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Twenty years ago,

When Zhang Qingyuan, who was in Yuzhou at the beginning, decided to go to the outer continent through the ancient road of the boundary that Ning Buqi took, the ancestor of Zongmen Xuansu Taoist Danyang also asked him to leave Yuzhou together and see the outside world. new world.

Zhang Qingyuan did not refuse this, and took the two of them through the land of the sea and came to Qingzhou.

After staying for a while after entering Qingzhou, and after getting a general understanding of the situation on Qingzhou, the few people separated from each other.

After all, their goals are also different, and there is no need to stay together.

Just after the separation, Zhang Qingyuan has no news of the two.

However, it wasn't long before they were separated from each other at that time. For a monk in the Wanhua realm, a single retreat might last for dozens or hundreds of years, so Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much.

Perhaps in this wider land, what opportunity did he get to start retreating and digesting?

After all, Taoist Xuansu and Ancestor Danyang acted together.

Although the two were not originally powerful monks of the Dao Zun of Wanhua,

But after Zhang Qingyuan pointed out the way forward, the accumulation of many years has been sublimated and transformed, and it is also a great improvement in strength.

This kind of strength, not to mention that they can run wild in the Qingzhou realm, but at least look at the entire Qingzhou cultivation world, can they solve their thoughts and will not exceed the number of palms?

What's more, they also carry tokens that can urgently contact Zhang Qingyuan,

Thinking about it, it is impossible for them to even release the token of emergency contact, so they should be suppressed.

It was with this thought in mind that Zhang Qingyuan did not panic at all.

But what's going on now?

How were they imprisoned here?

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes narrowed.

The two people whose bodies were pierced by black chains, their breath was weak, and their bodies became scrawny.

Apparently it was locked up here for quite a while.

At the same time, the chains densely covered with strange runes are like greedy blood-sucking worms, greedily absorbing the power of the two!


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes turned cold.

Seeing this scene, great anger arose in my heart.

boom! ! !

The powerful invisible impact swept across the four directions, rolling up a terrifying space storm in the void!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure teleported like lightning to the cell where Xuansu Daoist and Danyang ancestor were imprisoned. At the same time, his figure flickered like a dream, and the sharp and boundless swords that cut off the avenues swept out. Condensed with the power to destroy all methods, he slashed on the iron railings of the cage!


In the continuous crackling sound, the black railings were torn apart instantly, and the remaining sword power slashed on the dense black chains!


In the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, the rune on the black chain flashed some kind of strange light, which greatly reduced the power of the sword that shot out, leaving only a small amount of light on the chain. the notch!


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes became colder.


A ray of golden light bloomed, and the sword pill shot out from the dantian, turning into a dazzling divine light, only to see a golden thunder and lightning flash past in the dark prison,

in an instant,

The black chains on Xuansu Daoist and Danyang Ancestor broke into several pieces and fell to the ground!


Twenty years ago,

When Zhang Qingyuan, who was in Yuzhou at the beginning, decided to go to the outer continent through the ancient road of the boundary that Ning Buqi took, the ancestor of Zongmen Xuansu Taoist Danyang also asked him to leave Yuzhou together and see the outside world. new world.

Zhang Qingyuan did not refuse this, and took the two of them through the land of the sea and came to Qingzhou.

After staying for a while after entering Qingzhou, and after getting a general understanding of the situation on Qingzhou, the few people separated from each other.

After all, their goals are also different, and there is no need to stay together.

Just after the separation, Zhang Qingyuan has no news of the two.

However, it wasn't long before they were separated from each other at that time. For a monk in the Wanhua realm, a single retreat might last for dozens or hundreds of years, so Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much.

Perhaps in this wider land, what opportunity did he get to start retreating and digesting?

After all, Taoist Xuansu and Ancestor Danyang acted together.

Although the two were not originally powerful monks of the Dao Zun of Wanhua,

But after Zhang Qingyuan pointed out the way forward, the accumulation of many years has been sublimated and transformed, and it is also a great improvement in strength.

This kind of strength, not to mention that they can run wild in the Qingzhou realm, but at least look at the entire Qingzhou cultivation world, can they solve their thoughts and will not exceed the number of palms?

What's more, they also carry tokens that can urgently contact Zhang Qingyuan,

Thinking about it, it is impossible for them to even release the token of emergency contact, so they should be suppressed.

It was with this thought in mind that Zhang Qingyuan did not panic at all.

But what's going on now?

How were they imprisoned here?

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes narrowed.

The two people whose bodies were pierced by black chains, their breath was weak, and their bodies became scrawny.

Apparently it was locked up here for quite a while.

At the same time, the chains densely covered with strange runes are like greedy blood-sucking worms, greedily absorbing the power of the two!


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes turned cold.

Seeing this scene, great anger arose in my heart.

boom! ! !

The powerful invisible impact swept across the four directions, rolling up a terrifying space storm in the void!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure teleported like lightning to the cell where Xuansu Daozun and Danyang ancestor were imprisoned. At the same time, his figure flickered like a dream, and the boundless swords that cut off the avenues swept out~ Condensed the power of destroying all methods, chopped on the iron railings of the cage!


In the continuous crackling sound, the black railings were torn apart instantly, and the remaining sword power slashed on the dense black chains!


In the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, the rune on the black chain flashed some kind of strange light, which greatly reduced the power of the sword that shot out, leaving only a small amount of light on the chain. the notch!


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes became colder.


A ray of golden light bloomed, and the sword pill shot out from the dantian, turning into a dazzling divine light, only to see a golden thunder and lightning flash past in the dark prison,

in an instant,

The black chains on Xuansu Daoist and Danyang Ancestor broke into several pieces and fell to the ground!

Chapter 485 Advent

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