This failed attempt was not entirely without gain.

Failure is not terrible,

The most terrible thing is not to learn the lesson after failure.

Obviously Zhang Qingyuan is not such a person.

Three months of gaining nothing has undoubtedly awakened him, knowing exactly how weak his power level is.

After understanding Zhang Qingyuan, after a day off, he changed his plan.

This time, he will be down to earth!

"Five-color divine light is impossible. At this level of mine, I am not qualified to touch such power."

"However, these three months of attempts are not really totally fruitless. The failed attempts, on the contrary, let me see other ways!"

"In fact, as far as I am concerned, there is no such strength that can support the creation of any powerful magical means, so there is only an honest road to follow..."

In the dark secret room,

Zhang Qingyuan’s dark pupils renewed their light,

Sharp and powerful,

Once again brought up Wushuang's ambition.

"It doesn't need to be complicated, it doesn't need to be mystery. You only need to combine the power of the five elements to complete the five elements of wood, water, fire, and earth, mutually restrain each other, and rotate with each other. The power in this is already terrifying enough!"

When in the Yuantian Realm,

Based on Earth, Fire and Fengshui, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm that encompasses the power of the four elephants can generate a powerful force that surpasses itself, killing the half-step hole with a single palm!

And now,

Based on the Five Elements Reincarnation, it integrates the Five Elements Dao method that oneself walks through, and the Five Elements Dao Foundation that gathers the power of the five elements for ten thousand years. The magical powers produced by the combination of the two do not need other bells and whistles at all. What will happen Amazing power!

Such as the Buddha's Fury Lotus created by Emperor Yan,

There is no need for two different fires to operate, just combining the energy generated by the collision is enough to surpass oneself, leapfrogging and killing powerful enemies like drinking water to eat, the power is ruining the world!

"It's what I'm thinking about. High-level power, perhaps just the most simple and straightforward display, is enough to shock the world!"

Zhang Qingyuan, who had come to the realization, immediately abandoned all thoughts.

In the most straightforward way,

The Five Elements Dao Law and the Five Element Dao Foundation that I have comprehended began to slowly merge.


The sky quashed,

The Qi of Heaven and Earth seemed to have set off huge waves, surging heavily.

On this day,

The entire month is over the islands,

It is as if the Dao Yun with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has come to the world, like the sun hanging high in the sky, the five airs are running and blooming, covering every corner of the void.

Benefiting from such a vision like the manifestation of heaven and earth,

At this moment, all the monks in the Yuelian Islands who were practicing in retreat only felt that their spirits had risen to the limit, and their cultivation strength had improved by leaps and bounds!


At the same time Zhang Qingyuan retreats to practice the five elements to kill supernatural powers,

The wave of rumors and deeds from the outside world has gradually faded as he stays out for many days.

After all, although the big news sensation is a sensation,

But if you talk every day, the people who are talking are not tired, and the people who are talking are tired.

People's attention began to gradually shift to other novel places.


Under this gradually dissipating wave, the undercurrent hidden in the darkness gradually became more and more urgent, disturbing the current under the line of sight as much as possible!

Huainan Army, Huashan County.

On the open space in front of Zhang's ancestral hall,

At this moment, the core clansmen of the entire family of hundreds of large and small people gathered here.

The gray-haired old patriarch leaned on a cane and barely straightened his already rickety waist. His old face faced the crowd, and the exhaustion that could not be concealed in his muddy current situation and within the clan The decision of the clan has already been discussed in the previous clan association, the old man, I will not elaborate on it anymore. Next, I will talk about the arrangement. "

"The old man and my Zhang family’s main line and family’s elite masters will **** the family’s ancestor’s tablet to the South China Sea Yuelian Islands, while the others, taking your family and ordinary subordinates, will separate and move away. The relocation of the people, the refuge of relatives and friends, they are broken into pieces, and they are separated."

"The Zhang family in Huainan, it's up to today."

"If we can successfully overcome the dangers and reach the Moon Lotus Islands, pass on the incense of the Zhang family, and have a chance to rise in the future, then you will still be my family members of the Zhang family, or the family of the Zhang family in Huainan!"

The old patriarch slammed the crutch in his hand heavily,

Muddy eyes swept across the faces one by one in front, faintly with tears.

Among the crowd, there was a faintly suppressed whimper and cry.

The Zhang family, which has been inherited for nearly 800 years,

It's over!

The distress encountered this time was not the one more than twenty years ago.

It was hundreds of times more terrifying than the previous crisis!

That is related to the dangers of the great figures of the Dongzhen series who have been heard and never seen before in their lives in the legend!

A little careless,

There will be the disaster of the whole clan!


There are still six hundred words here, wait ten minutes to finish writing.

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