed by the brilliant light produced by the explosion, and the force generated by the collision was too terrifying!

You can see the center of the collision,

The sword light tore through the bright golden light wall, but it also consumed a lot of power. The remaining power swept through, penetrated the space, and instantly killed!

"not good!"

Lu Tianxu's pupils shrank sharply, his head twisted to his side, his sword aura whizzed past him sharply.

Lu Tianxu escaped the remaining prestige of this sword.


When the light fades,

I saw a straight scar on his left face.

The dazzling gilt blood oozes out from the sword wound, and there seems to be Taoism flowing in the faintly!

Lu Tianxu lightly wiped the bottom,

Seeing the golden blood on the fingertips,

Somewhat dazed.

he is injured!

The thunder strike that went all out, not only did not kill the little ghost in the True Element Realm in front of him, but was scratched by the opponent's sword, and blood was shed!

How many years has it been?

Since I was promoted to Dongzhen, I seem to have never been injured!

Lu Tianxu looked at the blood on his fingertips with a trance in his eyes.

The realm of the Dongzhen law domain is not only strong in the Tao law domain, but also in the all-round improvement of spirit and physique!

Take the golden path he took,

The body has the indestructible power of Taoism lingering around the body, for a monk in the True Element Realm, even if he stands there, the ants can't break his escaped Taoism defense!

This is also Lu Tianxu's greatest confidence in not paying attention to Zhang Qingyuan's true origin realm!

Under the cave, all are ants!

But at this moment,

He was bitten by this ant just in the first fight!


Not only was Lu Tianxu stunned, but even the gaze hidden around him at this moment was a dead silence.

Even though the sword power that broke out at that moment, the power contained in it made them feel shocked.

But they didn’t think of it anyway,

It was just the first fight, and Lu Tianxu, who was a realm of law, was hurt to his face!

"It's really amazing and gorgeous, no wonder you dare to challenge the existence of a Dongzhen series, maybe three hundred years ago, the scene that happened on this Tianfeng peak will appear again!"

The majestic existence whispered authentically.

Even though they are a great power in the realm of Dongzheng who walked up from the realm of cultivation, they are very aware of the huge gap between the realm of realm and the realm of Dongzhen.

But this scene in front of me couldn't help but make waves in my heart.

Someone could do it more than 300 years ago,

Why can't anyone do it in this era? !

"This son, never stay!"

Among the helpers invited by Lu Tianxu, someone sent out Senhan's murderous intent, causing the temperature of the space to drop a lot!

This kind of evildoer still condenses the evildoer of the Five Elements Taoism,

He must not be allowed to walk out of Jietian Peak alive!

Otherwise, it will be a nightmare for all their enemies in the future!

At this moment between the sky and the earth, the air is evaporating, and a devastating storm sweeps the sky. The entire Jitianfeng is shaking at this moment, as if it was broken under the impact of this space. Come down.

Zhang Qingyuan was suspended in mid-air,

Divine consciousness reflected in the depths of the Dantian Qi Sea, at the center of the surging golden waves, that sword type was already dimmed.

This represents the pinnacle sword cultivated by the fusion of the general momentum and various swordsmanship accumulated along the way.

This moment is completely consumed!


Zhang Qingyuan whispered in his heart.

Such a sword,

However, it was only able to leave a shallow sword wound on his face, and it would not have much impact on it at all.

The strength of Dongzhen realm,

Sure enough, it was not possible to easily change the balance of the battle situation by relying on some small means.

But this is not bad,

At least he won a half move first!

What's more, since the opponent can be injured under his own sword, it means that the real world of Dong is not really invincible!

"Come on, let me see the true power of Dongzhen level!"

Zhang Qingyuan's body raised a surging aura, and a bright golden light like the sun rose from the dantian, fell into his hands, and turned into a long sword that exudes terrifying waves.

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan’s aura and the sword pill in his hand echoed each other, producing a raging aura. The surrounding space was rolled up with majestic waves visible to the naked eye, setting him off like a **** descending from nine heavens, majestic and majestic. , Unstoppable!


Zhang Qingyuan, who was holding a huge momentum, stepped forward.

The world shook in an instant!

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