The crisis was quickly lifted,

When Chen Xiqi was shocked, he couldn't help but feel great fortune.

Fortunately, they met this Daoist Li Feiyu in the middle of the journey. Fortunately, he had decisively revealed the secrets of Yuantian Realm before and invited this Daoist Li to go with him.


Relying on their strength, it would be a delusion to want to pass through this cracked Tianyuan!

Chen Xiqi's mind behind him, Zhang Qingyuan, who is driving the escape light to open the way in front of him, is naturally ignorant.

Because after killing the monster,

The Jianmaru that swam through the void seemed to have a slight induction, and it trembled a little.


Since Jianmaru returned to become a semi-spiritual weapon, capable of possessing a ray of power that fluctuates in the laws of a spiritual weapon, it seems that it has also produced a trace of instinct similar to spiritual wisdom.

It will instinctively induce something that can absorb and improve itself.

Zhang Qingyuan looked across this touch of induction, and saw a flash of golden light on the steep but lonely mountain where the giant monster appeared.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Qingyuan pointed it out, dragged the sword pill in the air and turned it into a pair of puppets to train and shuttle through the space, bombarding the steep mountain peaks!


The tyrannical force erupted, and the explosion pierced and tore the rocks, the gravel blasted from the sky, and the peaks collapsed.

Jian Wan then turned into a flash of lightning in mid-air and fell into Zhang Qingyuan's dantian.

And with the collapse, at the core of the mountain,

A gleam of golden light lit up, tearing apart the fog, vaguely as if there was a dragon tumbling and stirring, exuding a compelling dragon!

Zhang Qingyuan made a move,

The true essence swept through the air like a substance, and before it fell into the abyss, it rolled up and fell into his hands.

"this is."

Seeing the size of a basketball in his hand, it has the weight of a hill, and in the golden light that radiates, there is a vaguely tumbling heavenly treasure, Zhang Qingyuan raised his brows.

Dragon Shadow Gold,

One of the treasures of heaven and earth!

Although the value is not as good as the soil that Zhang Qingyuan once obtained, and the treasures of progress obtained from the monks of the blood demon sect that year, there are such wonders that contain laws.

But for the cultivators of the Ninth Level of True Essence, the degree of preciousness is not bad at all.

This is a valuable treasure,

It can be used as the main material for refining top-grade magic weapons.

However, in Zhang Qingyuan's hands, it will most likely become a "snack" for Jian Wan to swallow.

After Jianmaru restored the power of the law with a trace of real spiritual weapons, the energy of the golden gold accumulated in the past has been almost completely exhausted. Today's Jianmaru has nothing to do with the heaven and earth treasures that contain the power of the golden gold. The point of picky eaters.

"With this thing, it is enough to strengthen Kenmaru's power again for a short distance."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, secretly in his heart.

This can be regarded as a windfall.

For Zhang Qingyuan today, there are not many things that can improve his own strength, and this Long Shadow Gold that can be absorbed by Jian Pill can obviously be one of them.

One point of reinforcement can undoubtedly increase its combat power by one point.

But he also knew that this place was not a place for refining and absorbing, so he temporarily put the dragon eagle gold in the storage ring and waited for the right time to talk about it.

"How are you all right?"

Zhang Qingyuan turned his head and looked at the embarrassed crowd.

The cultivators of Medicine King Valley suffered some injuries to some extent, but fortunately, there was basically no major problem.

It's just that, it made Chen Xiqi feel ashamed.

A group of them hid behind this Daoist Li,

There were others who had withstood most of the pressure in front and slashed a tyrannical monster with ease, and under such protection, many people were still injured.

It is really ashamed.

"It's okay, no big problem."

Although they were more or less injured, everyone was already fully alert before, and they broke free in time when they were attacked.

The disciples of Yaowanggu themselves are also quite good at the practice of wood, and under the vigorous magical healing, it is not a big problem.

"Then speed it up, I feel almost on the other side!"

The crisis is lifted,

At the same time, the other side covered by the evil storm ahead is already looming.

However, Zhang Qingyuan still did not relax.

He didn't perceive anything,

But for some reason, there is always a faint feeling in my heart.

So Shen Sheng urged.

