Somewhere in the vast sea.


A figure broke through the water, and a long sword magic weapon hovered under her body, holding the slightly embarrassed figure in the air.

"The bastard, you chased so tightly, this is almost a thousand miles away, in which sea area am I?!"

Climbing out of the water, Zeng Mingshi quickly cast several rejuvenation charms and knocked several pills at the same time.

Temporarily stabilize the injury.

Feel the fractured injury in the body.

A trace of sorrow appeared on his face.

"Today's insult will be returned a hundred times in the future!"

Zeng Mingshi is an inner disciple of the Hanhai Sect, with a triple level of cultivation in the True Origin Realm.

With the outbreak of a war between the Yunshui Sect and the Hanhai Sect, and the war became increasingly fierce, Zeng Mingshi was also transferred to the front line.

Only when it was ranked.

Zeng Mingshi played a trick, used his personal connections and spent a lot of spiritual stones to transfer himself to the customs border activities of the North Sea and the South China Sea.

At least these two regions belonged to the fringe front that the two major sects did not pay much attention to.

It is far safer than the main battlefield where the two major sects fought in the Cloud Sea Mountain Range.

Not long ago,

He just heard about it.

On the battlefield of the Yunhai Mountains, a battle of Dongzhen's advancement broke out.

It is said that the arrogant Yan Kuang disciple of Yunshui Sect, after recovering from his wounds, angrily challenged his own sect disciple at Tianmen Pass and killed two Zhenyuan triples one after another in a battle. Eight true yuan doubles, as well as two-digit or more true yuan single-layer inner disciples.

One of the True Yuan triple disciples was also a descendant of an elder of the sect.

The elder who was secretly observing at the time drew a shot on the spot.

It's just that the Immortal Dongzhen who secretly defended the way in Yunshuizong also took action to block it.

The two immortals in the realm of the cave broke out in a big battle.

Almost all of the mountains over a hundred miles were broken through.

If the sky is falling apart.

The entire Tianmen Pass was directly destroyed.

This kind of battle of the hole truth series has been affected a little bit, and with his small body, I am afraid that it will be wiped out on the spot.

So he spent a lot of thoughts and directly transferred to this side.

At least the dispute between the South China Sea and the North Sea will basically not erupt to the level of a war of immortals above the realm of Dongzhen.


Zeng Mingshi's luck was not so good. During the process of entering the South China Sea border in a team, he encountered the Jade Island True Element Realm cultivator from the brigade.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Zeng Mingshi fled for the first time.

But it still took a great price to escape. Almost all the spiritual stones and elixir in his body were used up, and he suffered a lot of injuries.

At the same time, the road was blocked.

Zeng Mingshi couldn't turn his head back, he could only go all the way and deepen into the South China Sea.

Originally on the vast sea, as long as he plunged into the sea.

After crossing dozens of kilometers, and then hide it in a different way, it is basically difficult to find him in the vast crowds of people.

After all, it was only the Triple True Yuan, not a monk in the late True Yuan period.

There are many unfamiliar cultivators in the early stage of the True Origin Realm in the South China Sea, and it is impossible for everyone to recognize themselves.

Only the monks above the late True Yuan stage had their number greatly reduced.

Almost every one can be named.

Therefore it is difficult to hide.

But the problem is that after Zeng Mingshi escaped the customs chase, he was embarrassed and basically exhausted all his resources and needed some spiritual objects to recover.

As a result, I encountered a merchant ship halfway through.

There was only one monk of the first layer of the real yuan realm sitting on the merchant ship.

So there is no doubt that Zeng Mingshi directly attacked the merchant ship, beheaded all the monks on the merchant ship, and seized all the supplies for healing.

It's just that he didn't expect the next result at all.

Just such a casual captivity was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and then it directly attracted a large number of monks to encircle and suppress.

There are a total of seven true origin realms.

One of them is Zhenyuan Sixth Layer!

Lay a net of heaven and earth on the sea.

Search by inch.

"Damn it, chasing here again! Who on earth is that guy, how can it cause so many true essence cultivators to encircle and suppress it!"

In midair, Zeng Mingshi, who was hurrying to reply, suddenly felt the breath of chasing not far away.

Zeng Mingshi was a little frustrated.

Since robbing that merchant ship, these **** guys are chasing behind them like flies that can't be thrown away, even the Yunshuizong monks on the border have not worked so hard.

Able to cultivate to the realm it is today.

Zeng Mingshi is not a fool either.

He knew that either the True Primal Realm he had done himself was a relative of a certain great figure, or he had taken away something very important.

Otherwise, you won't get into such a big trouble.

It's just that he also knows that even if he knows the reason, it has no effect on his current situation.

The only thing that can be done now,

Only escape!

Escape from the sight of those **** guys chasing after them!



In this vast area of ​​the South China Sea, the True Element Boundary monk who was as hostile as Zeng Mingshi and flowed into the South China Sea was not the only one, but because Zeng Mingshi was unlucky and stabbed a hornet's nest. Fully pursue and kill.

Some True Primal Boundary cultivators of the Boundless Sea Sect wandered in the South China Sea with hidden identity and strength, but not many people discovered their identity.

Some are low-key and don't cause trouble, only to be able to collect information safely Some directly fall into the grass and turn into pirates to burn, kill and loot on the route, rob the cultivation resources, and destroy the transportation line of the Yuzhou monks.

Some fired one shot for another, successively destroying the islands of the cultivators of the Lingyuan realm, weakening the potential for war.

This makes the South China Sea a little unquiet.

Even with the Zhoushan sea area generation, there are also some people's feelings floating.

But what happened outside this.

Zhang Qingyuan is not clear.

Time passed quickly in his retreat breakthrough.

In the blink of an eye,

It has been more than half a year.

During this half a year, Zhang Qingyuan had been sitting on the white jade futon without any movement, just like a statue, motionless.

Like a dead thing.


No one doubts whether Zhang Qingyuan failed to break through and died in the wood-built retreat near Lingquankou.

Because during this period,

Although Zhang Qingyuan was motionless, he didn't even blink his eyes.

But the island owner's mansion is already unpopular.

The majestic coercion,

Unscrupulously spreading around, there is a feeling of majestic pressure that makes people press a big rock in their hearts, and the air becomes a thick stream of water, which makes people suffocate.


This coercion continues to spread over time.

First, start near the mouth of Lingquan, to the mansion of the main island, to the main peak of the main island, and then to the surrounding towns...

Expand little by little.

Until now,

On the entire island, just a little bit of practice and achievement, and a little bit of perception with spiritual sense,

You can feel the center of the island, as if a terrifying existence absorbs wind and clouds, breathes spiritual energy, and suppresses the terrible existence of heaven and earth!

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