The island can't be released,

This is obviously very large for the damage to the Moon Link Islands.

After all, as an industrial and commercial island, the low-end comprehension resources produced by large-scale industrialization need to be purchased and sold through merchants, and economic exchanges with foreign countries are required to turn their strong productivity into wealth of comprehension resources.

Now, one is from Yuelian Islands.

The few commercial activities that have survived under the target will be completely cut off.

It is like taking away the foundation of a house completely.

The Yuelian Islands want to resume their recent grand occasions, but I don’t know how many years it will take!

But even so, Zhang Qingyuan gave the order to seal the island.

After decades of plundering of output and accumulated spiritual stone resources, Zhang Qingyuan felt that there was enough.

As long as you are promoted to Dongzhen,

Then all the problems can be easily solved. As a real and powerful dojo in Jieshi, the Yuelian Islands can become prosperous again without any rebuilding, and become the holy land of the South China Sea cultivation world.

At that time, what kind of business will not be prosperous?

There is no need to pay for it now.

"Uncle Chang Yang, take advantage of this period of time to rest for a while, let everyone put aside trivial matters, focus on practice, and take advantage of the opportunity to improve their cultivation."

"In fact, the reason why the island has fallen to such a point is due to the island’s rapid rise and poor foundation. With the help of the island’s kung fu to cultivate internal skills, and to produce more masters, even if I am not here, relying on the island If the inner strength can contend, it won't be lost."

Seeing Zhang Changyang's expression declining visible to the naked eye, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but comfort himself.


Hearing that Zhang Changyang suddenly started.

"Our strength is too weak! The rise of Yuelian Islands has always relied on the deterrence of Qingyuan's own existence, so that the pirates did not dare to cross the thunder pond for half a step."

"But in fact, in the entire island, not to mention the high-level, middle-level True Element Realm low-level cultivators are very few, this foundation is simply not enough to support the benefits of Yuelian Islands itself!"

"So after Qingyuan you were restricted, it led to the current situation in Yuelian Islands!"

"I understand!"

Zhang Changyang was awakened by Zhang Qingyuan's words, and for a time a burning fighting spirit rose in his eyes.

The development of Yuelian Islands is what he sees.

It's like a child who has seen a big child since childhood.

The feelings attached to this are naturally sad in my heart when I see the Yuelian Islands encounter such a catastrophe.

Now that Zhang Qingyuan wakes up and understands the root cause of the island's decline, Zhang Changyang can't wait for his own strength to rise rapidly, and the island's roots will become the cornerstone of its survival and development.

Seeing that the old Zhang Changyang also had fighting spirit in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan stopped saying anything.

Yang Yuyan turned her gaze to the side, thanking her for her help, and at the same time using the power of Muxing to cast a powerful recovery technique to restore her injury.

Time flies, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Under Zhang Qingyuan’s will,

Yuelian Islands began preparations for sealing the island.

After all the people who wanted to leave left, the large formation of protecting the island moved, and the light curtain rose, covering the entire island, completely blocking the communication channel with the outside world.

And at this time,

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhang Qingyuan saw everything in his eyes.


After a long time, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

After a short break of ten days, Zhang Qingyuan had already recovered his spirit to the peak, so he began a new round of retreat.

"At its peak, the Yuelian Islands could be said to be the economic center of the entire Zhoushan area. It is also a famous cultivation city in the entire South China Sea, but now it is quickly defeated in the words of some big people."

Inside the secret room, a blazing fire ignited in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

"All this is because it is not strong enough!"

"The weak and the strong, if I don't want to fall into such a situation, then the only thing I can do is to improve my own strength as much as possible!"

"Only one's own strength is one's biggest support!"

After so many years,

Zhang Qingyuan stayed the longest this month without doubt.

Years of life,

I am used to this all sorts of things,

Get used to the prosperity of the outer islands.

This is another home he settled down in this world!

Now that he sees such a withered scene, how can he not feel angry in his heart?

But incompetent fury,

Not worth mentioning at all!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's pursuit of strength is even more urgent!

"Since the old guy named Lu Tianxu can attack the Junior Realm Realm with the face of true power, maybe he will put down his body and attack and assassinate me again!"

"The current me urgently needs a means to deal with the realm of the realm of Dongzhen!"

in the dark,

As Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts surged, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered one after another.

Finally, my mind stayed on a plan,

The expression in his eyes also became firm.

"Today, my spirit, spirit, and spirit fellow practitioners, coupled with my own fierce and strong background that far exceeds that of monks of the same rank ~, can only barely contend with the strength of the Dongzhen level."

"If you want to gain the strength to deal with this level, you must first obtain the level strength that can threaten the opponent!"

Kill the supernatural powers!

Such an answer flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

In fact, apart from this thing,

He really couldn't find other means.

Although the Buddha country is strong in the palm,

But that can only bully opponents who have a half-step Dongzhen level. Facing the power of the real Dongzhen series, he still does not neglect.

"The foundation of the five elements is already in hand, and the strength of the five elements is complete, so there is only this way to go next!"

Performing the five elements, walk through the road leading to Dongzhen in advance.

Then use the Five Elements Method to merge the Five Elements Dao Foundation to create your own Five Elements Killing Power!

With firm determination,

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes, his mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, his gaze looked at the five-element round wheel floating in the sky slowly and exuding endless Taoism.

"Five Elements Dao Fa, open!"

In my mind,

The images of the five elements inheritance in the Yuan Tianjie kept flashing in front of you.

boom! ! !

Knowing the sea vacuum, immediately set off a huge shock.

At that moment, the five-element round wheel seemed to turn into wind, into rain, and into lightning that tore through the sky, blending with the void of heaven and earth, setting off a huge vibration, and inducing the interaction of the principles of Taoism in the world!

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have walked to a door leading to the unknown, pushing with his hand, the door banged open, revealing the path extending into endless darkness, with no end in sight!

"Is this the real way to the cave?"

this moment,

Without any hesitation, Zhang Qingyuan took one step and stepped up!

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