Knowing many secrets did not bring much change to Zhang Qingyuan.

Whether it is the line of water travel, or the intricate relationship between radicals and conservatives between sects.

After Zhang Qingyuan learned of the relationship, apart from dispelling previous doubts, there was basically no major reaction.

This kind of calm caused Zhang Qingyuan's heart to cause a wave of waves.

I think when I was weak,

He has also discovered many clues, knowing the sect, and knowing that his master Mingshui Daoist hides secrets.

It's just that he understands better that instead of bothering to explore these things, it is better to practice hard and improve your own strength. When you reach a level, the so-called secrets will naturally be opened to you.

And now the facts also proved that his decision was correct.

"Sure enough, only one's own strength is the backing of everything!"

Recalling the experience over the years,

Zhang Qingyuan is even more aware of this.

This also made him determined.

This time the Yuantian Realm had gained a great deal, and he didn't plan to go out easily before he thoroughly digested the gains of this trip and even stepped into Dongzhen.

The best thing is to be able to break through the level and break directly into the hole in one fell swoop!

A few days later,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to the Yuelian Islands in a low-key manner.

Except for Elder Zhang Changyang, only Yang Yuyan knew of his return.

There is not much fluctuation in the whole island.

This is what Zhang Qingyuan did intentionally.

After offending the ancestor of the Lu family, and being attacked by the opponent without martial ethics at the exit of Yuan Tianjie, Zhang Qingyuan was more cautious.

This time there has been such a big limelight, and the next period of time will have to behave in a low-key manner.

Back to the island,

Seeing the familiar environment, Zhang Qingyuan's tight heart couldn't help but relax.

Speaking of traveling through so many years, the longest he stayed in the Moon Link Islands.

When I went to the island decades ago, except for a small port town, the entire island was deserted, and the only valuable thing was a small vein of iron ore.

It's almost a place where birds don't shit.

Until now,

The entire archipelago has developed into the most prosperous island in the South China Sea, as well as the largest Xiuzhenfang City. The area has also expanded more than ten times, and the archipelagoes are directly connected together.

The market is lush and brightly lit at night.

The development of Crescent Moon on this day, in addition to his own strength, can already aspire to a small group of masters in the South China Sea, with strong strength and reputation as the backstage, combing with his own various development methods in previous lives, It doesn't matter if it is used on this island.

This sense of business accomplishment from scratch,

That kind of joy from the heart is no less than breaking through the realm to improve strength.

"It seems that it has been more than 30 years!"

On the quiet main peak,

The densely lush forest, all kinds of aura-planting qi machines pull each other, and the gathered vitality is like a sea, and finally merged into the formation, completely isolating the entire main peak from the red qi of the outside world.

Such a secluded place, which is cut off from the red dust, is undoubtedly a good place to retreat.

As the highest peak of the entire island, standing on the top of the mountain can see all the islands with a radius of thousands of miles.

Zhang Qingyuan at this time,

Standing on the top of the main peak, looking into the distance, looking at the prosperous cities and ports of the entire island, he suddenly sighed.

For mortals, the boundary of thousands of miles away is hard to reach.

As far as Zhang Qingyuan is concerned, it is nothing more than that.

He doesn’t even need to look at him,

Only by connecting the aura of heaven and earth with divine consciousness, the whole island can be sensed in his mind.

The majestic breath, vast as the sea.

If it weren't for the natural formation on the main island that used the arrangement of many spiritual plants to isolate the inside and outside, this terrifying breath of the abyss would escape, and I don't know how many people would be frightened.

Over the past thirty years, the changes have not only ended in vicissitudes of life.

Perhaps I had stood on this mountain a few decades ago, looking at the island world under this mountain with the same curiosity and enthusiasm.

Now thirty years have passed,

The person is still that person, and the island is still that island.

But the changes in it can already be called earth-shaking.

And in this huge change, he also gradually adapted to this world, and took root in this world.

Looking at the place where he had stayed for decades, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a strong feeling in his heart.

Anyone stays in one place for decades,

It also feels familiar to that place at home.

And this month connects the islands,

It was also the first place that made him familiar and made him feel like home.

If in the future,

If anyone wants to destroy this place, he will surely make the other party pay the price!

"This peace of mind is my hometown"

Zhang Qingyuan whispered, recalling a sentence written by a famous poet in his life.

this moment,

For the first time, he deeply felt the emotional resonance in this sentence.

This is where he feels at ease.

After staying outside for a long time, rushing for a long time, when I come back, I can always get rid of the exhaustion.

Zhang Qingyuan slowly closed his eyes,

His divine consciousness merged into the sky, escaping the void outside the sky, and perceiving the entanglement and cyclic fluctuations of the aura of the heaven and earth. In the invisible aura induction, he seemed to see the rolling red air, mixed with the emotions of sentient beings. Fusion, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. The seven passions and six desires in the world seem to converge into a vast ocean of countless emotions and thoughts, full of the heaven and earth of this island.

Using his own emotions as a guide, Zhang Qingyuan has some hidden gains.

Tianxin Renxin,

At this moment, there seems to be a new insight.

Sun rises and sunsets,

On this day,

He stood on the top of the mountain for a day and a night.

No one knows what he got from that day and night of insights.

When Yang Yuyan went up the mountain to find him,

Suddenly I felt,

The aura in front of him seemed ethereal, and it seemed to be integrated into ordinary people in the market, like a member of the masses.

These two kinds of breaths are completely out of place, appearing on one person at the same time.

She was involuntarily stunned there, staring blankly at the person in front of her.

"Yuyan, what can you do with me?"

It was Zhang Qingyuan's gentle voice that interrupted her dazedness and awakened her.

"Oh, just before, you said that you met some people from Yaowanggu in the Yuantian realm, so I want to ask you about the specific situation."

Yang Yuyan also stayed in Yuelian Islands for several years.

In the usual conversations, the two of them can be regarded as familiar friends. Naturally, there are no polite words between the friends, so they directly asked their own intentions.

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