The inner sect list was originally circulated among some elite inner sect disciples.

It is rumored to be just compiled by a mysterious inner disciple.

There is no official guarantee.

However, the accuracy and credibility of its measurement of the strength of the inner disciples is so high that people who see this list are basically convinced.

Before the inner gate competition took place, there were also some people who refused to accept their rankings.

So he challenged the people who ranked ahead of him, and the result was that he lost nine of ten games.

The final power ranking results are almost the same.

Even if there are some fluctuations in the power ranking, it is at most within two or three, and there is not much difference.

The accuracy of this is evident.

Even some guys who seldom make shots, or who have broken through the habit of hiding themselves in the near future, may have more fluctuations in their power rankings and it is difficult to accurately determine their rankings, but they can also accurately determine the level of their strength.

I don't know what method the editor used.

Get such an accurate internal ranking.

Even the senior officials of the Zongmen directly cited the top ten as the top ten disciples, giving them the right to enter the finals, and openly accepting challenges from other inner disciples as the champion.

As a result, the authority of the list is more certain.

For so many days, many people have basically been familiar with the ranking of this list that fits their general knowledge.

But compared to seeing the unchanging rankings in this big competition, seeing that the stable stage is not unexpected, but everyone wants to see a dark horse leap from the ordinary. Rising up, eventually breaking the chains of difficulties and breaking into the highest ring.

This kind of story like a hero and protagonist is more in line with the arena competition that ordinary people want to see.

"That Zhang Qingyuan has a small reputation in the inner sect, but his real record is not much. Although he defeated Feng Daozi, a disciple of the top 20 inner sect, he was a trick in that battle. See the true strength."

"In addition, he has been in a state of obscurity before this. No one knows what he has, so he is not ranked high on the inner door list."

"Compared to those who stand at the top of the inner door, the reputation is far worse."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a terrible strength. In the 50th year of the Yunshui Sect's Inner Sect Competition, it can be regarded as a representative who has been dormant for many years, and then soars as a dark horse in one fell swoop!"

Countless people talked about it, and the battle between Zhang Qingyuan and Yang Tianlie obviously became a hot spot among all the audience.

There are many good people who are interested,

I also looked up specifically about the origins of Zhang Qingyuan who suddenly appeared and was delighted. After receiving the specific information, he was even more surprised and shocked.

A small and remote family spent their lives by the side, did not receive much funding, and was later relegated to a remote place such as the South China Sea for committing crimes.

But he himself still relies on his own efforts and talent to surpass those who are higher than him in both family background and inheritance.

Standing on the top stage of the inner gate of the Yunshui Sect, a dazzling light burst out.

This is simply a representative of real dragons raised in shallow water!

The principals of certain family forces couldn't help but flicker, wondering whether they could rely on marriage or something to pull such a big help.

But in the hearts of more people,

There is more expectation!

The battle with Yang Tianlie had completely conquered them.

They look forward to Zhang Qingyuan’s appearance, and want to see where he can finally go, whether he can enter the final stage, and whether he can pull down one of the top ten in this list and break that inner door. The ranking of the list?

Once he achieves this, Zhang Qingyuan will become a genius evildoer who has only entered the inner gate for more than ten years!

This speed of practice is enough to make a name for the inner door in the next hundred years!

Originally recognized by the inner door list,

At this moment, with the appearance of Zhang Qingyuan, the originally stable internal rankings have gradually become shaken!


"Ha, I knew, with Senior Brother Zhang's talent, how could he not be able to defeat Na Yang Tianlie?!"

"Some people don't understand anything, so they just pretend to make **** assertions."

"This is a joke!"

Somewhere under the ring.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's departure after the victory of the war, the surrounding spectators recovered, and many people still looked at the arena that was being repaired by the deacon referee with extremely complicated hearts.

Suddenly there was a voice, full of joy.

Yi Guangtian laughed loudly, and then shifted his gaze to the monk who had previously asserted that Zhang Qingyuan would lose.

A witty smile appeared on his face.

The previous Chinese monk who had asserted that Zhang Qingyuan would be defeated showed embarrassment on his face, and at the same time was embarrassed and angry.

"Huh, boring ones!"

The Chinese monk snorted coldly, put down a cruel word, flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Yi Guangtian's heart staying in his heart is like pouring a glass of ice water in a big summer, only feeling the endless sense of refreshment in his heart.

Although Yi Guangtian is one of the few fans of Zhang Qingyuan in this world, he actually did not have much blind faith in the outcome of the final battle during the previous battles.

After all, Senior Brother Zhang has only been in the inner gate for ten years, and he will not lose if he loses. When the next Inner Sect Competition is held, that will be the stage that Senior Brother Zhang will truly show.

No, maybe at that time Brother Zhang had already been promoted to the late Zhenyuan stage and became a true disciple!

A group of guys who only rely on their cultivation time for longer and have such strength, what is this?

At that time, Yi Guangtian felt so self-comforting in his heart and consciously maintained the wise image of his idol.

After all, he had a dream that he could not achieve when he was young,

Zhang Qingyuan helped him do it.

Seeing the other party on the stage attracting everyone's attention, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy in his heart.

It’s just that Yi Guangtian didn’t think of it at all.

Senior Brother Zhang really showed that tyrannical strength and won this game, declaring his powerful strength with a huge battle momentum!

The ups and downs of a battle,

In the end, he won this hearty victory. How can he not let Yi Guangtian feel so excited?

And at this time,

With the departure of the Huayi monk, the spectators around who had been indifferent to Yi Guangtian became more enthusiastic, and asked Yi Guangtian about Zhang Qingyuan's deeds.

Yi Guangtian was also excited in his heart. He directly incarnates Zhang Chui on the spot and automatically introduces his fame to Senior Brother Zhang.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang started at the end of the year..."

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