The defensive formation was broken,

A group of people rushed into the huge palace like a tide, and then quickly disappeared to the end along the passages, for fear that the treasure inside would be preempted by others.

In some houses not far away, fighting broke out directly, and the impact of the explosion made a rumbling noise.

It looks chaotic!

In this chaotic hall, Zhang Qingyuan bid farewell to Chen Xiqi and others at a fork in the road, and began to go straight to the main hall.

Although the spirit stones, elixirs, magic weapons and the like in the other surrounding palaces were also attractive to Zhang Qingyuan, he obviously did not forget the purpose of this trip.

You have to find the map located in the main hall first.

And compared to these visible wealth, Zhang Qingyuan wanted to go to the Beidian that Chen Xiqi said to search for.

For others,

The inheritance method of the Five Elements Avenue may not have much effect except one or two for reference. The value is in the least valuable part of the entire giant hall.

But for Zhang Qingyuan, it is undoubtedly the method of inheritance that is extremely urgently needed now!

Therefore, when the group of people were scattered and scattered towards the surrounding branch halls, Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate, and rushed directly in the direction of the central main hall.

And in this direction, there is no other figure besides him.

Obviously rushed to the other halls.

When the long corridors flashed quickly, Zhang Qingyuan's light still found that in the east hall, Wang Yuenian, Ye Han and other Yunshuizong and his party were disappearing at the corner.

I don't know whether it is because of the mission of the sect.

Zhang Qingyuan only cared a little bit, and didn't pay more attention.

Speed ​​up under your feet,

It was like shrinking the ground into an inch, leaving a series of afterimages in the blink of an eye.

After a while,

Through the long corridor,

Zhang Qingyuan came to the direction of the main hall.

This is a huge palace with long corridors connected in four directions. It is as high as tens of meters and has a height of 20 or 30 stories in the pre-primary period of Zhang Qing. The huge golden pillars around it support the octagonal roof of the palace and cast it. The huge shadow gives people a feeling of majestic oppression.

"Is it here?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

Through the open door of the main hall, it seemed to see a light curtain floating in the air inside the main hall, which should be the map of the entire Yuantian realm that Chen Xiqi said.

Without the slightest hesitation,

While other people who broke into here were still searching around, Zhang Qingyuan was going to enter the main hall first, and then use this map to find the direction of Zhao Yuanyang and others.


Just as he was about to cross the threshold of the hall under him, suddenly, an extreme danger came from behind his head.

In the void behind him, a ray of sword light seemed to pierce from the dark and endless space, as if with a dreamlike sense of unreality, the murderous intent had converged to the point that there was no leakage, and the silence came with extremely terrifying power!

It's Assassin San from Tiandilou!

As long as he was waiting outside the giant hall, Ah San, who was hiding in the dark, spotted the figure of Zhang Qingyuan, who was aliased as Li Feiyu!

Ah San, who sighed that the other party had no way to break in from hell, immediately focused part of his attention on Zhang Qingyuan.

When the blocking circle was broken and everyone broke into the giant hall, the guy named Li Feiyu separated from the team and drove directly in the direction of the main hall.

He was alone in that direction.

Is there a better chance?


If this sword stabbed,

Zhang Qingyuan is afraid that no matter how many methods he has, he will not be able to recover!


" has been waiting for you!"

A cold snort suddenly sounded from the attacker's ears.

I could see the long sword sneer, piercing through Zhang Qingyuan's head, but there was no sense of reality, as if it had passed through an afterimage of air!

And so is the fact!

The afterimages left in the place gradually disappeared, and the pupils of Asan who shot the sneak attack shrank.

"What! How is it possible?!"

Earth-shaking waves surged in his heart, and Ah San was shocked.

Take a look!

This guy has hidden his strength!

this moment,

A crisis that hasn't happened in a long time is coming, keenly perceiving crazy warning signs!

This kid turned out to be a monk in the late stage of Kunlun!

And this pressure,

Absolutely unusual in the late stage of the Ninth Layer of True Essence, the sense of threat it brought to him was even stronger than that of a monk on the top of the list that he had successfully assassinated!

The reason why Ah San has survived to this day is not only because of the martial arts he cultivated that involves space power, but also because of his perception of danger, which has never been wrong!

And at this moment,

He felt a fatal danger!

So, without any hesitation,

He was about to launch the secret technique of escape martial arts and escaped.

But at this moment,

Boom! ! !

The violent changes in Qi are like a sharp and boundless sword energy tearing apart the space. At the same time, under the influence of some powerful force, the entire space seems to be isolated from the world at this moment!


As soon as Ah San used his martial arts, his figure seemed to be submerged in the gap of the space, a touch of sword energy drifted past, and a small scar was cracked on his shoulder!


There are four hundred words left here. Wait ten minutes to finish writing.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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