Boom boom boom!

The terrifying force collided in the sky, the true essence energy raged, and a storm was set off in the sky, thunder and lightning raged away.

The mountain and forest land below, under this powerful impact, the ground shook and the mountains shook, the rocks shook apart and collapsed!

At the edge of the mountains in the distance, everyone raised their heads, avoiding the impact of the engulfing storm, while staring at the two figures standing high in the sky, as if they had the terrible power of tearing the sky. Shocked.

The power of this series is really terrifying.

At this time, any aftermath from the fight on the sky is enough to blast and smash any cultivator below the 9th layer of true essence!

"Unexpectedly, in less than ten years, Junior Brother Qingyuan would have reached such a point."

"Compared to myself, I am ashamed to have lived so many years."

At the top of the mountain in the distance, a group of people stood on the cliff.

Looking at the earth-shattering battle in the sky, Wang Yuenian could not help but sigh with authenticity.

In a daze, his eyes flashed past the scene when he first saw each other decades ago when he was at the inner gate of the Zongmen.

that time,

This kid is just a small nine-fold cultivation base of Lingyuan. He has just entered the inner door through the inner door Dabi. Although his performance is better than others, it is not too conspicuous.

Compared to a genius who has already achieved something like him, he was just a little transparent that deserves more attention.

Who could have imagined, but in a short span of 30 to 40 years, the opponent has advanced by leaps and bounds, and his strength and realm have rapidly improved, leaving all the "geniuses" of the previous generation far behind!

In less than 50 years, it has reached a level that many people can hardly reach in their lifetime!

Wang Yuenian basically saw everything he experienced in this.

I also have a deeper understanding of its talents.

Unlike many geniuses who are smart but old,

This kid is undoubtedly a monster whose cultivation level is higher, and his talent appears more terrifying!

In his nearly two hundred years of life, he has seen a lot of young talents, but most of them will be ordinary in the future or because of this and other reasons, and there is no more amazing as a teenager.

In other words, most young geniuses are like this.

It was amazing and gorgeous in the Lingyuan realm. Even if there were many monks in the real realm, they might not be able to be outstanding in a short time.

However, the more you go to the back, the more ordinary you become, and you will not be able to break through before being trapped in a certain boundary, completely return to ordinary, and disappear into the vast crowd.

Only Zhang Qingyuan, this kid, is simply the exception among the exceptions.

The more others go to the back, the more difficult it is to practice, and the more ordinary it becomes.

And he started from mediocre,

The further the practice goes, the more smoothly, and the more outstanding talents appear!

The terrifying thing that has been shown up to now is already the enchanting water sword fairy that was rare in a thousand years.

"Half a step against Dongzhen with the nine-fold True Yuan, after this trip, this guy's reputation is probably spread to the world!"

Wang Yuenian's heart was filled with endless emotion.

The gap between Zhenyuan and Dongzhen is as straight as the sky!

Even if it hasn't been transformed and promoted, Dongzhen who has just begun to perform a half-step, for the monks in the real yuan realm, has an absolute power to suppress it!

Wang Yuenian, who has completed the Ninth Layer of True Essence and has played against Qi Mengzhang.

The gap is clear!

"Zhang Qingyuan..."

Hearing Wang Yuenian's emotional voice, Zhao Yuanyang, Liu Zhangyuan and others who knew Yunshuizong were even more complicated.

Especially Liu Zhouwu,

in those days,

That kid was just an ordinary outer disciple in the Seventeenth Courtyard.

Even though the other party showed a lot of potential and asked him to pay a little attention to it a few times, he never imagined that the other party could eventually surpass him in one fell swoop within these decades, and it may not be necessary to reach him in this life. The level that can be reached!


In addition to the complicated mood, Liu Zhouwu also carried pride in his heart.

No matter how,

He Zhang Qingyuan has taught his younger generations.

And the other party is not the kind of ungrateful person, after getting Zhao Yuanyang's request for help, it is enough to source it in person.

"That guy has completely become a big man!"

Zhao Yuanyang and Shen Hongzhou in the back looked at each other, and they both showed wry smiles.

Looking at the sky, while grateful to Zhang Qingyuan for coming to rescue, it also revealed unconcealed envy.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

So big that they can only stand on the ground and look up!

As the same year of the same session, the outer disciples of the same session entered the inner sect practice together.

Seeing that he was originally standing on the same level, and even his companions who were inferior to him at the beginning, he had already left himself and others far behind in a blink of an eye.

Being in the same era as these evildoers, I don't know if it should be unfortunate or fortunate.

Unfortunately, the light of an era will gather on it, and will always press oneself and others below Fortunately, we can see the rise of such a legend, and aiming for it can be a great inspiration. Own progress.

For Zhao Yuanyang,

Perhaps the latter is mostly.

"If I were not in the same era as this kind of enchanting evildoer, I am afraid that I would be full of contentment after I was promoted to the True Element Realm. If my practice relaxes, it is far from reaching the realm I am today."

Zhao Yuanyang was in the middle of the crowd, and his heart was secretly authentic.

Shen Hongzhou on the side,

It's probably this way of thinking.

As for Ye Han, who was gathering with everyone beside Wang Yuenian, his eyes flickered at the terrible battle on the top, his expression calm, but he didn't know what he was thinking.


the other side,

Lu Longcheng and other cultivators of Jinjizong were standing on another mountain a thousand meters away, peering at the cultivators of Yunshuizong from the air.

"Young Master, can I wait for those guys who are about to besiege Yunshuizong, and control them again?"

A Jinjizong cultivator stood behind Lu Longcheng and asked carefully.

At this time, Lu Longcheng was a little embarrassed, and his breath was a little short. After breathing several times, he suppressed the disordered breath in his body, shook his head and said:

"No, that kid named Zhang Qingyuan is nothing more than the nine layers of true essence. Even if there are some methods that make it impossible for Qi Lao to take it down quickly, as long as we struggle for a while, it will not be easy to lose to Qi Lao's hands. ."

Lu Longcheng only glanced at the monks of the Yunshui Sect in the distance, and then he didn't care anymore. He turned his gaze to the sky, looking at the two terrifying figures fighting on the sky, his eyes were full of deep jealousy.

"Huh! It's definitely not low cost to be able to compete with Elder Qi. When the true essence is exhausted, he will be dead!"

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