Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 292: New capabilities of the panel

"Natural magic weapon..."

Two months later.

In a sea area, Zhang Qingyuan was driving quickly on the Silver Shadow Longsword, looking at a few samples of magic weapons in his hand.

He whispered in his heart.


Zhang Qingyuan, the elder of the Jiang family and the others have already completed the patrol mission, and took the heads of the monks of the three true essence realms of the Hanhai Sect to the branch of the Yunshui Sect in Tiannan City. After confirming their identity, they obtained more than 1,000 Points of meritorious rewards.

Divide the merit points rewards up.

Several people disbanded the team and left each.

After patrolling for two months, and also made the credit for destroying the real element realm monks of the Hanhaizong, it is already enough to offset the remaining labor, and there is no need to let them participate in the next patrol and annihilation.

And Zhang Qingyuan, after everyone bid farewell, also controlled the sword light, preparing to return to Yuelian Islands.

Only this time.

Zhang Qingyuan had time to do things that he didn't want others to see.

These three samples of life magic weapons were taken out, and they were ready to carry out some kind of test of their own.

Three samples of magic weapons are placed in front of you.

Among them, the most precious is Luo Guilong's yin and yang element magnetic beads.

What was left was a magic weapon like a sword moon wheel, and an unknown jade bottle magic weapon that was crushed to pieces during the battle.

They are all magic weapons on top of the magic weapon!

Delve deep into it.

Zhang Qingyuan immediately sensed the three-sample life artifact, entangled with a kind of difficult-to-eliminate, magical weapon fused into one, and between you and me, you are hard to control.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

"No wonder they all treat other people's destiny magic weapons as waste products. With these hard-to-clean destiny and painstaking efforts, magic weapons cannot be successfully refined, let alone use them like fingers and exert their own power. ."

"However, I am different!"

Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness turned to the proficiency panel in the sea of ​​knowledge, and when he saw the new panel on that page, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Two years ago, before being promoted to the True Element Realm, Zhang Qingyuan was right.

When his alchemy was promoted, and his cultivation was also promoted to the True Element Realm, the proficiency panel in his mind did change!

An extra page has been added.


Name: Zhang Qingyuan

Cultivation: Zhenyuan Yizhong late stage.

Gongfa: One Yuan Guishui Jing (Consummation: ???/???)



On the main page, there is not much change from the previous one.

It is the data page of a **** mobile game with basic information about itself displayed on it.

But after this page.

If you concentrate,

It will enter the next interface.

That is the new change that this cultivation base has gotten.

Decomposing furnace page!

Like many card collecting games of Krypton Gold Pit Money in the previous life, the main content of this decomposition furnace page is decomposition.

In the original Idle Immortal Cultivation game, you can decompose magic pill and so on to obtain raw materials.

Or reset the enhanced magic weapon and return the enhanced materials.

But now crossing has become a reality.

This idle immortality game has also changed to a certain extent, and the effectiveness of the decomposition furnace has basically changed.

It is very different from the game.

After the proficiency panel is promoted to new abilities.

Zhang Qingyuan has tried many times.

It was confirmed that this decomposing furnace was indeed not like a real game, decomposing a magical artifact into raw materials, and did not have the ability to reset and return the materials.

It doesn't have all the functions that the game should have.

This made Zhang Qingyuan a little confused for a while.

I feel that this new sector does not seem to have any effect.

It seems to be like the first proficiency panel, just with the display function, but not any other functions.

However, after a period of exploration, combined with the proficiency panel itself, it can only display proficiency, and cannot add a little improvement.

Zhang Qingyuan also had a certain guess.

"The proficiency panel came across with me, and changed according to what I knew. Even the names of the spells and martial arts inside can change with my mind."

"Moreover, it can also change with my spiritual consciousness to open new panel functions."

"In this way, it should be in the process of traversing that the unknown entanglement between the proficiency panel where the immortal cultivation is placed and my own spirit has occurred. It is like becoming my hands and feet, becoming my spirit. Part."

"What the spirit can do, this metamorphic proficiency panel can do."

"It is impossible for the spirit to increase my own cultivation base out of thin air, nor for me to gain experience after killing an enemy in battle. Therefore, the proficiency panel cannot do these things. At most, it can only combine with my own state. The altered program shows my own spiritual state."

"Similarly, it is impossible for the spirit to retrospectively turn the artifacts into raw materials out of thin air, nor can it return the strengthened materials."


"The monk's spiritual imprint and destiny contained in the magic weapon of expelling the monk's fate are themselves constantly refined through the spirit. This is similar to the ability of the proficiency panel to a certain extent, and perhaps its own role lies in this!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered.

This is his guess.

It is also one of the biggest reasons for this trip to seek the magic weapon of these three samples.

"Let me see if this is the case!"

Holding the Yin-Yang Yuan magnetic beads.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his A part of the spiritual sense wrapped up the two Yin-Yang Yuan magnetic beads, and at the same time moved the page of the decomposition furnace in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In Zhang Qingyuan's consciousness.

Inside the calciner, a pattern of two beads appeared faintly.

This makes Zhang Qingyuan more confident.

"break down!"

Zhang Qingyuan's spirit gathered on the decomposition furnace and secretly ordered in his heart.

A good moment of effort.

Still nothing happened.

Just when Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly and wondered if he was wrong, suddenly, a hot stream circulated in his mind.


A large amount of the power of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly resembled a flood without a bank, and a large part of it was suddenly absorbed!

This surprised Zhang Qingyuan suddenly.

But at the same time, the ups and downs also brought joy to my heart.


A large amount of the power of divine consciousness was drawn and disappeared out of thin air, making Zhang Qingyuan's face pale at this moment at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until his head became dizzy.

The extraction just ceased.

at the same time,

Noisy! ! !

The violent magnetic field suddenly erupted from the Yin-Yang Yuan magnetic beads and collided with each other, producing a violent electromagnetic fire, which rose out of thin air!

A few drops of red blood drained from the two beads.

The two yin and yang element magnetic beads that were originally bleak, bloomed with dazzling light again!

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

The pale face was full of joy that could not be concealed.


this moment,

Rao Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help laughing.


Sorry, if something happens today, one will be updated, and tomorrow will be updated three times.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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