Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Heavenly Demon Sword

Zang Lingzi said dissatisfiedly: "This killing energy I have cultivated is very useful, why do I need to cultivate it again?

If you purify it, the murderous aura in it will be wasted. If you don’t want it, give it back to me, so why waste it? "

Don't look at the fact that he had caused Tongtian Cultists to start a massacre before, it was very simple to collect this murderous aura.

If it was that kind of unprovoked killing, the breath collected was just death.

Only according to the number of calamities, the upper part should respond to the way of heaven, and the lower part should respond to the people's hearts.

To be killed by such slaughter qi is Heavenly Punishment.

There is also a title, called murder without causality.

Naturally, he was not willing to let Lingqing go to waste with the slaughtering energy he had collected so hard.

"Uncle Master, don't be impatient, and let's see this method first." Ling Qing passed the shamanization technique to him.

He also personally picked up a murderous aura, and used the evil refining technique to remove the impurities in it, refining it into a pure and extremely murderous aura.

Without any other attachment characteristics, it is just a sharp edge, which will kill you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.

If this murderous aura is combined with the characteristics of the Immortal Execution Sword, it will be enough to cut off everything in the world.

Even the illusory celestial predestined relationship could not be cut off.

Zang Lingzi looked at it, and his eyes were bright. If nothing else, he really used such murderous aura to forge the Sword of Immortal Execution.

He is confident that he will be able to kill him in the heavens and cut off his immortal roots one by one.

"The Guard is Here"

This really deserves the name of Zhuxian.

"Okay, I will help you temper these killing auras." Zang Lingzi agreed decisively.

Lingqing was very happy when he saw his promise. In this way, it saved him at least a year of hard work.

He added: "In addition, the way of the sword immortal, the devil is the first, this sword of immortal killing is not designed to kill the immortal, but it can be used to kill the demon of the heart.

Moreover, I have previously acquired a sword training method, and I can use millions of beast souls to refine swords and raise a little sword spirit. "

"This sword technique looks like a simplified version of the Sword of Immortal Execution, but it's really not on the table." Zang Lingzi listened and shook his head in disdain.

"The disciple didn't take it seriously, but the idea is quite good.

The disciple changed it to a template talisman, but it had another miraculous effect. Lingqing explained and said again: "But that's not what I'm talking about.

But this idea, in fact, can also be used on the Sword of Immortal Execution.

Finding an immortal Yuanshen sacrificial sword is something that disciples do not take, but it is not impossible to take advantage of it.

There is a love demon in my heart now, and the disciple is going to use it as an immortal soul to refine it into the Sword of Immortal Execution.

The love demon is immortal, and it can be used as the artifact of the Sword of Immortal Execution, making it comparable to a spiritual treasure.

If it is destroyed in the future fighting method, it will be able to refine the Sword of Immortal Execution and kill the demons.

It's just this matter, I still need the help of my uncle. "

"You really don't stick to the method in your brain?" Zang Lingzi looked at Ling Qing with some surprise.

He passed on two of his methods, the "Xuantian Nine Transformations Dafa" and the map of the Sword of Immortal Execution.

It's all messed up for me.

If it weren't for the fact that I knew these two methods in my chest.

At first glance, I thought it was two unrelated exercises with similar characteristics.

Lingqing said: "The Tao has always been the root, and the Dharma is the manifestation of the Tao.

According to one's own way, comprehending the Dharma that suits oneself is the right way.

What is suitable for others may not be suitable for oneself. "

Zang Lingzi praised: "Sure enough, you are very savvy, fortunately I found the wrong person and arrested you.

If it was Donghua who was caught in the first place, I'm afraid I'll miss you.

Now that you have an idea, do as you say, and I will assist you. "

Lingqing bowed and said, "Thank you, uncle!"

Then the two began to re-refine the Sword of Immortal Execution.

Since there is already a complete embryo, although it is broken into two pieces, it does not need to be melted and re-forged.

After Zang Lingzi had tempered all the slaughtering aura with the shaman refining technique, Lingqing had also repaired the Sword of Immortal Execution.

Looking at the pure murderous aura in front of her, there was an illusion of being beheaded by it just by looking at it, Ling Qing nodded with satisfaction.

As soon as he drew the magic formula, the Immortal Execution Sword exuded strands of sword energy, like a spider web, wrapped in a murderous aura and began to refine.

After a trace of murderous intent was refined, an extremely pure killing intent appeared.

Lingqing and Zang Lingzi's hearts had a feeling of being punished by heaven.

As if the next second will be obliterated by heaven and earth.

However, the two of them, one is the owner of the Sword of Immortal Execution, the other has a high cultivation base, and this feeling is very weak.

The two of them got rid of this feeling with just a little insight.

When all the murderous aura was re-forged into the Sword of Immortal Execution by Lingqing, the entire Sword of Immortal Execution was like the incarnation of Heaven's Way of Killing Tribulation.

Whoever it wants to kill should be killed, both humans and gods will be abandoned, and both heaven and earth will be punished.

Zang Lingzi looked at it, and couldn't help but be extremely satisfied, feeling that this was the real Sword of Immortal Execution.

Ling Qing held the hilt of the sword, turned it upside down, and stabbed into his chest.

Quietly, the Immortal Execution Sword fell into his heart.

Even if Zang Lingzi had been prepared before, seeing him stab him with this sword without hesitation, he still couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Ordinary people will be killed by the killing intent on this sword at a glance, and cultivators will be terrified when they see it.

Not to mention stabbing himself directly with a sword like this.

This cheap nephew is not only determined, but also ruthless!

The three-foot-long blade of the Zhuxian Sword did not penetrate into the handle, but it did not come out from Ling Qing's back.

