The prescription of Guishui Pill has already been thoroughly studied by Zhang Qingyuan.

Only real practice is needed.

First, it took a few days and at a high price to purchase a batch of spiritual materials needed to refine the Guishui Pill from the channels of Tianmu Peak Qiansen.

After getting everything ready, Zhang Qingyuan took the alchemy furnace at the magical level and the various heavenly materials and earth treasures he had purchased and plunged into the underground river of Xuanshui.

He has decided, if there are no surprises.

Unsuccessful refining of Guishui Pill will not come out.

At this time, there are still a large number of sect contribution points in his identity token, so there is no need to worry about spending the contribution points clean.

Enter the underground river of Xuanshui,

Found a relatively remote cave cavity.

Make sure that there are not many people in the rugged terrain.

There were no monsters gathering around.

So Zhang Qingyuan sat crouched on this temporarily opened site, and began to extract the essence of Guishui with peace of mind.

This exercise lasts for one month.

During this period of unremitting efforts, Zhang Qingyuan quickly extracted ten drops of the essence of Guishui.

This is already ten parts of the material for refining Guishui Dan.

After that, Zhang Qingyuan did not continue to refine the essence of Guishui, but rested for a few days.

Restore the mental state to its peak,

Until his mind settled down, he began to refine the Guishui Pill.

This pill is a high-level pill. Even with Zhang Qingyuan's current alchemy proficiency, it took seven parts to successfully refine the first furnace.

But it's all worth it.

After refining the Guishui Pill from the first material.

Zhang Qingyuan's refinement of this pill is already a starting point.

And with the display of the proficiency panel, step-by-step improvements can quickly increase the success rate of this alchemy, and eventually reach an alchemy success rate of more than 70% or 80%.

And most importantly.

After Zhang Qingyuan took a refined Guishui Pill.

He clearly felt,

The realm of one's own cultivation level has been improved a little in a short time!

This doesn't seem like much.

But it is already half a month's hard work comparable to Zhang Qingyuan!


The more time it takes to improve one small step in practice.


This is just the function of a Guishui Pill.

After successfully refining a furnace of Guishui Pill, generally five or six pill can be produced.

Not only that.

Because the Guishui Pill uses the essence of Guishui as its raw material, the pill itself can not only improve the cultivation level, but also can purify the spiritual essence cultivated by the One Yuan Guishui Sutra.

Achieve the role of improving the proficiency of the one-yuan Guishui Jing of the exercise method.

"According to my original calculations, it would take at least two to three years of work to achieve the Nine Levels of Consummation, but now that the Guishui Pill has been successfully refined, then the progress of cultivation can be greatly advanced. Before the end of the year, my cultivation In order to be able to reach the peak of the late stage of Kunou!"

"As for Kunou Consummation, then it can only be determined by chance."

Experience the great effect of ghost blowing lanterns on self-cultivation.

Zhang Qingyuan was pleasantly surprised in his heart,

this moment.

He has even been able to see the scene where his cultivation strength is rapidly increasing in the near future.

bright future!

Can speed up the speed of spiritual progress, no one will not be happy.

Moreover, the Guishui Pill itself is a pill for auxiliary cultivation, not the kind of spiritual pill that directly improves the cultivation base, and there is no saying that it damages the foundation.

Just swallow it every few days.

Use the next one after refining, and there won't even be any side effects.

Calm down.

Zhang Qingyuan continued to enter a state of retreat and practice.


time flies.

More than half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this half a year, Zhang Qingyuan was basically practicing in a retreat in the underground river of diving.

Except for the occasional one or two outings to obtain the spirit materials for refining the Guishui Pill.

Basically stay in the underground river of Xuanshui.

Practice hard.

It is almost isolated from the world.

There are some monks who see Zhang Qingyuan's potential and are ready to make friends or invest in advance to win a visit.

What I saw was just a cave house that had been in dust for more than half a year.

And leave a closed message outside.

This disappointed the visitors at the same time.

It was also very emotional in his heart, saying that Zhang Qingyuan's efforts are beyond ordinary people, and he can still uphold his own heart when he is young, and it is not surprising that he can achieve today's achievements.

This also made Zhang Qingyuan's reputation spread a bit farther in some classes.

The monks also admired it.

It's just that he has no way of knowing it.

Within this half a year,

He also has no intention to pay attention to the outside world.

Instead, he is wholeheartedly in retreat and promotion.

Drops of the essence of Guishui are extracted from the underground river of Xuanshui, and then supplemented with the treasures of heaven, material and earth to make Guishui Pill.

With the help of Guishui Pills.

Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation base has been steadily improved bit by bit.

In the end, the cultivation base was quickly promoted to the peak of the late stage of the nine layers!

Only one step away,

You can reach the Nine-fold Consummation!

At the same time,

There is also the degree of control over the alchemy and the proficiency of the alchemy in the process of continuously refining the pill.

In addition to these.

In the process of retreat.

Zhang Qingyuan also used his free time to practice the magic technique of Nine Dragons Profound Water Mask.

This is indeed a quasi-yellow-level technique.

Cultivation is extremely difficult.

It took Zhang Qingyuan more than a month after his cultivation and promotion to be able to get just.

The difficulty of the spell is directly proportional to the power.

In the first successful display, Zhang Qingyuan failed to control the power in it. As a result, the nine water dragons just gathered, which caused the surrounding cave space to vibrate.

Nine huge water dragons gathered and roared.

Pieces of stalactites shattered and fell from the top.

As if to stir the entire cave space upside down.

Nearly ruined the place where Zhang Qingyuan was in retreat.


Recognized the power of this magic.

Zhang Qingyuan was extremely excited, tried his best to control his power, and practiced continuously in the underground space of this underground river of Xuanshui.

One more powerful magic method.

Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan is happy.

If you can integrate the artistic conception of water in the future, you can practice this technique to perfection.

Then he will get another killer skill series!

Of course.

In the retreat for more than half a year.

Zhang Qingyuan did not lay down his other methods, although the focus was not on other various martial arts.

But other martial arts such as Fengyun Wuxiangshen and other martial arts have a regular practice and review at all.

Only by practicing steadily has progressed.

Will not leave these methods behind.

This is more than half a year.

Practice is extremely difficult.

But at the same time,

It is also a big gain.

Not only did Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation reach the top nine, his strength also increased substantially.

At least for now.

Don't say that the nine-fold Consummation is even a cultivator in the half-step True Origin Realm.

He also has enough self-confidence to oppose him!

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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