The road to Dongzhen is too far away.

You can imagine the gap between the realm of the cave and the realm of the realm when the monks called it the "fairy".

That is the difference between heaven and earth!

If you want to promote Dongzhen from the true element, you not only need to elevate the true element practice to a state of inability to achieve perfection, but then you also need to clarify your own path, start performing the method, and then merge the true element and Taoism together to achieve At the end, converge the true essence and the legal domain to the peak in one fell swoop, and complete the transformation!

In this process, I don't know how many Tianjiao fell on this threshold.

The opportunity, luck, and even personal talent and effort required are almost indispensable.

Even Zhang Qingyuan himself doesn’t really have much doubt about whether he can break through the hole.

But even if he is confident, and even the time required for it, conservatively estimated that it will be more than ten or twenty years. If there is any difficulty in it, that time will be further lengthened.

Do not expect to break through the border in a short time to improve,

But it is still possible to increase the strength by a large distance.

not to mention,

The stronger the strength before the breakthrough and the deeper the foundation, the greater the transformation and promotion of strength after the breakthrough.

Even the "fairies" of Dongzhen level,

There is also a difference between superior and inferior.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and after a few breaths, Zhang Qingyuan's aura recovered, and his figure flashed lightly from the void, falling beside the cultivators of the two Blood Demon Sects.

Loot all the valuable things from the two of them together with their storage items.

After confirmation,

A fire was lit, and the two bodies were burned to ashes before leaving.

Before the ambush, Zhang Qingyuan had already determined that there were no intelligent creatures such as sea clan nearby. Coupled with the characteristics of the deep sea region, the fluctuations of battle would not spread too far.

After all, in this world where the celestial phenomenon is unpredictable, the aura is disordered, and the treacherous and changeable world,

From time to time, a terrifying black storm swept through, and even a cultivator in the early and mid-True Yuan realm would accidentally be involved in something that was difficult to escape.

The fluctuations caused by the previous ambush battles can spread to two to three hundred kilometers, and the farther ones are already disappeared in the atmosphere where this kind of cloud converges and the heavy air machine suppresses.

In the vicinity of two to three hundred kilometers, there are at most only a few sea beasts of the True Origin Realm level. After feeling this level of aura fluctuations, they have already fled away in a panic.

this place,

No one would know about the destruction of the corpse.

As the surrounding sea water surged, the void was quickly filled, and the huge vortex that was rolled up impacted. The strong water pressure was enough to distort the steel, and all the traces of the battle were quickly covered up.

Finished the aftermath,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't stay there for a long time, and turned into a light to disappear into the sky.

Except for the turbulent sea in the same place, nothing seemed to happen.


Ten days later,

Zhang Qingyuan spent a lot of time searching, and finally found a bare island out of the vast sea.

But inside this seemingly inconspicuous island and reef that seems to be submerged at any time, it is a huge naturally formed space. At the same time, because of the gathering of spiritual energy, another kind of ecology is formed that is different from the outside world.

This is a semi-artificially transformed secret world that relies on natural water veins and other factors.

But time has passed for too long, who or what force built this place on earth, no one knows, and there is no trace left in this place.

There is only a very mysterious teleportation formation,

The formation is not big,

But it is connected with the entire space, and even the several huge water veins hidden in the ocean at the periphery, and the lava fire veins deep underground!

Every water vein, placed outside is a large water vein that is enough for a medium-sized sect to break the head fight.

It is precisely because of this,

Only by gathering the power of several large-scale earth veins can it be possible to complete the ultra-long-distance effect of intercontinental teleportation.

I just don't know if these large water veins and fire veins are gathered together, whether it was caused by the great supernatural powers in the past or formed naturally. Zhang Qingyuan guessed that the former is the majority, but I don't know what kind of realm those characters will be.

The shock of the secret space in this island and reef in my heart,

But Zhang Qingyuan did not spend too much time on this.

Regardless of their origins,

He only needs to know that now this intercontinental teleportation array is in his own hands.

"Then stay here for a few years, practice for a while and then return to the South China Sea."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, secretly in his heart.

Although he didn't know what happened to the blood demon cultivators, he could guess a little bit about the situation of the blood demon cultivators in that half-step hole.

I'm afraid something happened in it that he didn't know,

Most of the others are dead.

I had already beheaded the remaining two people, and then the battle also destroyed the 7-shaped islands and reefs. The probability that someone could find here is very low.

Can temporarily serve as a stronghold for the past few years.

But we must also take precautions.

Zhang Qingyuan immediately began to act.


A very secret warning formation was arranged around the island and Relying on the fluctuation of the water veins in the ocean, the formation was perfectly hidden, and the entire island and reef were shrouded in it.

As long as someone passes by,

Then Zhang Qingyuan, who stayed in the secret space of the islands and reefs, could easily find out.

This allows him to calmly prepare for countermeasures.

After all the defensive methods were arranged, Zhang Qingyuan could finally settle down and start to sort out the gains from killing the two Blood Demon Sect cultivators.

It is a pity that Zhang Qingyuan is,

The fierce battle caused the storage bag to be damaged, and most of the things collected in the two people were destroyed in the space collapse. Even the space ring of the real monk in the half-step hole was cracked, and the crack caused the ring space to crack. I don't know how many treasures of heaven and earth disappeared and destroyed in nothingness.

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan extremely distressed.

Finally, after counting down, there are only five top-grade spirit stones left, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures and other materials are not in a hurry that Zhang Qingyuan killed another Blood Demon Sect monk who had killed him before.

According to the value, it is the value of three or four thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

For others, this may be a fortune, but for Zhang Qingyuan, who can explode five magic weapons in a battle, that's it.

But it’s not without gain,

Among the storage rings of the real Blood Demon Sect monk, Zhang Qingyuan accidentally discovered a very precious golden treasure!

It was a golden bean-sized treasure of heaven and earth, like a drop of bright golden liquid, vaguely as if oscillating the fluctuations of the law of gold, the moment it appeared in the void, it was born out of thin air full of sharpness. The gas of Gengjin comes!

no doubt,

This is definitely a very precious treasure of gold!

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