This sword was not on his own body, but on the love demon in his heart.

Only this sword, originally because of love and hate, and some sluggish love demons were directly cut off.

Only the last illusory thread of love remained, and it was gradually reborn in Lingqing's heart.

And this love thread is the root of the love demon, and it is also connected with Lu Dongbin's thousand-year calamity. Ruo Lingqing can't solve the root cause of its occurrence.

Unless he beheaded himself, otherwise, even if Zhu Xianjian killed him, he would be reborn again.

Ling Qing didn't want to cut it off now.

Seeing that only the original source was left, he urged the Sword of Immortal Execution, releasing the silk-like sword energy, trapping the strand of love in the Sword of Immortal Execution.

When he pulled out the Immortal Execution Sword from his heart, a flash of aura flashed on it, which was the transformation of love and demon.

In the future, whenever Lingqing has a trace of emotion towards He Xiangu in his heart, it will be a trace of this emotion.

At the same time, Zhu Xianjian will also wipe out this trace of love and use it to temper the sword's edge.

Until Ling Qing resolved his love robbery, this Immortal Execution Sword completely cut off the trace of love.

At that time, the Sword of Immortal Execution will also become a sword of wisdom that slays the demons of the heart. If there is a demon in the heart, this sword can be cut off in one fell swoop.

Zang Lingzi looked at the Immortal Execution Sword in Lingqing's hand and said, "I see your Immortal Execution Sword being refined into a love demon.

In the future, whenever there is love or hatred in your heart, you will seize the opportunity with your sword and kill them with love and hatred.

If a Heavenly Demon is refined into it, wouldn't it be possible to trigger his Heavenly Demon Tribulation at the moment of slashing someone else.

Then, following the induction between the demons, can a thousand miles be slashed with one sword? "

Lingqing thought for a while, nodded and said: "It is feasible to think about it, but the method of the Devil Execution Sword is too dangerous today.

On that day, the magic could steal the way, if you are a little careless, you may be attacked by it, and the body will die, and the magic sword will be fed. "

"That's the truth." Zang Lingzi said thoughtfully.

In the early morning of the second day, Ling Qing and Zang Lingzi came out of the secret room.

Chun flashed from the side and asked, "Sect Master, Young Master, the altar masters of each altar are here, do you want to summon them first?"

Chunying, who went to do private affairs, also came back after cutting off Princess Longsan's tail.

In the end, Princess Long San was born by Jiaolong, and the tail behind her is Jiaolong's tail instead of dragon's tail.

If the Dragon King of the East China Sea sees it, he will definitely understand that Long Sanfei is his own.

Therefore, in order to conceal Long San's true identity, she reluctantly cut off his tail.

Seeing Longsan returning to the Dragon Palace, Chunying came back with 12 points of reluctance.

Although the child is important, she is now living well in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

And he himself has to avenge his husband.

Zang Lingzi glanced at Lingqing, and after seeing the newly refined Sword of Immortal Execution, he had full confidence in Lingqing.

He ordered with a smile. "Then let's meet, just to convince them."

"Yes!" Chun responded and couldn't help but look at Ling Qing with a cold face.

She had seen this kind of expression before, when the sect master just abolished his mana and switched to Xuantian Dafa, he was like this expression.

But at the time, I just felt that the murderous aura in him was very pure, and I was a little surprised.

But at this time, that murderous aura made her tremble, and it seemed that she was even more frightening than the leader on the side.

She couldn't help but break into a cold sweat for those who were going to give Lingqing a blow.

Chun naturally didn't believe that Ling Qing's strength had become stronger than Zang Lingzi.

But it can make her terrified, which proves that Lingqing already has the power to kill her easily.

Among the altar masters of Tongtian Sect, although there are people who are stronger than her, after all, there is no way to let her die.

Obviously, they want to give Lingqing a move to get rid of the horse, and they are going to fail.

Chun and Chunying led the Ling Qing slightly fell on Zang Lingzi's half body and came to the hall together.

I saw that there were already a lot of big demons and demons gathered here.

Ling Qing glanced at it, and many of the people in the room had seen him face to face.

The rest that I haven't seen before, Tsubaki also introduced them one by one on the way here.

The strongest person in the seat is a altar master named Sun Hu, who once learned the law with Zang Lingzi.

It is a tiger demon turned into a spirit, with a string of skull beads made from the skulls of enlightened people.

With a sway in the wind, those with shallow Taoism will inevitably lose their souls and crack, unless there is a magic weapon that calms the soul and calms the soul.

It can also be released to eat people.

There are also Niu Bo and Hu Haishan, who have also studied the Fa with Zang Lingzi, and their strength is second only to Sun Hu.

One is the rhino spirit, with boundless power, a trump card in his hand that kills the soul, with boundless power.

One is the fox spirit, following the path of the nine-tailed demon fox. With the flick of the nine tails, the fox fire erupts, causing the sea to crack and landslides.

In addition, Hokong Jushi was made by an idol; Master Unicorn, whose body was a one-horned leopard; Venerable Bull Demon, was a black ox that became a spirit; King Shenying, a pheasant and a goshawk attained the Tao.

The four demons were conquered by Zang Lingzi after getting out of trouble, each with their own abilities.

There are also Lingxuzi, Tongxuanzi, Mingmingzi, and Mangmangzi. Although they are not as good as the previous seven, they are also successful people.

Together with Chun and Chunying, these thirteen demons are the pillars of Tongtian Sect.

Among the demons, the three Sun Hu with high cultivation level, although they were demons and could not be certified as immortals, they almost all had mana for nearly 10,000 years.

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