Very strong momentum,

Even at a long distance, Zhang Qingyuan can still feel it.

And among those auras, two of them, Zhang Qingyuan guessed that they should be in the late True Yuan stage, and the strongest one is more than eightfold!

Just as Zhang Qingyuan thought about it.

Those few auras are already approaching Yuelian Islands.

However, what made him relieved was that those imposing masters did not go directly to the island, but stopped at the port, seeming to send someone out to talk and introduce them.

If you do it this way, it shouldn't be an enemy.

Zhang Qingyuan got up,

Walked towards the door.

Since people didn't come to the door with malicious intent and gave face, naturally there is no reason to treat him coldly.

"Brother Peng?"

When Zhang Qingyuan appeared at the port of the island, he saw several figures approaching him.

One of them gave him a bit of a daze.

"Senior Brother Qingyuan, I haven't seen you for many years, but I didn't expect you to have reached such a stage!"

The person here is Brother Peng Li who Zhang Qingyuan once knew!

When I came to the South China Sea that year, because the Zhoushan generation of pirates was rampant, some islands near Zhoushan began to form alliances to purge the bandits on the sea.

At that time, Zhang Qingyuan participated in such a league.

At the same time, he also received a lot of help from Senior Brother Peng Li during this process.

Later, he learned that Brother Peng Li was not actually a person living in Zhoushan. That time, he was only given the task of solving the bandits in Zhoushan and maintaining order.

It is precisely because of this,

Since the original parting, he has never met this brother again.

I didn't expect to see each other again today.

"Yes, when I saw you back then, my cultivation was just a little man who didn't even have true essence. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, he reached the point he is today, and he became my junior!"

Peng Li stepped forward and patted Zhang Qingyuan on the shoulder.

There is no lack of authentic sigh in the voice.

Back then, he felt that this kid was a dragon and a phoenix among people, and his achievements in the future would certainly not be low. Such an outstanding talent made him feel jealous for the latecomers.

Unexpectedly, this guy is even more genius than he thought.

In just over twenty years, they have made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the seventh realm of true essence like leaps and bounds!

He has reached a lot of positions that he could not reach in his entire life.

"Senior brother is absurdly praised, and the junior is just having better luck."

Zhang Qingyuan is modest and authentic.

Then solemnly said:

"And if it weren't for the senior brother's shot, I would have died in the interception that year, so how can I still be today!"

"The life-saving grace back then, Qingyuan will not be able to repay in this life!"

"Haha, it's not that your kid is alert. He detected the attack in advance. Even without me, I think that guy can't help you!"

"What's more, Old Ghost Ouyang, as a cultivator of the late True Essence of the Hanhai Sect, did such a thing as a big bully, and shamelessly dealt with someone who didn't even enter the True Essence. I could not see him long ago!"

Have a conversation,

The atmosphere is quite enthusiastic, and there is no cold spot because of not seeing it for many years.

This is not unrelated to Peng Li's boldness.

The two exchanged for a while.

Peng Li quickly introduced Zhang Qingyuan to the people behind him.

"Come, come, brother introduce you to someone, this is Liang Long, although I am not a younger generation like me, but the strength is a rare powerful figure in the South China Sea!"

The diplodocus was a burly man with burning eyes and clear eyes.

Just stand aside,

There is a steady and majestic aura that emerges spontaneously, as if an iron tower is standing there, no matter what the torrent impacts, it still looks like it's unmoving!

"Friend Dao Zhang, long admiring your name! I look forward to fighting with you!"

The diplodocus arched his hands authentically, his eyes shone brightly, and his gaze towards Zhang Qingyuan was full of eagerness!

This is an eager to fight!

Standing in front of Zhang Qingyuan, he felt a heavy pressure from the opposite side!

The other party is very powerful!

But this,

Instead, it aroused his fighting spirit.

He wants to play against this young junior who has recently become famous!

"Fuck off, you don't look at what generation you are from, you are planning to bully a newcomer in the late eighth stage, sorry you!"

It was Peng Li who spoke.

Before Zhang Qingyuan said anything, he interrupted Liang Long.

"Junior Brother Qingyuan, don’t mind. This guy is actually a fighting freak. No matter who he sees, he will challenge him as long as he thinks he will be able to fight. They are all over a hundred years old, and his temperament is still so immature. , It's not malicious."

Peng Li explained to Zhang Qingyuan with a headache.

But you can't let this foolish guy mess around, making people think that you are here to wait for the door to come.

"It's okay, Senior Brother Peng, in fact, I have occasionally gained some retreat in the past few years, and I just want to find someone to practice. I only hope Senior Liang will not care about it!"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at Liang Long with a sense of war.

He didn't feel any malice in Diplomat's words.

In fact, the same is true,

From it, he only felt a kind of frankness and open-mindedness.

However, Zhang Qingyuan also wanted someone to fight him to determine his own level.

Several years of retreat have been absorbing all kinds of cultivation knowledge, and have spent in enhancing his own inner strength. The peaceful life has never allowed Zhang Qingyuan to make a move.

This made his hands itchy.

This Diplodocus who came to the door,

I agree with one's will!

"Good boy! Don't call me a senior, you will be my Diplodocus brother from today, just call me Liang Brother!"

Hearing Zhang Qingyuan's eyes dazzling, Diplodocus clapped his palms.

His eyes are almost shining.

Almost a thumbs up,

This little brother,

To my appetite!

"I have seen Brother Liang!"

Zhang Qingyuan also clasped his hands and clasped his fists.

Peng Li on the side saw such a dreamy development of the plot, he couldn't help but his eyes widened and his mouth opened, but he couldn't say anything.

Oh, this...

Peng Li felt something was wrong,

I remember that this kid Qingyuan was quiet, modest and prudent, what happened?

Is it possible that one of someone’s tendons will be contagious?

For a while,

Peng Li fell into self-doubt.

His thoughts,

If Zhang Qingyuan knew, he would definitely say, Brother Peng, you think too much.

I just held back for several years, my hands were itchy.

Peng Li, who didn't understand, gave up thinking after all.

Feeling that I am a normal person, and can't understand the thoughts of the guy with that muscle, I simply don't want to.

"Come on, you two, if you want to fight against each other, let me finish the matter first, then you can do whatever you want."

Peng Li finally interrupted the two reluctantly.

"That's natural, brother please, brother Liang please, I can't wait to get drunk today!"

Under Zhang Qingyuan's guidance, everyone entered the island.

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