Whether it was his own illusion or not, this bottomless crack Tianyuan obviously wouldn't be a good place anyway, although it's always good to leave.

"it is good!"

After the previous danger, the group of people also felt more sense of crisis in their hearts, and they gritted their teeth and accelerated.

After a moment of effort,

The cliff on the other side is across the bank.

Several streamers tore through the gloomy wind, passing over the abyss, and finally tracing arcs in the sky, falling onto the cliffs and the ground.

After that, there was no danger on the way,

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the cliff and earth on the opposite side.

Even Zhang Qingyuan's heart was relaxed.

But at that moment,

As soon as his footsteps were about to set foot on the land, and the moment when human instincts relaxed, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness suddenly aroused an unprecedented sense of crisis!

"not good!"

Zhang Qingyuan's cold hair stood up all over!


Before I could think about it, the majestic true essence burst out instantly, and the qi machine that triggered a tens of meters of space was rioting at this moment!

Almost at the same moment,

With a sneer,

The void on the side trembled, and there was a slight invisible ripple, and a sword light appeared on Zhang Qingyuan's side like a ghost!

This sword came too fast,

At the moment when the sword light appeared, if an extremely subtle arc flashed in the air, the attack would have reached the front, without revealing the slightest sword intent, but it would converge the murderous aura to the extreme!

Even if you don't observe it with the naked eye, it's hard to perceive it even in front of you!

That sword took Zhang Qingyuan’s head straight,

Also among the lightning and flint, Zhang Qingyuan's powerful force burst out from within the Dantian, the sword pill tore the void, wrapped in heavy fronts and vigor, traversing in front of him!


The collision and collision made a crisp sound, and the space was shocked like paper folding. The horrible energy annihilated each other, shaking violently!

The attacker's attack was directly cut off more than 80% of the power!

But at that moment,

That sword, like a living creature of a poisonous snake, jumped across the space, suddenly twisted around the sword pill that traversed in front, and pierced directly into Zhang Qingyuan's chest!

This sudden change was unexpected even by Zhang Qingyuan.

Only had time to meet a pair of cold eyes, indifferent eyes as if looking at a dead person.

Obviously, with this hand, the assailant did not know how many people died, and only two layers of power were left, enough to behead any unsuspecting mortal body.

The overall situation is set!



The unvoiced sound of gold and iron strikes sounded again, and the snake-like long sword pierced the opponent's chest, only piercing a trace of the epidermis, and it didn't make any progress!

The attacker's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Master of horizontal training?!"

Seeing this scene, the attacker did not hesitate at all.

The space moved for a while, the assailant's figure was blurred for a while, the real body had escaped dozens of meters away, and a few blinks disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

Only an after-shadow was left in front of the eyes and gradually dissipated!

Miss a hit,

Immediately escape thousands of miles away!

" who is it?!"

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan also had a feeling of suffocation as he punched the cotton.

Even if he was able to calm down in everything he encountered in the past, for this inexplicable attack and the instant escape by the opponent, a raging anger rose in his heart.

"If I guessed correctly, the one just now should be one of the most famous gold medal assassin killers in Tiandilou, Asan!"

This sudden fight,

Undoubtedly, Yaowanggu and his party were almost stunned in place, until the assassin named Ah San had escaped for a few breaths, and everyone was still staring at each other blankly.

Chen Xiqi was the first to return to his senses, recognizing the identity of the flashy figure, frowning slightly.

"It's just why the other party wants to make a move?"

Zhang Qingyuan did not answer, he already had an answer in his heart.

This person is known as Li Feiyu, and he will never cause any enmity.

After slaying the monster in the rift abyss, I always felt something was wrong, and now it seems that the opponent was already hiding aside at that time.

Relying on the extremely powerful concealment ability of being a killer assassin, even he couldn't perceive it.

After the attack,

It's nothing more than a motive for money, murder and treasure!

Assassin Assassin in Tiandilou?

I remember!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan suppressed the anger in his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the temperature around him had dropped a bit at this moment.

The increase in the number of collections after the three shifts the day before yesterday is obviously decreasing, and the follow-up orders are also dropping, which makes the author a bit confused, otherwise, it should have been three shifts yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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