Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 843: Fierce battle half-step Dongzhen

Rumble! ! !

Under the dazzling light, the violent explosion made the whole world vibrate violently!

Zhang Qingyuan's sword fell from the sky, tearing the earth through a huge crack that was thousands of feet long. The terrifying force even penetrated the veins, and the loud roar made everyone present shocked and fled ten miles away. , Just escaped from the terrible shock wave.

In a chaotic world, billowing smoke, dust, flames, and soil and gravel that rolled up into the sky in the shock wave almost obscured the entire sky!

But even so,

Zhang Qingyuan, who hung high above the nine heavens, could still perceive Wang Yuenian's movements through his divine consciousness.

"Well done!"

Seeing that Zhao Yuanyang and others were successfully rescued, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but yelled out.

And this is also the previous communication transmission, Zhang Qingyuan asked Wang Yuenian to find opportunities to rescue people when he was at war with the enemy.

Seeing the plan goes well,

The hostages were rescued, so that Zhang Qingyuan at this time no longer had to worry about Jin Jizong threatening everyone's lives.

"Dare to get distracted and look for death!"

A moment of distraction,

Suddenly a cold drink exploded below, and accompanied by a loud bang, the unparalleled vigor was like a meteorite from the scorching sun, emitting brilliant golden light, breaking the vacuum!

Light and shadow shot like thunder, and in an instant pierced the fiery storm of flame energy that was raging across the earth, like a sharp arrow tearing through the vacuum, and lightning from the bottom up!

It's Qi Mengzhang!

Under Zhang Qingyuan's terrifying sword earlier, he actually resisted abruptly!

Although there was a **** sword wound on his body at this time, the vigorous and shocking momentum on his body at this time showed that the other party had not suffered much damage!

"Death to the old man!"

Qi Mengzhang's voice roared, the mighty golden light, like a flood, the true essence in his body was like a volcano, accumulated for thousands of years, once it erupted, destroying the world!

Large expanses of space cracked and screamed.


Stuffed the chest, unprecedented anger!

He had a dignified comprehension of Dao Fa, and he had already embarked on the half-step of the path of Dongzhen. Dongzhen Mighty was actually injured by a little boy in the late stage of the nine-fold True Yuan!

Since stepping into the half-step Dongzhen, he has never been injured.

What's more, it's just a small real essence realm!

The raging anger in his heart caused him to tear the little demon named Zhang Qingyuan in front of him to pieces, frustrating his bones and turning his ashes into ashes, so that he could solve his hatred!

Qi Mengzhang's attack came almost instantaneously!

The oncoming horrific space oppression, engulfed in a hostile murderous intent, even Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to underestimate it!


From the very beginning, Zhang Qingyuan never underestimated the other party!

Even though I was distracted for a while, I was caught by this flashing flaw by the opponent,

But from this to the end, Zhang Qingyuan's mind did not relax in the slightest.

When the mighty golden torrent came, Zhang Qingyuan's figure seemed to have escaped into the space at that moment, the figure was like a fallen leaf, and the void was like a current of wind blowing in the breeze. Before the terrible offensive that seemed to tear the sky, the figure twisted. After a few feet, the offensive was dodged by a short distance.

The next flicker, like a teleport, escaped dozens of feet away!

boom! ! !

The attack failed, but the venting power tore the sky with heavy dark clouds, the vast gold turned into a terrifying torrent, tearing through the sky with thousands of feet of clouds!

"Damn it, so fast!"

Qi Mengzhang, who was evaded by the opponent's weird speed, was shocked, and the threat to Zhang Qingyuan in his heart increased again.

The offensive martial arts are extremely powerful, capable of defeating one's own true power of possessing the law.

At the same time, she is so good, able to avoid his own offense.

Advance and attack,

Retreat can be defended!

This is by no means an ordinary True Element Realm ant that he can defeat at will!

Zhang Qingyuan is naturally not clear about the thoughts in Qi Mengzhang's heart.

After avoiding the opponent's attack, Qi Mengzhang failed with one move, and the true essence had not yet recovered. The old force had gone and the new force had not yet reborn, and he could not quickly change the move, thus exposing a big flaw in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not waste this excellent opportunity.

"Mountain God Seal, Cover Earth Seal!"

Zhang Qingyuan, who was floating in the void, let out a cold cry and slapped both palms.

In an instant,

The majestic earth-yellow light swept away in an instant, making Zhang Qingyuan give people a heavy pressure like a mountain!

The two consummate yellow-level advanced martial arts were deployed almost simultaneously in Zhang Qingyuan's hands, and merged together, resulting in even more terrifying changes!

The two-door Indian style encased the thick soil, exerting an extremely terrifying momentum!

Boom boom boom!

The ground below seemed to resonate at this moment, shaking violently, the soil of the ground cracked again, and smoke and dust filled the sky during the violent on-demand broadcast.

I could see that above the sky, a faintly tan mountain phantom appeared thousands of feet high, suppressing the heaven and the earth, powerful and unparalleled pressure swept, and then rapidly changed, the khaki-colored vast light scrolled between Transformed into a big hand of the earth-yellow **** that covered the sky like the sky, and suppressed it in the direction of Qi Mengzhang!

The terrible pressure collapsed like mountains and seas,

The space was affected, shaking violently, as if to shatter under this heavy and boundless force!

"Life and death! Even if you kid can reluctantly contend with the old man with some means, but the gap between Zhenyuan and Dongzhen is like a moat, you kid still dreaming of being able to change his life against the sky!"

Facing this earth-shaking terrifying attack, Qi Mengzhang didn't have too much fear, but rather a huge anger in his heart.

The ants in the Little True Primal Realm dare to resist in a delusion!

"Let you see the true power of the cave realm!"

Accompanied by Qi Mengzhang's thunderous roar, the golden bright streamer suddenly emerged from the dantian, rose up into the sky, and then suddenly expanded and spread in the air.

Between breathing,

In the sky above Qi Mengzhang, there appeared a golden pagoda with a size of several tens of meters!

The Buddha Pagoda suspends the sky, the gilt light is like substance, standing quietly in the sky, and the surrounding space is faintly distorted.

Give people a kind of solid as heavy as a mountain, suppress the sky!

"Eat my Nine-fold Buddha Pagoda, go!"

Qi Mengzhang pointed out,

The tens of feet high Buddha Tower immediately exploded with violent rays of light, and it slammed into the sky-covering and sun-shielding style that was pressed down from the top!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The violent expansion produced terrible energy to annihilate each other. The earthy-yellow palms covering the sky and the earth, in front of the indestructible Nine-fold Buddha Pagoda, are like the actual earth and soil layers collapse and shatter, and even the space is distorted and fragmented. sign!

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