Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Throw a punch at the stronger


Facing the voice hidden in the dark, Yan Kuangtu coldly snorted, raised his hand to make a fist, and blasted out a fist.

It blasted vigorously like a meteorite falling, and the air was full of piercing and sharp howls, and the impact swept through it like a torrent!


Hit the void in front of you with a punch,

I saw that the empty space was suddenly surging, as if hitting something, making a violent roar, and the whole world was shaking!

The violent True Yuan fluctuations swept away, and the surrounding towering trees were all being broken in bursts!

Zhang Huaiyu, who was not far away, couldn't help but step back a few steps in the storm!

Like a figure smashed out of the void,

Flew upside down.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a sneer from that voice:

"Frankie Yan, you are not relatives to these people, why bother to stand up for them? Don't you want to misunderstand yourself. If you are not at the peak of the Eightfold True Essence, you think you are very strong?"

"Oh, it is strong or weak, I know in my heart! But in my life as a fanatic, I have never punched the weak!"

In the pupils of Yan Kuang's eyes, it suddenly appeared that the domineering intent of burning through the void lit up.

That sound resounded like a gold and iron clash, resounding in the void.

The fanatic Yan didn't hesitate at all, and threw a punch at the opposite figure.

This punch,

With boundless dominance and lofty sentiment, his fists soared into the sky and carried through Nine Heavens, as if to smash the entire sky into a big hole!

Even if it was several tens of feet away, Zhang Huaiyu felt the domineering force that drove people's hearts!

"Kunyan Yan, is he a Tianjiao who was once defeated by that person? Why did he make the move?"

Zhang Huaiyu was a little dazed.

Not only did he fail to figure it out,

The opponent hiding in the dark can't figure it out.

If it is a normal person,

Facing the enemies who have defeated oneself in the past, most of them are standing idly by, or even gloating over misfortune!

Why would you lend a helping hand?

The person hiding in the dark didn't understand.

But he didn't have time to think about it.

The power contained in the fist that was smashed like the mountains and the sea in front of him, like the entire sky was pouring down, actually surpassed the limit of the eighth peak, reaching the level of the nine-fold true essence!

This kind of domineering will, even he can't ignore it!

Boom! ! !

One hit collided, the sky broke and the earth broke,

The entire mountain range collapsed at this moment, with huge cracks spreading around.

The terrible impact swept away, and the towering trees within a radius of several hundred meters were all lifted up to the sky by a substantive air current!

The figure with the aura on the opposite side in Zhenyuan Jiuzhong staggered back a few steps.

There was no excitement on Yan Kuang's face, his eyes were still deep and composed.

In front of us,

Those members of the Zhang clan that I saw earlier rushed up one by one, desperately blew themselves up, and used their lives to tear out a path of life for the younger generation, so that the shock in his heart could not be recovered for a long time!

In fact,

The reason for appearing here is just an accident.

After the Yan lunatic who was cultivating in the deep valley that day got Zhang Qingyuan's strong man who used his true essence to counter-cut the real world for half a step, his mind was hard to calm down.

Since he was defeated by Zhang Qingyuan, he crawled out of the abyss and worked hard day and night in order to surpass that person.

However, when he had achieved something and was complacent, the news gave him a blow.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger!

He is not reconciled,

But this is a fact and cannot be changed!

But he didn't want to give up,

He wanted to go back to the sect to see each other with his own eyes, and see with his own eyes how big the gap between each other was!

As a result, the fanatic Yan embarked on the journey back to the sect.

As a result, when passing through the area of ​​Huashan County, he happened to encounter this interception, and was attracted by the scene of self-explosion and heroic sacrifice in the perception.

And from the conversation between the two parties in the battle, they learned the whole story.

Those who were besieged were the clansmen of Zhang Qingyuan, the enemy of his life!

And those who besieged them were the villains who sneaked into this place from the three-regardless zone outside the country.

It seems to be related to a big figure, and the purpose is directed at Zhang Qingyuan behind it.

If it is other times,

Yan fanatic may not be nosy, he has never been an enthusiastic person.

But he was really shocked by the heroism of the Zhang clan members who went to death one after another!

The courage of the weak to throw their fists at the invincible enemy even if they die,

The Yan lunatic had a very strong emotional resonance!

Although Yan Kuangzi is strong among the cultivators of the same generation, which of the enemies he has actively challenged and threw his fists at is not even stronger than him in the realm of strength? !

Throw a fist at the stronger, I am invincible in my heart!

This is the Taoist heart of the Yan lunatics who climbed out of the abyss of despair and reborn after being defeated by Zhang Qingyuan's invincible power!

And this broken and then erected way, let the overbearing true intent in his fist to a higher level!

So he shot!

Because that scene was in line with his boxing, that kind of majestic emotion resonated with his boxing force, and it faintly took it to the next level!

Even more because

Zhang Qingyuan is the most powerful enemy in his life. He has to personally defeat the opponent upright and cross this mountain!

Before going head-on with him again,

No one is allowed to use any villain tricks to conspiracy against the only biggest opponent he admits!

"Although your realm is higher than mine, you are but a weak person!"

The cold voice resounded in the void,

Yan Kuangpu blasted out with a punch, and his majestic will rushed into the sky like a vast smoke of wolf smoke, and the whole world seemed to tremble under this extremely terrifying and domineering fist!

Boom! ! !

The majestic true essence swept through like a torrent of tsunami, flooding the heavens and the earth, and that punch seemed to penetrate the aura of heaven, burst like a big sun and stars, exuding incomparably fierce descended into the world!

For a while, those who were hiding in the dark were all captured by this momentum.

But soon,

The man was sober up, becoming angry from embarrassment.

"Frankie Yan, since you want to die, this seat will fulfill you!"

It is a shame that he is dignified by the power of the nine-fold True Essence Realm, and he will be taken by a small eight-fold True Essence junior. This is simply a shame!

In the angry roar, a blade of light broke through the world, bursting out hundreds of feet of light, as if to split the entire world, wrapped in boundless mighty force and bombarded it!

boom! ! !

The great collision that ruined the sky and the earth broke out, the destructive energy rays shining away, and the rays of light rising like the scorching sun could be seen from a few miles away.

As soon as the two played against each other, they immediately entered the most intense stage of life and death!

The earth-shaking energy exploded one after another, just the energy that escaped, blasted the mountains and rivers to smash!

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