You can't go wrong, Jianmaru did fluctuate just now!

Zhang Qingyuan no longer placed his gaze on the golden giant pillar, but looked at the sky above it, pondering.

After a while.

His eyes moved slightly, as if thinking of something.

Pinch out a magic trick in the palm of your hand.


Suddenly, the auras agitated all over the body, a ray of sword intent filled the void, golden light appeared, and the sword pill appeared in the mid-air like the same wheel.

this moment,

Within a radius of tens of miles, everyone seemed to be caught in a sea of ​​sword intent.

It's like a tide galloping.

The appearance of the sword pill, and the influence of the Qi machine seemed to cause some changes, and it was seen that the golden pillar on the high platform in front had a certain degree of resonance, and a series of gilded runes began to light up!

The sudden change made Zhang Qingyuan's heart shocked.

"this is!"

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrink slightly.

Finally remembered where I am familiar!

The huge golden pillar in front of him is no different from the feeling of facing the barren tree that day!

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was shaken violently.

A sect that was in the South China Sea and was destroyed three hundred years ago. Why would the spiritual tool cultivated resonate with this mysterious relic in the Western Wilderness? !

You know, the distance between the two is more than a million kilometers!

There are countless dangerous mountains and dangerous places. The South China Sea itself belongs to the remote place in the south of Yuzhou, and the connection with the mainland of Yuzhou is not very high, let alone the remote western wasteland of Yuzhou.

What is the connection between them?

And where did the sword pill that was cultivated by the Linghai Sword School come from?

What kind of secret is hidden in this sword pill, a spiritual weapon that can recover by absorbing the power of Gengjin? !

Many doubts almost exploded in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

for a long time.


Zhang Qingyuan let out a long breath and suppressed many thoughts.

Regardless, you will know something when you should know it, and it's no use thinking more.

The most important thing is now!

"There is some kind of connection between this thing and Kenmaru, but..."

Zhang Qingyuan looked away from the huge golden pillar on the high platform.

Move to the sky above it.

"The feeling from there is clearer. It was not certain before, but now it seems that there is something hidden there!"


The things in the void seem to be more important than the golden pillar!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't think too much.

He decisively took out a yellow-level top-grade bursting talisman that Yang Wenqian had previously given him, but his face also showed a painful color that could not be concealed.

"This thing hasn't been warmed up yet, but it's about the spirit weapon sword pill, there's no way this can be done!"

Be cruel,

The true element inspires.

Immediately, the whole talisman turned into a beam of light lasing forward, straight into the sky above the huge golden pillar.


Only a bang was heard.

It was as if a stone fell into the water, and there were waves of waves visible to the naked eye, and then disappeared.

At the time of doubt.

There was a sudden change in the void. Layers of space like water wave mirrors collapsed, revealing a vortex channel. Through the vortex channel, you can vaguely see the environment inside.

"this is!!!"

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank suddenly to the size of a needle.


At the same moment.

Second floor.

In the empty space, huge stone pillars will support the rock formations above, and there is a gloom as far as you can see, but at the end of that gloom, it is a huge fan with a simple shape, giving people a kind of chest depression. Incomparably, it feels like there is something terrifying hidden behind it!

But at this time,

The underground secret space that had been silent for so many years was completely broken by a great battle today.

But said a few days ago,

Lin Yan entered the second floor under the guidance of Mr. Xiao.

But because of the lack of a map, he can only gradually explore it by himself, and this level of mystery is somehow going, some dark unknown creatures wandering in the darkness, plus some shrouded formations, causing him A lot of trouble.

Time has been delayed a lot.

Until the door at the core, he faced the gang leader of the Azure Dragon Gang who came with a map in his hand.

Not surprisingly, conflict and fighting broke out.

Relying on his first arrival and familiarity with the terrain, Lin Yan first cut off the Green Dragon Gang leader's heavy wounds. Now the only one who can pose a threat to him is the Azure Dragon Gang leader.

And this completely aroused the anger of the other party.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The eyes of the Qinglong gang leader were boundlessly angry, and his beards were angered. The majestic true essence impacted and swept through the surrounding space like a tsunami, impacting the space like a tsunami.

At this time, not far from the chaos, a group of Azure Dragon Gang helped everyone die and wounded.

His anger,

It's not that the tools under his staff suffered heavy casualties and were almost completely destroyed.

For him, the original intention of the establishment of the entire Azure Dragon Gang was just to be able to better find the tools on which the map was located. Naturally, it would not have the slightest emotion, as the name of the entire gang could tell.

However, he didn't care about the Qinglong Gang in the slightest.

It doesn't mean that he can accept being teased so easily by this kid in front of him!

He has been dominating Luoyan City for many years, and he has the unquestionable dominance and majesty of a big Give me death! "


The leader of the Azure Dragon Gang surged with boundless aura, gathered in his fists, and slammed towards Lin Yan on the opposite side.

This fist was like a thunder rolling, and thunder sounds trembled from the void, and there was arc fire bursting in the space, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire space.

It seems to have the power to overthrow mountains and rivers!

"Hmph, I really thought I was afraid that you would not succeed!"


There was also a gloomy flash on Lin Yan's face.


While breathing, the fiery red true essence swept across Lin Yan's body, and the surrounding void seemed to be burning with raging flames. The hot temperature swept all over, turning the surrounding space into a flame oven.

Swing a palm forward,

Gathering the majestic momentum, heading for the air, and heading towards the leader of the Azure Dragon Gang!

Boom! ! !

The violent explosion immediately swept across the entire second-tier underground space, and the entire second-tier secret realm in the core shook slightly at this moment.

The rocks cracked, and the dome seemed to be exploded.

The vibration swept the surrounding earth,

As the rubble and dust spread, the two figures swiftly collided, and in an instant it was not known how many times they had fought each other, but the escaping power was enough to smash the surrounding rocks!

The electric snake flame bursts through the void,

The power of destruction swept through,


In the fight between the two, even though Lin Yan was slightly inferior, he did not show any defeat at all, causing the surrounding Azure Dragon Gang gangs to flee far away, and their faces were full of horror.

Shockingly watched the battle between the two great True Essence Realm powerhouses, the aftermath that swept away at will was enough to crush them!

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