Rumble! ! !

The huge force collision produced a shocking impact.

Streams of water tore, huge waves rushed out, colliding with each other, and the entire lake space was shaking violently at this moment.

The top reef shattered one after another under the fierce impact.

It crashed and fell.

Surrounded by boundless sand and dust, mixed with that inch of broken vines, caught in the torrent, the dark green sap was released, rendering half of the lake waters!

The green sea that is full of mountains and plains has been torn apart by Zhang Qingyuan's palm.

A huge gap was opened.

Rows of broken vines floated.

Looks like it has been hit hard.


Neither Zhang Qingyuan nor Lin Yan slackened at all.

as predicted,

The broken vines began to grow and extend, intertwined with each other, once again densely mahjong filled with green waves, the overwhelming demonic air spread and swept across.

The entire space shook under this terrifying demon atmosphere.

"What are these things?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was solemn,

Backed quickly with Lin Yan.

Lin Yan practiced the fire attribute technique, and he could breathe with his cultivation base underwater, but if he wanted to fight, his innate combat power would be weakened by more than half.

It is impossible to face this level of battle at all.

Can only go back!

"It's a planting monster! It's actually a rare plant that turns into a monster! Some are like desert thorn snakes. Every vine and thorn is like a living snake, and it can quickly heal and grow, only by breaking its root system. It is possible to defeat it!"

This planting of monsters and monsters, even Lin Yan had no way of knowing.

But he is a refiner after all.

Have seen a lot of refining materials.

Relatively well-informed, he could see the alien beasts similar to this planting demon at a glance, so that he could see the weakness of the opponent.

"it is good!"

There was not much words to make Lin Yan back down.

Zhang Qingyuan drew his sword out of its sheath, and a gleam of silver light lit up in mid-air. At this moment, the whole person was almost a human sword, turning into a sword light that pierced the sky, like a poisonous dragon hovering into the mountains and vines.


White lights flashed.

Like lightning splitting rapidly in the darkness, its sharp and invincible, invincible, the space within the radius of Zhang Qingyuan's radius is protected from dripping water!

One after another, the vines were cut off in the flash of sword light like a storm.

The broken vines falling and floating in the water are constantly twisting and wriggling like broken snakes,


With Zhang Qingyuan’s entry, the sea of ​​vines gathered was easily torn into a huge hole by Zhang Qingyuan.

keep going!

Zhang Qingyuan did not learn too advanced swordsmanship.

What is used is the Yunshui Thirteen Swords Pose that was learned to perfection during the Outer Sect Period.

But this basic swordsmanship martial art,

In front of Zhang Qingyuan at this moment, it is like turning decay into a miracle. The dense vines are rolling in from all directions, but each one is followed by this sharp and boundless sword when it enters the scope of Zhang Xu. The sword is torn and cut off!

this moment,

The spiny snake hiding in the dark also seemed to feel the danger.


In the sharp hiss,

The majestic demon power is like a volcanic eruption at this moment, completely blooming, without any reservation!

Boom! ! !

The ground is cracking at this moment!

A huge black shadow broke out of the underground rock formations. The large chunks of rock formations were lifted. A bucket thick black vine was seen cracking the ground, like the roar of the wind, like a blue dragon sings empty. Swept towards Zhang Qingyuan!

The vast wave of evil spirits,

At this moment, the entire space underground shook violently!

"Hi, half a step Zhenyuan!!!"

Lin Yan, who had retreated to the back in the distance, almost took a breath of cold air when he saw this.

That huge black vine,

Surprisingly, this is the body of this spiny snake.

And judging from the power fluctuations that oscillated in it, it was a terrifying power that could only be found in the half-step True Primal Realm!

At this moment,

Lin Yan almost had the urge to turn around and flee immediately!

What is half-step real yuan?

That is that the cultivation realm has already walked halfway in the journey to the true essence realm!

Practitioners are promoted from Lingyuan to Zhenyuan.

First of all, he must compress his own spirit element bit by bit, and finally reach a limit value, and then the spirit and energy will gather to the peak.

Burn Ling Yuan in one fell swoop, breaking through the bottleneck with explosive power.

In the end, the qualitative change of the spirit element is transformed into the true element, and the real element is completely stepped into the realm!

In the process.

The chance of success without relying on foreign objects is not high.

Therefore, medicines such as the condensing real pill and transforming real pill, which can help the monks to transform their true essence, have become necessary for the monks to make breakthroughs in their cultivation.

And the spirit element in the body is compressed to the limit value, reaching this stage close to the qualitative change.

At this time, the spirit element was several times stronger than the ordinary nine-fold perfect monk's spirit element, and the spirit of the monk was also at its peak, and it was only the last step to be promoted qualitatively.

It's just half a step!

If the strength of the Ninth Level Consummation of the Lingyuan is one, then the strength of the half-step True Essence Realm cultivator is three, and the strength to enter the True Essence Realm is at least ten!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan, who faced the attack of this thorny snake and alien beast, also knew the danger!

As an opponent he is more aware of the horror of the opponent!

But Zhang Qingyuan did not panic.

Faced with such a powerful opponent, turning around and fleeing is the most stupid choice!

"Nine Dragons Xuanshui Mantle!"

In the face of such a powerful attack, Zhang Qingyuan directly used Zhang Qingyuan's most powerful technique today!

This quasi-yellow-level technique,

It was Zhang Qingyuan who won the first extra reward from the year-end small ratio of Xuanshuifeng's newly promoted inner disciple more than half a year ago!

Because he understood the artistic conception of water.

Yushushu repair is extremely advanced.

Coupled with the pure and profound water attribute exercises of the Yiyuan Guishui Sutra itself,

And the proficiency panel in that mind.

With all kinds of bonuses, Zhang Qingyuan made it faster to get started than ordinary monks, and he also practiced more deeply. Now he has reached the stage of Xiaocheng!

The terrifying power is no less inferior to the general half-step Zhenyuan realm attack!

Has become one of Zhang Qingyuan's strongest methods today!

Boom! ! !

Under the guidance of the majestic Lingyuan, nine huge water dragons gathered in the air, almost evacuating all the surrounding lake water.

The ferocious dragon, with incomparable shocking power,

Suddenly strangling towards the main body of the vine!

Rumble! ! !

The earth-shaking big collision began, and the mighty spirit, vitality, and energy exploded like a real shock.

The whole lake vibrated at this moment,

Under this terrifying impact, the surrounding rock formations cracked and opened a series of cobweb-like cracks, spreading in all directions, and then under a greater impact,


The entire underground lake embedded in the heavy rock formations completely collapsed and exploded in front of the half-step Zhenyuan series attack and collision at this moment!

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