Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 826: Profound Step Body Techniques and Martial Skills

In front of the main hall of the Five Elements,

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan's face sank like water.

Even though he didn't know what the gray light emitted from his body, it was not a good thing to think about it, so he decisively shattered it with Jianguang.

However, although Zhang Qingyuan’s reaction has been very fast,

But after the gray light was dissipated, there was still some silent mist on his arm.

A very light shadow formed on the surface of his skin.

"What the **** is this?"

Looking at the faint smoky shadow on his skin, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

This stuff,

No matter how you look at it, it's not a good thing.

However, after testing the divine consciousness and the true essence, it was found that it was really just a shadow without any side effects, and the extremely subtle perception made him know that this faint shadow would completely dissipate in ten and a half months. , Zhang Qingyuan's heart also relaxed.

This San, since it is the gold medal assassin killer of the Heaven and Earth Tower.

So this shadow mark is probably some kind of hunting mark, used to trace back the mark of the enemy who killed Heaven and Earth Tower.

But now the mark is broken up by the magic weapon sword pill before it is formed,

The wisp of gray that was contaminated is gradually dissipating over time, so as long as you stay in this Yuantian realm for ten days, the whole mark will naturally disappear without a trace.

By then, who knew it was Zhang Qingyuan who killed Na San?

What's more, I still changed my name to Li Feiyu, and I couldn't find him Zhang Qingyuan no matter how I wanted to.


Even if it was known in advance that after killing the opponent, it would cause trouble, wouldn't Zhang Qingyuan kill it?

What a joke,

When the other party took the initiative to attack and kill himself for the first time, in Zhang Qingyuan's opinion, there was a life and death feud between each other.

He Zhang Qingyuan is not a saint Virgin,

Anyone who has the intention to kill himself and actually took the action can forgive it.

If it weren't for his own strength, he would have died in the previous last attack!

Want to kill,

Then there must be the consciousness of killing!

With Zhang Qingyuan’s thoughts, the sword pill suspended in the air turned into a stream of light and re-merged into the dantian. At the same time, four high-grade magic swords stood in the void. At this moment, the power of the sword formation was relieved and flew back to Zhang Qingyuan. In his hand, he was put in the storage space.

The sword formation space disappeared,

The blockade of space also disappeared into nothing.

A messy land appeared to the outside world.

However, due to the blockade of the sword formation space and the strength of the two after Zhang Qingyuan found the other's weaknesses, there was a big difference, and the latter was extremely restrained and suppressed.

Based on Zhang Qingyuan's grasp of his own power, he did not affect too many things around him.

As the space dissipates,

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan wiped away the magic sword and storage items on the opponent's body, and then directly burned his corpse into ashes by burning his hot flames.

While destroying the corpses, Zhang Qingyuan was distracted and poured his mind into Ah San's space ring to sort out the harvest.

Three high-grade spirit stones were accidentally found inside.

Among the gains are seven thousand middle-grade spirit stones, two not-so-high-grade magical artifacts, and some unknown pill, talisman, and so on.

There is no need to mention the rest of the materials.

But what surprised Zhang Qingyuan was that among the few jade slips in it, he accidentally found an old jade slip, which recorded a martial art called Mayfly Heaven and Earth.

This martial skill is actually an extremely rare mysterious step body martial skill, which involves the use of the power of space!

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan interested. It took him a quarter of an hour to browse it all over, and he used the Dayan technique to remember all of it in his mind.

The concept of this martial art is like a mayfly hiding in a space gap, achieving the ultimate concealment and breathing effect at the True Primal Stage, and a terrifying speed similar to space shuttle!

And such martial arts,

It is also the biggest hole card that Ah San was able to run wild before, even Zhang Qingyuan could not perceive it, and it would be difficult to catch him without setting a trap!


He is too confident!

Originally as an assassin killer, being cautious is the biggest reliance on his ability to live longer.

But perhaps he succeeded in the assassination time and time again, and he was helpless by others, and his reputation became more and more popular, and he even became one of the several gold medal killers recognized by Tiandilou.

Coupled with his own means, he thinks that the hole is really powerful, even if he can't deal with it, he can escape.

Gradually developed the pride in the other party's heart.


Facing a nameless "Li Feiyu" in Yuzhou, he involuntarily contemptuously produced.

The result eventually fell into Zhang Qingyuan's trap.

The cultivation is scattered all at once!

"Sure enough, the monk should always be in awe of this spiritual world, and use all his strength to make the lion fight the rabbit!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

The most famous killer assassin is likely to be killed by others. This world is too dangerous. Sure enough, you can hide yourself and secretly develop. The most correct thing is to secretly reach the magical power!

After reading and writing down this mysterious step's martial arts and martial arts Zhang Qingyuan threw it into the Dayan Art for deduction and practice.

Then he didn't stay in place much, stepped out in one step, and his figure flashed into the hall.


A fight with Asan,

It seems that it took a lot of time, but it hasn't been too long in fact.

Coupled with the blockade of the sword array space, the fluctuations caused by the fighting between each other did not spread to the outside, let alone attract the attention of other halls where wars have broken out one after another.

Zhang Qingyuan was the first to enter this main hall.

As soon as he entered the wide hall, Zhang Qingyuan's gaze was attracted by a pool in the center of the hall, about the size of a bath, haunted by clouds and mist.

Because above that pool,

It is a flat and semi-transparent light curtain with a little white light dots scattered on it.

"Is this the map of the Yuantian Realm that Chen Xiqi said, but it's too crude, right? There are only a few names of places, why are there no signs?"

Looking at the light curtain in front of me,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel speechless from the heart.

However, after taking a little look, it is generally understood that the stationary red dot in the center is where the main hall is located, and the light dots scattered around and slowly drifting around should represent the light spots where other people are located.

Thought for a while,

Zhang Qingyuan took out the token and cast a tracking spell to sense the direction of the token.

Afterwards, I was going to use the map to compare the direction and find the light spot corresponding to Zhao Yuanyang along a straight line.


In the straight line direction, after finding the corresponding light spots,

Zhang Qingyuan frowned suddenly.

"This position..."

I tried my best to prepare for three shifts, but failed...

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