In fact, Zhang Qingyuan was not inventing the law.

Rather, it is intended to extend the existing framework, break through from the martial arts that has reached its peak, and enter a higher level.

It's like drawing swordsmanship.

Now the sword-drawing technique has reached perfection, and there is no way to advance.

What Zhang Qingyuan had to do was to go further, and break the ceiling that could not be broken before reaching the peak of the inability to advance swordsmanship, and open up another road that extends to a higher place!

He also did not intend to create how complicated moves.


Rather, he is preparing to open a new path in the martial art of sword drawing, which is the most concise, which has already reached its peak and cannot move forward. It has been successfully transformed before.

Now he doesn't have much energy to create those complicated martial arts, and there is no need for it.

So his gaze.

Put it on top of sword drawing!

Sitting cross-legged on the white jade futon, relying on the meditation function of the futon god, Zhang Qingyuan began to think about sorting out this martial art that he had already practiced to achieve perfection.

Take out the jade slip from the storage bag.

Go through the description of sword drawing itself again.

And it is this revisit.

It made Zhang Qingyuan feel that he seemed to have practiced this martial art off the track from the beginning.


The concept of sword-drawing at the beginning was a word-drawing.

When the move was taken by surprise, it was as swift as thunder, and the concentrated energy exploded in an instant.


It is the creator's true intention for this martial art from the very beginning.

It is the most important aspect of the original martial arts, and it is also the most important core for many people to practice sword drawing.


Because of the many insights in previous lives, and also because of the display of martial arts proficiency on the proficiency panel.

Zhang Qingyuan's vision is broader.

In his eyes.

What he saw was not pulling.

It's hiding!

According to his understanding, drawing the sword was only an instantaneous explosion, it was just a way to make moves, not the focus of this martial skill.

The Tibetan sword is the essence of this martial art!

Only learn to hide.

Learn to hide more spirits, sword power and other powers in the scabbard, and the sword drawn at that moment will be more powerful!

When Zhang Qingyuan used this understanding to focus most of his energy on the word "Zang", the improvement of the martial art proficiency on the proficiency panel during the practice was also rapidly increasing.

This made Zhang Qingyuan more sure of his own understanding.

And in the later practice, to a higher level.

Gradually evolve from "hidden" to "aggregate".

Then, in a series of later practice, a strand of water sword fairy was embedded in the silver shadow long sword, and within an accidental attack, he used the terrain to kill the one who forcibly broke through to the half-step True Origin Realm. Of casual repairs.

And this Yun Jian.

It also allowed Zhang Qingyuan to comprehend the sword of water in one fell swoop.

Recalling my own practice of this martial art, combined with my own revisiting the original description of this martial art practice.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly discovered that he had taken another path from the beginning.

"In other words, since I started to practice sword drawing to Xiaocheng, in fact, I have practiced according to my own ideas."

"The sword drawing I practice now is not so much drawing a sword, it is better to say that it is hidden swordsmanship, and contains swordsmanship!"

Looking at the practice descriptions in the original sword drawing martial arts, combined with his own Xu Xing, Zhang Qingyuan showed an inexplicable color on his face.

With the strength of Zhang Qingyuan now.

Naturally, the mystery can be seen.

The sword drawing skills he possessed can be said to be based on the sword drawing skills, but it was born out of the sword drawing skills.

It's totally different from ordinary people's sword-drawing skills.

"The nine-year compulsory education in my last life made me never superstitious in my heart. Therefore, when I came to this world, when I practiced martial arts, I did not rigidly practice according to the description inside, but on the basis of the whole unchanged. I made some slight improvements for the reference myself."

"And myself, I have a proficiency panel as a golden finger, and I can see the speed of improvement after improvement, which can confirm whether I am correct or not after improvement."

"In fact, not only sword drawing, but also other martial arts and martial arts are somewhat different from the original version."

"These subtle improvements made by myself referring to the proficiency panel make these magic and martial arts the most suitable way for me to practice. This is why the faster the practice magic and martial arts are compared to other people!"

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan had an enlightenment in his heart.

He suddenly understood why he possessed so many great martial arts and martial arts, but other ordinary monks had a small martial art that was already a very important reason.

This has the same effect as the previous exam questions.

If the magic and martial arts are the formulas in the textbooks of previous lives, then ordinary monks in this world will rote memorize the magic and martial arts, and then reach the level of proficiency in silent writing.

But Zhang Qingyuan is different.

While memorizing by rote, he also tried to understand the meaning of this formula and used it as the main body. Without changing the correct formula, he carried out a series of derivative transformations, skillfully used, and finally To reach the point of integration.

For example, a formula: X·X-1

Ordinary monks can only memorize this formula by rote, but Zhang Qingyuan knows that this formula can be disassembled into (X+1)·(X-1), and also knows how to use this method to deepen his understanding of the formula.

It is precisely because of the almost completely different learning methods from most monks in this world that Zhang Qingyuan is able to be different from ordinary people. The deeper he goes, the faster he can learn, and the more profound he is able to comprehend. realm.


To be able to do this, the proficiency panel is to a large extent indispensable, precisely because of the proficiency display.

Zhang Qingyuan was able to judge whether his improved understanding was correct.

"It turns out that when I was practicing, I have been walking out of my own path. It can be said to be an alternative method of creation."

"In this case, I don't have to worry about whether I can create it!"

this moment.

Zhang Qingyuan on the white jade futon is full of confidence.

"From the time I draw the sword, I gradually improved to become a Tibetan sword, and finally the sword was completed. Now this martial skill has reached its limit, and it is difficult to increase its power."

"Whether it's Zang or Yun, the sword intent gathered has its limits because of people."

"But there are limits to human abilities. The more you practice, the more you will find that people have limits, unless you change the sword of practice!"

After gathering all kinds of knowledge from previous lives, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly had an idea.


ps: Second, it will be very late.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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