between breaths,

With the speed of lightning, Zhang Qingyuan has already reached thousands of miles away.


He did not continue to run away,

Suddenly stopped, suspended in mid-air.

"Hehe, why didn't you run away?"

A playful voice oscillated between the voids, until the sound of a clear spring flowed into Zhang Qingyuan's ears from the voids.

This voice came from the front!

At this moment,

A figure appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan at some point!

"Little devil, you are really bold, how dare you break into the black prison, release the felons inside, and disrupt the emperor's plan!"

"Is this when I don't exist!"


The majestic figure in a golden dragon robe stood with his hands behind his back, as if the great emperor of the gods in the heaven had come to the world, but just standing there created a kind of terrifying oppression that made the entire sky sink for it!

A pair of golden eyes stared directly at Zhang Qingyuan.


Great shore!

And with a kind of indifference like a god, looking down on ants!

"As expected of a legendary figure who has ruled Qingzhou for 10,000 years, with such strength, I am afraid that he is no longer under the virtual sky!"

In Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, a stream of light flashed,

The mind was extremely solemn at this moment.

If it is an ordinary cultivator of the Wanhua realm,

Under the breath of the opponent's random escape, I am afraid that it has been easily suppressed and can't move!

Even Zhang Qingyuan himself,

They all felt an unprecedented sense of great threat!

This is the body of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor!

In the Shenjing, the ten thousand years of luck of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty has gathered, and the strength is comparable to the existence of the celestial beings!

Boom! ! !

without the slightest hesitation,

There is no need to answer,

Valley Umbrella Zhang Qingyuan suddenly shot!

The Five Elements Dao has come to an end, and everything is complete. At the same time, he also has more than 90% of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra and the immortal energy that he has cultivated.

The progress over the past few days has given Zhang Qingyuan the confidence to fight against him!

supernatural powers

The Great Week and the Five Elements Reincarnation!

Zhang Qingyuan punched out, the sky and the earth roared, like the thunder of thousands of miles, and the five elements of the road to the end revolved between the palms of his hands, converging into a supreme mighty force, leading the avenue of laws of the world, turning it into shattered stars, and annihilated thousands of people. The terrifying fist of the law has come to the world!

The natal supernatural power broke out almost instantly,

The Five Elements Avenue, which is complete at the end, has added a hundred times more power to it!

Back then, when facing Daoist Kukai,

The other party has only reached the end of the Great Ocean Avenue, and he has a strength comparable to that of heaven and man.


What Zhang Qingyuan has come to the end is not only the Dao of Water, but the five elements and the heavens are already complete, and the power of the Dao of the Five Elements, which mutually restrain each other, is more than a thousand times stronger than the old way of Konghai!

This punch,

It is as if the gods descended to the earth, possessing the supreme might to overturn the sky for thousands of miles!

"Five Elements Avenue, you are the remnant of the Five Elements Immortal Sect?!"

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor, who was originally confident that he had everything under his, felt a sudden change in his expression after feeling the breath of the Five Elements Dao that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Since the last ascension Immortal Venerable who is absolutely heaven and earth, hasn't no one been able to walk this road again? !

For a moment,

A bad feeling rose in the Great Zhou Divine Emperor's heart.

It seems that things are beyond his control!


Although his mind was shaken, the Great Zhou Divine Emperor was still an existence comparable to the virtual sky. Facing Zhang Qingyuan's punch that shattered the heavens, the golden dragon on his yellow robe surged like a living thing. It vaguely reflects a phantom that looks like a dragon that sees its head but not its tail!

The Great Zhou Divine Sovereign slapped his palms, bringing forth a mighty domineering aura that surpassed the sky, swept across the virtual sky, and collided with the oncoming fist!

Boom! ! !

The earth-shattering bang resounded throughout the world,

The surrounding vacuum was torn apart in an instant!

The dark nothingness that can't see five fingers appears!


There are still 800 words here. I'm a little sleepy. I'll go to bed first. I'll finish writing it around noon.


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