Gao Wenhao is a sword repairer, and his magic weapon is a high-end magic weapon.


Nothing else!

It is different from those monks who have only one magic weapon because of poverty.

Gao Wenhao only has one knife, that's because he only uses this knife.

With the strength of the Gao family and the potential shown by Gao Wenhao.

It is not difficult to build a defensive magic weapon for him at a high price, and it is not difficult to build a powerful magic knife with various abilities.

But Gao Wenhao didn't want everything.

As long as this handle is unremarkable, it is just a sword with a certain advantage in hardness and unobstructed spiritual power.

Besides being hard and hard to damage, this knife has no other special features!

This is a pure character who puts a heart on a knife.

In love with the knife.

Give everything about body and mind to this knife.


This knife burst out with endless dazzling light, and burst out with far more powerful power than other magic weapons with various special abilities!

Boom! ! !

This blade of light was like a silver mad dragon that fought to the sky and landed from Nine Heavens.

It's like shattering the space.

With the endless wind and thunder power, the imperial emissary is oppressing Zhang Qingyuan!

"Give me defeat!"

Gao Wenhao holds a sword in his hand,

Roar loudly.

The hair behind him danced wildly under the shock of Lingyuan.

Like a peerless madman descending from the sky.

In fact, Gao Wenhao's realm has not reached the only realm of the sword, nor has it truly reached the point where there is no foreign object except for the sword.

There are still distracting thoughts in his heart.

Therefore, facing Zhang Qingyuan's challenge, he felt unhappy in his heart.

So in the first moment,

He took out his most powerful killer move!

But even so, this Gao Wenhao's knife is still terribly strong.

This is a strong man who has understood the meaning of the sword!

Everyone around,

Just seeing the light of the sword across the sky, under the thunder tremor, I felt my eyes were blinded, and the endless knives of killing and felling came like a vast sea!

"He is stronger again!"

Around, stand aside.

A year ago, Wang Zhiliang, who had missed a half move, had a dignified look at Gao Wenhao's defeat, and his expression was more solemn than ever!

The sword will reach the sky,

It was actually able to integrate his own attacks into the sword intent, forming a general trend of endless attacks!

Only by this hand.

Wang Zhiliang is sure that the other party has made a lot of progress in this year!

As the second-ranked existence.

Wang Zhiliang's utterance immediately caused everyone around him to shift their gazes, and at the same time they looked at the eyes of the field more eagerly.

Zhang Qingyuan always feels very stable, not very uncertain.

Since he chose to challenge Gao Wenhao, he must have a certain degree of confidence in his own strength.

But now,

Gao Wenhao's strength has also improved.

The ultimate winner,

Who will it be?

Faced with this knife as if the entire sky had been collapsed, Zhang Qingyuan looked solemn, but he had not yet reached the point of despair.

"Sword Intent..."

He whispered in his heart.


Draw your sword, get out of the sheath!


A clear sword chant sounded through the world, like an invisible and innocent ripple, instantly spreading in all directions, causing the heaven and earth to vibrate!


Today, Zhang Qingyuan's sword-drawing skills are already complete.

The majestic sword intent turned across the sky.

Within a radius of tens of meters around, it seems to be drawn into a world of torrential rains and floods!

Like a summer rainstorm, it has come to the world.

The fellow monks who were closer, even felt a feeling of being soaked by wind and rain!

Two rays of light pierced through the sky,

Hit together fiercely!

After a moment of stagnation,

Boom! ! !

The incomparable force exploded wildly, as the swords and swords cried, there seemed to be boundless swords and shadows colliding and dissipating.

At the same time, the powerful Lingyuan impact exploded, and everyone around only felt that the world seemed to be shaking, and the majestic and fierce vigor vented in all directions, so that they had to retreat one after another, and their powers resisted.

Click, click...

Under the powerful impact,

The ground paved by the hard granite on the square shattered every inch and burst open!

Such a ruinous scene,

It is really terrifying.

But what is even more frightening is that

In the collision, the battle between the sword intent and the sword intent was broken into hundreds of thousands to a sharp artistic conception. The streamer shot in all directions, sharp and sharp, as if even the air had been cut away!

It's just a residual sword qi with artistic conception that dissipates in the air,

It made everyone present feel a sense of horror!

no doubt,

In the face of this kind of power, they have no ability to resist at all!

They looked at the field in amazement.

This level of battle is already the top strength among the entire Xuanshui Peak's newly promoted inner disciples, and as the vast majority of spectators.

Even the same school in the late stage of Kunou couldn't even get close!

This gap,

It is so desperate!

It’s just how they feel, the two who are fighting on the court at the moment don’t care about this moment,

The eyes of the two are the only powerful opponents in front of each other!

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to take you down!"

Gao Wenhao gave a long scream, shaking his arms.

The mad sword in both palms was actually as heavy as a mountain, shining with a panic like a mighty god.

"Thunder Dragon Crazy Roll!"

that moment,

Gao Wenhao suddenly turned himself into a knife, shot through the air, and his body revolved frantically, a series of lightning flashes shot in all directions, the dazzling light of the knife burst into the void, like a tornado roaring down. .

Face this terrible move,

Zhang Qingyuan's face remained unchanged.

Step out.

Bang bang bang!

Obviously, there was not much Lingyuan fluctuation, but the ground under his feet burst again at this moment, and the whole body was rising step by step at this moment.

Holding a long sword in his palm, Zhang Qingyuan rushed to the sky.


The sharp sword shoots violently, its speed is like lightning, and the entire sky seems to be covered with snow-white silver light. Wherever the sword aura sweeps, there is a sound of cutting and shattering.

Zhang Qingyuan has not practiced much swordsmanship and martial arts.

The only thing is the Yunshui Thirteen Way Sword Style and the One Sword Drawing Technique.

But to the point where he is now,

With the sword intent of water merged into the hardness, the majestic spirit essence is driven by the imperial water technique, and then the world is insight into the world with the vigorous spiritual knowledge. With all the advantages, any swordsmanship and martial arts can be used in his hands. Unpredictable supernatural power!

Boom boom boom! ! !

In a flash,

The images of the two disappeared.

It also seemed to flicker in the mountains and plains, the majestic energy exploded in the air, and the dazzling rays of light burst open, but I don't know how many times the two clashed in mid-air!

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