Here, Zhang Qingyuan has gained a lot.

Let's not talk about the 800 middle-grade spirit stone harvests obtained by killing the few True Yuan realm monks this time, and the 200 merit points rewards that were allocated after reporting to the sect.

It's just any one of the three magic weapons, and the hard work of this industry is worth it.

On the next journey,

Zhang Qingyuan spent a few days recovering his spirit, and then continued to refine the remaining two magic weapons one by one, and became familiar with their power.

That half-crescent round blade is a magic weapon for attacking attributes.

It only has the power to attack and kill, and there is no other incidental ability at all, but at the same time, the specialization also makes this half-month magic weapon attack extremely powerful.

The blade is extremely sharp.

Basically, waiting for the leisure artifacts can not resist.

Zhang Qingyuan randomly took a low-grade magic weapon to experiment, and saw that the crescent-shaped blade easily cut the magic weapon open.

It's like cutting mud.

Zhang Qingyuan was really shocked.

Zhang Qingyuan casually named it Yuejinlun.

The jade bottle artifact is a device that can hold a large amount of sea water, release the majestic sea water when facing the enemy, and manipulate it to restrain the enemy or transform the surrounding environment into an environment that is beneficial to oneself.

What is the capacity of this jade bottle?

Anyway, according to Zhang Qingyuan's estimation, a lake with a radius of several kilometers can be created in a short time.

The tremendous impact that this majestic hydraulic power can produce requires even a monk in the True Element Realm to retreat.

In the subsequent refining process, Zhang Qingyuan found that the essence of Guishui seemed to be incorporated into it, which could greatly enhance its power.

This discovery undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan a little happy.

After being promoted to the True Element Realm, Zhang Qingyuan discovered that his speed of refining the essence of Gui Water has further increased.

It used to be able to extract only one drop a day, but now it can extract more than ten drops a day.

Of course, this is the speed refined in the groundwater vein with extremely strong water power in the Yuelian Islands.

Moreover, after Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to the True Element Realm, his spirit was transformed, and he was able to more accurately gather the rich essence of the Great Guishui at the bottom.

This gives Zhang Qingyuan a natural advantage in this regard.

You must know that the speed at which the ordinary real-element-level monks refine the essence of Guishui in the rivers and seas is probably not ten times slower or even dozens of times slower than the current Zhang Qingyuan!

"The essence of Guishui, it's really a good thing!"

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh from the heart at this moment.

The next trip.

Zhang Qingyuan was not too rushed.

While familiarizing with the three magic weapons, while using the middle-grade spirit stones for practice.

Zhang Qingyuan found that

Perhaps after this battle, with enough middle-grade spirit stones consumed, the bottleneck of the original Zhenyuan First Layer late stage was also loosened at this moment.

Vaguely there is a feeling that a breakthrough is about to be made.

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan very happy.

"Sure enough, only fighting is the best way to practice breakthrough!"

Up to this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan also understood the truth.

This is because in the life and death struggle, a little carelessness is in danger of death, and the spirit is naturally extremely concentrated, and it is easier to break through oneself under the crisis of life and death, and to cross the barrier that is usually difficult to cross.

This time,

Zhang Qingyuan seemed relaxed, but the actual danger was only known to him. In that tight mind, the bottlenecks of the original essence that had been blocked naturally came through with the subconscious.

"It's no wonder that walking between life and death, entering the border extremely fast, this also makes a certain sense..."

"Now I am about to break through to First Consummation!"

"Next, let's ignore everything else, let's break through with all our strength for the time being!"

Zhang Qingyuan had cares in his mind.

After not staying any longer, Zhang Qingyuan returned to Yuelian Islands at an accelerated rate after returning to his peak.

It is not very safe for the outside world to find a place to break through.

I still go back to my hometown,

Practice more peace of mind.


Time flies by.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

blue sea, blue sky.

There is still half a day away from the Moon Link Islands.

In the past few days, Zhang Qingyuan was not completely on the way, but was familiar with the power of the three magic weapons while on the way.

A rough estimate.

With these three magic weapons,

His strength will increase by 30% again!

Don't underestimate these 30%.

His current strength is already extremely good, and his strong foundation has made Zhang Qingyuan's 30% improvement far greater than the ordinary Zhenyuan first-tier cultivator.

This undoubtedly makes Zhang Qingyuan feel good.

"After I go back, I will retreat first and break through the first level of Consummation, and then buy some elixir, refine the Guishui Pill that can be taken in the True Essence Realm, and refine or purchase some True Essence Realm-level pill."

"In this way, I can speed up the time for myself to break through to the second layer faster."

"As long as the resources are sufficient, it is estimated to be within one or two years!"

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was planning.


A big danger suddenly enveloped my heart.

Let his hairs rise.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Fengyun has no body!

The perfect level of martial arts and martial arts was displayed in an instant, and the whole person instantly turned into a vague afterimage.

At the same moment,

Boom! ! !

A horrible light suddenly penetrated the void, tearing the air, and instantly strangling and smashing the afterimage of Zhang Qingyuan, setting off a huge wave of explosion in mid-air.


Lying in an ambush under the sea, Zeng Mingshi, who was about to kill the opponent with a single blow, opened his eyes in this long-planned attack,

He was completely avoided by the opponent at this moment!

"How can this be!"

Even if he came here and lurked in the Zhoushan waters for a while, he also asked about Zhang Qingyuan's name. It is said that the other party had killed the monks in the True Essence Realm before the Lingyuan Realm.

But it was impossible for him to think of it.

With the cultivation base of the late stage of his True Yuan triple stage, hiding under the sea surface, the attack broke out in an instant and it didn't even hurt the opponent at all!


Zeng Ming is overcast in the world.

For such a moment of effort, he regretted setting the target on this person.

"Where is the rat, dare to hurt people here!"

In the sky.

Zhang Qingyuan, who had avoided the blow, had lingering fears.

Staring sharply at the man on the sea.

The tide on the sea dissipated slightly, and Zhang Qingyuan's sharp gaze seemed to see a slightly familiar face through layers of void.

There was a flash of light in his mind.

"Zeng Mingshi?!"

When receiving the Yunshuizong patrol mission, the Zongmen's office also left some pictures of the Hanhaizong monks who had sneaked into the South China Sea and had exposed their faces.

One of them is exactly this Zeng Mingshi!

The reason why Zhang Qingyuan has a deep memory is because on his wanted list, someone added a reward of a thousand middle-grade spirit stones!

At that time Zhang Qingyuan paid more attention.

I didn't expect to meet him here.


Why did the other party suddenly attack him, and why did he appear here?

Reminiscing about the unusual rewards on the wanted list, Zhang Qingyuan felt a hint of unusual meaning, and secretly became vigilant in his heart.


I'm wrong......

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