
The four corpses lying on the ground were all left behind while Zhang Qingyuan’s heartbroken and sinister sighs for the people in the realm of comprehension were seized.

Then, with great grievances, he was burned to ashes by a fire.

Get things done,

Zhang Qingyuan then set his sights on the 10,000-year-old Bell Milk that was not far away.


Since this cave space was able to give birth to such a pool of treasures, it was naturally far stronger than an ordinary cave, so the previous fights did not destroy it.

At this time, a whole pool of Ten Thousand Years Zhong Ling Milk was kept intact.

It's just that at a distance of several tens of feet, one can still sense the huge inspiration brought by this ten thousand-year-old soul milk.

"Speaking of which, I got a bottle of treasures like Wannian Zhongling Milk more than 20 years ago. At that time, I used it for tempering and using it for the introduction of Huangtian Body Refining Art... .."

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward,

The feet seemed to shrunk into an inch, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the edge of the ten thousand years of the clock.

This thing,

It seems that he had obtained it when he killed an enemy in the triple stage of True Primal Realm.

When did you kill who,

He forgot.

I only know that it works well for me. It not only improves the cultivation base, but also washes my own cultivation aptitude, and at the same time makes myself a real entry in the practice of body training.

It's just that I didn't get much back then.

About 20 or 30 drops in a bottle.

It is already a rare and priceless gem on the market!

And now,

What appeared in front of him was a whole pool!

The numbers are simply incomparable.

"This kind of heaven and earth spiritual things can not only improve the cultivation level, but also improve the physique of cultivation, which is exactly what I should get!"

"Previously, I took that blood demon cultivator's medicine to improve my practice, and I was able to reach the peak of the mid-ninth layer in a short period of two years, but this cultivation actually has certain weaknesses."

"Now through the washing of this ten thousand-year-old Zhong Lingju, I have just stabilized my self-cultivation, and the huge energy contained in it is enough to make me hit the realm of the late nine-fold real yuan!"

For a moment,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

Then he didn't hesitate at all, and jumped directly into the pool of Ten Thousand Years Bell Soul Milk.

In the low-level Lingyuan Realm or True Primal Realm, in order to be able to refine the spiritual power of the Ten Thousand-Year Bell Soul Milk as much as possible, and prevent it from being dissipated and wasted, it is best to swallow it and refine it.

Back then, I applied externally by myself, it was to practice the Beginning of the Barren Heaven Refining Technique.

But now at the level of Zhang Qingyuan,

Relying on the extremely powerful divine consciousness power and surging true essence power, it is enough to turn oneself into a furnace, swallowing every aura into the body through the skin it touches.

So and so,

The Wannian Zhong Lingju's inner spiritual machine is absorbed, and it will pass through the flesh and blood meridians and other places, and at the same time wash and temper its own body!

Zhang Qingyuan sits in the pool of Wannian Zhong Linglu.

The whole person has almost turned into a vortex black hole that swallows everything!

If someone is here,

You can see that not only the vast sea-like aura vitality in the pond is constantly being swallowed, but also the aura in the air is like a stream of water rushing into it!

This makes him,

Reflecting a layer of white shining brilliance!

at the same time,

In his body, the aura is becoming more and more falsely heavier and stronger, as if a mountain is pressed in the surrounding air, and this weight is still constantly growing!


time flies,

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven days, there was no one in the cave to transmit again, so Zhang Qingyuan was able to steadily soak in the ten thousand-year-old bell milk to practice.

With the last gleam of the soulful milk in the pool water being swallowed, the entire pool of liquid became colorless and transparent like clear water.

Zhang Qingyuan also opened his eyes.

boom! ! !

A powerful aura suddenly surged out of his body like a tide, and swept all over the area like a torrent of tsunami, impacting the void, causing the entire cave to vibrate violently at this moment!

This breath,

Amazingly more than twice as powerful as Zhang Qingyuan seven days ago!


Zhang Qingyuan let out a long breath.

With both palms running around the sky, the boiling Qi machine was subsequently suppressed, and the turbulence caused by the rioting Qi machine gradually calmed down.

Seven days of penance,

With the help of this whole pool of Ten Thousand Years Zhong Lingju, Zhang Qingyuan not only stabilized his previous use of the pill to break through the seemingly vain cultivation base, but also broke through to the point of the late stage of the nine-fold under the impact of the majestic spirit!

In the real-element realm, the gap will be bigger as you reach the later stage!

With just this small step, Zhang Qingyuan found that the amount of true yuan he had was more than twice the previous amount!

This is just an increase in the number of true yuan,

Divine consciousness and physical aspects have also made great progress!

Especially the physical aspect,

The strength of the body, which has not been improved for many years, is further improved!

The overall strength has soared.

Today, Zhang Qingyuan is confident that he has reached Consummation in the face of Zhenyuan, and he has begun to prepare for the half-step Dongzhen to perform, and he is not afraid at all!


In the entire Yuantian Secret Realm, his strength can basically be said to be rampant.


This rampant Wuji is relative to the monk who is also a human, not that he can be unscrupulous in this Yuantian realm.

After the breakthrough and promotion, his spiritual sense is more sensitive and he can feel it more clearly. The danger hidden in the Yuantian seems to be malicious, so that his spiritual sense is also for The fear.

"There seems to be a great horror in this Yuantian realm!"

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky,

His gaze seemed to pass through the heavy rock formations, and he saw the distant sky, his complexion calmed down.

"You must quickly find Zhao Yuanyang and the others, and then leave, you can't stay here any longer!"

For a moment,

Zhang Qingyuan already had a decision in his mind.

Let alone what kind of wind and rain the suspected protagonist Ye Han appears here, what kind of storms will it cause, the previous existences on the charts have appeared one after another, which shows that this change is likely to be not simple.

Yuan Tianjie,

Now it was like a whirlpool about to unfold, Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to be swallowed by himself.

Stood up from the pond,

Suddenly, an invisible force appeared in the space around him, which quickly enveloped him, making Zhang Qingyuan shocked, but he did not resist, letting that force swallow him up.

The world seemed to be distorted, and with a clatter, Zhang Qingyuan appeared on a vast ground shrouded in gloomy sky.

"This is the real Yuantian Realm. Was that a trial just now?"

Looking around, Zhang Qingyuan felt clear.

As soon as he entered this Yuantian realm, he was sent to that trial.

The inner rule should roughly be to kill other people who enter and participate in the trial, and then absorb the pool of Ten Thousand Years Soul Milk inside, and then be able to leave.

The content of the trial is the competitor, the Wannian Zhong Linglu is the reward, and it is also the way of passing.

Perhaps one of them also negotiated to divide the ten thousand years of the soul milk, after the trial was over, everyone was teleported away, but it had nothing to do with him.

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