Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 237: kill nothing

"Yes, although my subordinates have never left this Dragon Mountain, I have heard people say it."

Guo Ning said with a smile after hearing Ling Qing's words.

"This Zhigu is not as favored by the real Zixuan in front of the emperor, but he has a disciple who is quite favored by the emperor...

I thought it was this little novice. "

After that, he talked about the following places one by one.

"That Shence Army, the general named Quan Anguo, is in a life-and-death situation.

The general's skills are quite good, although he has lost a lot of hands and feet, he has been helped by monk Zhigu.

But it will also accept the dead crow. "

When this death-defying crow was promoted, it was influenced by Mu Jingrou's strong desire to survive and fear death.

Got the ability to "live and die".

Not only can it plunder the vitality of surrounding creatures to repair its own injuries when it is seriously injured.

It can also turn into a ghost crow and continue to live when its lifespan expires.

Even death again is not considered a complete death, but will re-turn into a crow's egg.

However, after this crow egg hatches again, it will lose all abilities.

I just don't know if there will be any accident if I use this template to transform into a death-defying crow and die twice.

For example, if one's cultivation base is completely lost, or if the memory before rebirth will disappear, etc.

Ling Qing did not dare to try it.

However, this template shows Mu Jingrou's character and ability to the fullest.

Whether it's a dead body or a resurrection from an egg.

All of them are the best embodiment of their fear of life and death, and their ability to play with the soul and meet the spring with dead trees.

Although I don't know whose hand this talisman will fall, Lingqing guesses that it will not fall into the hands of the present day.

"Some of the talismans in the life and death were also collected by him, but not all of them."

Guo Ning glanced at Ling Qing, saw that he had no intention of speaking, and continued.

"Although Master Zixuan had seen the Five Virtues Peacock, Jin Chan and Pi Dead Crow along the way, he didn't make a move.

The purpose is very obvious, that is, to find the inheritance in the cave.

Wei Zimo and Ying Sanniang, the two unscrupulous school captains, may have seen Master Zixuan rushing forward.

However, he was not too nervous. First, he received Xuanniao and Honghu respectively at Wuchanglu.

In the Hualong Pond, I collected the Qingyun carp and the black carp. "

Ling Qing turned the whisk in his hand and thought about it in his heart.

The captains of these two bad men, according to the situation, should be the most loyal people to the present day.

In this regard, even the real person Zi Xuan is far inferior.

After all, Mr. Tongxuan is also a member of the Xuanmen. If there is any shocking inheritance left, I really can't guarantee that the real Zixuan will not be moved.

But the bad guys are different, they can be said to be the emperor's guards, the most trusted group of people.

These two carp talismans that crossed the fake dragon gate, I am afraid that 90% of them will fall into the hands of the present day.

I don't know if it will be given to others by it, or if I will keep it in my hands and try it myself.

After thinking for a while, Ling Qing raised his hand and a leaf flew from outside the cave.

Use your fingers as a pen, use mana as an ink, and use the transcription technique to place a Dharma book on it that condenses the incense and meritorious instruments.

It was handed over to Guo Ning and instructed: "You can write down this method yourself, and then try to get it into the hands of Wei Zimo and the two of them."


Guo Ning responded and took a look.

It is a method of condensing people's hearts and gathering people's expectations to cast meritorious instruments.

It's just that this magic tool is limited to the magic tool by him.

After reading it, Guo Ning immediately understood.

He naturally knew what kind of person the bad guy was, and he also thought that the two would hand over the talisman to Dang Jinzi.

The purpose of Lingqing is self-evident, it is to use their hands to send this method to the emperor.

Let him take advantage of his status to sacrifice and refine the talisman.

But he didn't care, on the contrary, he was overjoyed. These methods were also quite suitable for him.

After all, since Lingqing allowed himself to write down this method, it meant that he could also practice in the future.

"Thank you Xianchang, thank you Xianchang!"

Guo Ning put it away and thanked him.

"It doesn't have to be, just keep talking."

Lingqing waved the dust and let it continue.

Now the six spiritual lands he laid down have gone to four places.

Only Mingjian Peak, which houses the Sword Crane Talisman, and the Hall of Light, which houses Mingguang Yandie and Mr. Tongxuan's medicinal recipe.

"The sword crane of Mingjian Peak was taken away by that sloppy Taoist Zhang Tiejian."

When Guo Ning said this, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"That old man's swordsmanship destroys the vitality of life, revealing a sword intent that kills everything, he really is not a cultivator.

Because of his high cultivation, his subordinates did not dare to look closely.

I just saw that there was a soaring sword energy on Mingjian Peak that contained pure killing sword intent.

Another black-and-white profound light flowed and slashed open the sword energy, and then with a whimper from the sword crane, there was no movement at all. "

"That old way is really not easy."

Ling Qing couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

He walked with him for a long time, and he could only see that the iron sword behind him was dangerous, but he didn't see any sword intent.

Listening to what Guo Ning said now, I'm afraid that in addition to the peculiar exercises, this old man should have killed a lot of people.

Otherwise, how can one practice such sword intent.

"But he doesn't seem to be interested in the inheritance in the Mingguang Hall. After he got the sword crane, he has been sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, watching others compete."

"Normal, he is now a human being and immortal, and this foundation has been established, even if there is an inheritance in front of him.

Unless he wants to abolish his own foundation and rebuild, he can only learn from it.

Otherwise, don't talk about ascending to immortality in the Forcibly cultivate, I am afraid that the foundation will conflict and disaster will not be far away.

According to the situation in the mountains, he should also understand that there is no shocking inheritance in this cave, so he sits firmly on the Diaoyutai. "

"That's how it should be."

Guo Ning nodded when he heard the words.

This world is not without means of cultivation.

But apart from that kind of continuous practice.

It's just like Ling Qing, who cultivates both methods and methods before building a foundation.

It's just that this method doesn't allow you to practice too many exercises at the same time.

In addition to having a cultivation technique that is as compatible as the Innate Yiqi Mantra, it is also necessary to integrate it into a Dao foundation when the foundation is established, so that it will not lead to a cultivation technique conflict.

In addition, it can only be used as a reference, picking up some spells that do not interfere with the fundamental skills.

There are some talismans in the Green Gourd Beppu. Anyone who looks at it should know that the inheritance here is at most how to make talismans.

However, there are those who think so, and there are those who think that they are doing the opposite, such as Master Zixuan.

He didn't value all kinds of talismans, so he went straight to the Mingguang Hall, which he thought was most likely to contain the inheritance.

"That Master Zixuan really deserves to be the first person in this generation of Taoism.

There is no stop on the way, and it goes directly to the Mingguang Temple.

In it, I took Mingguang Yandie and the recipe for the medicinal diet.

They broke through the siege of Zhigu, Quan Anguo, Wei Zimo and Ying Sanniang.

After saying a few words to Zhang Tiejian, he took the two disciples and left calmly. "

When talking about the real Zixuan, Guo Ning was not as afraid as Zhang Tiejian, but he was full of admiration.

I think this real person's ability is quite recognized.

Like immortality: Please collect from the inauguration of the Druid: () Immortal cultivation: The update speed is the fastest from the inauguration of the Druid.

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