The Outer Gate of the Yunshui Sect is a grand event held every three years.

At the same time, it was also a major test for Zongmen to select talents.

Of the three thousand people who participated in the competition, only three hundred were able to enter the inner gate in the end.

Only one out of ten.

And it was still one-tenth of the number of participants, choosing one out of ten from the outer disciples who had already been selected.

If you add the hundreds of outer courtyards of the entire Yunshui sect, and count those other courtyard disciples who are not even qualified to participate in the competition, the ratio is even lower to an unimaginable point. !

And in such a big comparison,

If you can stand out from the preliminary round, enter the top ten of each group, and be able to participate in the semi-finals, then it means that you have won the ticket to enter the inner door!

However, in the end, the number of people who can make the semifinals is only two hundred.

Therefore, being able to enter the semi-finals also means being eligible to enter the inner gate.

As for the remaining 100 places,

It was divided up by the resurrection competitions that those eliminated afterwards, and some talented talents who were self-assessed from the outside by the life departments such as the alchemy hall and the refining hall in the sect.


Zhang Qingyuan, who had reached the fourth round of the preliminary round, had already reached the threshold of the inner door with half his feet!

"Sanqing Buddha God bless you, but don't encounter any monks with the nine-fold spiritual essence!"

Before the draw,

Zhang Qingyuan under the ring whispered in his heart to call the gods of the past life to come and bless.

Although Zhang Qingyuan used a sword to kill the cultivator of the Ninth Layer of Lingyuan when he left the city of Luoshui County that day, at the Broken Dragon Waterfall in Luoshui, that example was just a coincidence of a few words, and also used The unique power of heaven and earth in that place wielded that sword.

But this is impossible to replicate!

Through observations over the past few days, Zhang Qingyuan has a good idea. Even if he encountered the weakest cultivators in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of Spiritual Yuan in the same group,

Even if Zhang Qingyuan had all the strength in his hand, whether it was the sword drawing technique or the perfect Yunshui 13-way sword style, he would use it one by one, and the victory or defeat against the enemy would probably be only a five-to-five number.

As for the two unfathomable nine spirits,

There is no chance of winning 10% at all.

With the selection of the deacon referees, a monk from the same group took to the stage to fight. The fighting momentum was stronger than the previous three games by more than a few, each with its own victory and defeat!

Able to get here all the way, although there may be one or two lucky people occasionally.

But most of them are outer disciples who have real talents. By this time, they won't stop at any one of them. In the war, several pairs of the same school were even injured.

Zhang Qingyuan was also a little nervous.

Until another foreign disciple decided the victory or defeat, the voice of the deacon and referee sounded:

"Seventh scene, Zhang Qingyuan on the 72nd..."

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan raised his throat with a heart!

"... against No. 119 Yang Wenqian!"

As the deacon and referee's voice fell, Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief first, and at the same time there was a dignified expression on his face.

Yang Wenqian is not any one of the ninth level of Lingyuan in the eleven groups.

But at the same time, as one of the few female cultivators in the same group, Zhang Qingyuan had also noticed the opponent's existence in the previous preliminary rounds.

The Eightfold Consummation of the Lingyuan Realm was two small levels higher than him.

the most important is.

The opponent's practice system is a little bit off, at least Zhang Qingyuan has never played against such an opponent.

She is a Fuxiu!

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan did not stay much, and flew into the field.

The opposite Yang Wenqian also jumped into the arena together, facing Zhang Qingyuan away.

This is a very heroic woman.

Although it's not an overwhelming country, but the small face is also good to look at. The skinny body is wearing smart outer clothing, arms and calves are already tied tightly, and the long hair behind the back is tied into a ponytail, and the godly eyes look heroic. thrive.



The two saluted each other.

The complexion is a bit solemn.

"Seventh game, start!"

The deacon referee next to the ring fell down.



Zhang Qingyuan moved, and stepped on the ground, the whole person turned into a series of welcomes flashing through the air, the speed almost surpassed the limit that human eyes can catch!

Yunyan step!

Zhang Qingyuan took the lead in the attack, ready to rely on extremely fast posture to hit the opponent by surprise.

This is the most appropriate choice to deal with long-range offensive monks such as Talisman, only the close party can limit the power of the opponent's Talisman!

People are still in the air,

Zhang Qingyuan spread out his five fingers and clenched a fist in one hand. The air in the surrounding area seemed to be drawn like flowing water. The air was like a rushing river and sea, sweeping the sky and torrents, and rushing in the direction of Yang Wenqian with irresistible power!


This combined stunt, as Zhang Qingyuan's strength increased, the power effect has already been reduced.

However, because it is as easy to perform as a gesture of action, and its power is good, Zhang Qingyuan is still using this trick as his own standing terrifying power sweeps the void, like breaking the air, Coming with the mighty power of a collapsed mountain!


Yang Wenqian snorted, she seemed to have anticipated Zhang Qingyuan's choice.

From the preliminary round to this point, the monks in the same group basically knew something about each other's competitors.

In the previous battles of Zhang Qingyuan, the advantages gained by Dacheng's Yunyan footwork were all remembered by Yang Wenqian.

When Zhang Qingyuan reached the scope of Zhang Xu in front of him,

Yang Wenqian had already pinched a faintly shimmering talisman in her hand at the fastest speed, and the spirit within her body instantly activated it.


Suddenly, the invisible and intangible air machine oscillated from the talisman, stirring up the heavy air, and Lingyuan turned into a visible milky white mask to cover Yang Wenqian in it!

boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan Bengshan's punch was unabated, and he bombarded the pale white mask.

Immediately, the majestic power erupted, rolling up a torrent of impact visible to the naked eye in the flat ground, sweeping across the square, half of the ring seemed to be rolled up by a storm!


The light white mask displayed by the prisoner who didn't know the order position still didn't move at all, but the color of the light was slightly dimmed!

No one hits,

At this time, under the protection of the light shield, Yang Wenqian once again pulled out a few talismans at an extremely fast speed, pinched it with one hand, and Ling Yuan instantly released the spells sealed in the talismans.

"Vine Art!"

"Water flushing technique!"

"Fire technique!"

As the talisman in the opponent's hand dissipated into stars, first of all, on this ring, blue vines suddenly emerged out of thin air, slapped the air, almost like an overwhelming smashing towards Zhang Qingyuan's direction!

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