Behind him, the Zhang family's children also broke through the pirates' interception and landed on the ship one after another.

Under Zhang Changyang's brave and brave state, the pirate monks who surrounded him were not too strong, so the Zhang family's children broke through the encirclement without losing anyone.

Everyone is arrogant,

With death, prepare for the next big battle.


When he landed on the boat, the sight in front of him came into view.

Everyone, including Zhang Changyang, expected Zhang Qingyuan to be crushed and beaten or seriously injured to death, and then they rushed to fight the pirate monks and did not appear.

On the contrary, it was a scene that almost made them feel incredible.

On this dilapidated pirate ship, the deck was cracked, and a huge gap was broken on the top of the cabin, which almost hollowed out the entire ship, proving the tragic previous battle.

Inside the cabin, there were blood stains all around.

The pirate's broken limbs and corpses fell to the ground seven and eight, blood flowed, there was no pirate who could still stand, and all the pirates on the ship had been beheaded.

And in the center of the boat.

Zhang Qingyuan held the deathless head of the one-eyed pirate in his hand, looking at the people of the Zhang family who were fighting **** and rushing to the ship, his eyes were a little dazed.

Zhang Qingyuan:? ? ?

Big eyes to small eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little silent.

"Uncle Thirteen, and everyone, I'm really sorry that Qingyuan is late!"

Throwing the one-eyed pirate's head aside like a ball, Zhang Qingyuan arched his hands towards the crowd, making the first sound, breaking the awkward silence.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Changyang seemed to understand what had happened on the ship.

The face is unbelievable.

"Qingyuan, you killed these people and the one-eyed pirate?"

The voice did not change much.

But at this moment, Zhang Changyang's heart is already setting off a stormy sea, and this kind of horror almost drowns him!

Before Zhang Qingyuan arrived, he and the members of the Zhang family had fought against this group of pirates on this island for half a month, and the strength of these pirates was the most clear.

Because of the danger of the pirate profession, fighting outside all year round, the weak and weak have already died in the fighting, submerged in the vast sea.

Every surviving pirate may not have a strong mastery of magic and martial arts, but it is definitely an existence with extremely rich experience in fighting!

They themselves are more proficient in fighting skills and are the best among the cultivators of the same level.

Especially that one-eyed pirate monk!

The cultivation base has reached the stage of Nine Levels of Consummation, and the strength is extremely powerful.

During this half a month, Zhang Changyang did not know how much he suffered.

If it weren't for the diamond circle given by the family just before the departure, not to mention the support for half a month, it might not be able to support it in three or two days!


Is such a group of extremely powerful pirates beheaded by Zhang Qingyuan in just a dozen or twenty breaths?

Even the heads of the one-eyed pirates who had completed the ninefold perfection were taken off!

How can this be? !

At this moment, not only was Zhang Changyang shocked to disbelief, the children of the Zhang family behind him all opened their mouths, and it was almost impossible to speak.

Half a month ago, the pirate who almost beat them to the point of no fight back, in front of this guy, was it easier to pinch to death than a chicken?


Recalling the scene of struggling for the past half a month, I saw the corpse from which no one could escape from the boat.

Everyone took a breath.

I also feel that the five flavors in my heart are mixed, and I don't know what to say for a while.

Very complicated.


Everyone in the Zhang family was shocked by this scene, standing still, gathered from a distance, and the pirate monks who hadn't known that the ship had changed would not stop.

It took only a dozen or twenty breaths before Zhang Qingyuan appeared on the ship, took off the head of the one-eyed pirate, and beheaded all the pirates who dared to attack him at the same time.

The practice on Yuelian Islands has greatly improved Zhang Qingyuan's control of power.

Even an ordinary half-step True Essence Realm cultivator may not be able to achieve the level of Zhang Qingyuan, killing the nine-fold perfect cultivator is like cutting grass.

And that's why.

The pirates on the several pirate ships outside only saw the powerful knife that rolled up half of the pirate ship from the original one-eyed pirate. They didn’t know that the one-eyed pirate was dead now, and even the pirates with the entire ship were taken care of by it. Beheaded.

Seeing that everyone in the Zhang family charged aboard the ship desperately, they thought that Zhang Changyang and others wanted to seize the ship and escape.

So they gathered and rushed up.

"Want to grab the ship and escape? Humph, ridiculous!"

"That's our boss's boat, it's just looking for death!"


In the roar, the figures of the pirate monks leaped over ten feet of distance and rushed up, with a hideous murderous aura.

"You have to travel long distances through mountains and rivers, talk about gossip later, deal with the guys outside first, and then leave it to me."

After finishing speaking, don't wait for everyone around to say more.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure jumped up,

Falling on the mast of the pirate ship, condescending, watching the pirates rushing around.

"A mob!"

Looking at the densely charged pirates around the ship, Zhang Qingyuan sneered.

Take a deep breath.

"Kowloon is in the sky!"

With a stern shout, then the majestic and unbelievable spirit element power swiftly rotates in the meridians, triggering the heaven and earth Qi machine, covering a radius of several tens of meters, and the huge amount of seawater underneath is manipulated at this moment!

next moment!

Boom! ! !

The huge amount of sea water is surging, like an earth-shaking tsunami!

A thousand tons of seawater was drawn suddenly soared into the air, turning into a series of water dragons covering the sky and the sun, and the entire pirate ship was shrouded in the surging water dragons. Among the silver shadows, the momentum is terrifying.

Under this terrifying scene, everyone was almost numb with fright.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of countless people, those water dragons set off huge waves and swept away in all directions!

It's like overwhelming!

This trick,

It was Zhang Qingyuan based on the Jiulong Xuanshui Mantle, and relied on the power of the vast sea to condense the majestic water dragon.

The time of excitation was not to bombard the nine dragons at a target in the same way as the Nine Dragons Xuanshui Cover.

Instead, relying on his own water-prevention technique and huge spiritual power, he controls every majestic water dragon to attack enemies in all directions!

It is precisely now that Zhang Qingyuan's strength has greatly improved, all aspects have been improved through painstaking practice, and at the same time he has mastered the artistic conception of water, etc., before he can reach such a point where he can easily extend the development of magical attacks!

Roar! ! !

Amidst the roar of the dragon, the vivid water dragons seemed to set off a torrent of tsunami, instantly smashing in all the pirate monks who were still flying in mid-air around them, and the powerful force crushed them into minced meat. Make a wave of **** waves.

Instantly wipe out all the pirate monks flying in mid-air!

After that, the majestic surplus was not dissipated, and the thousands of tons of seawater were driven by the terrible water dragon, and Tao Tao rolled towards the rear of the several pirate ships overturned!

At this moment, the entire sea is full of violent winds and waves, like an angry dragon under the water!



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