Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 235: Sacrifice Qingque

If he still has the intention to participate in it before, try his own arrangement.

At this time, he was a little disillusioned.

Most of the mountains are a group of people who work hard for the court.

Since ancient times, the affairs of this dynasty have been the most entangled.

He has just taken the trouble of the seven heavenly ghosts now, but he doesn't want to be involved in this Vanity Fair.

After taking another look, Ling Qing went straight out of Beppu.

Looking at the high-hanging bright moon, he dodged into the divine realm.


Guo Ning, who had been waiting here for a long time, bowed and saluted.

Ling Qing nodded and came to sit on the throne, looked at them and said.

"Now that the demons such as the Fire Demon Lord have been subjugated, you can warn Xiaoxiao when the rumors are about to go out.

As for those who came to seek immortality, just hang it with the Beppu.

In the future, when Beppu is closed, I want to be able to stay in this Longshan for some time.

But these days, whether in Beppu or in the mountains, pay more attention.

Lest someone lose their life because of this, it would not be beautiful.

When they get out of this mountain, it depends on their respective fortunes. "

"Yes, Xianchang, I'll write it down."

Guo Ning said respectfully.

"Well, let's go to work each."

Lingqing waved them away, sighed lightly, and went straight back to Qinghuang Lingfu after leaving the jurisdiction.

It wasn't until he sat down on the wooden couch in the tree hole that he felt relieved for a while.

"It seems that this calculation is really not suitable for me.

It's just to send a talisman, and after going around such a circle, I also take the next trouble. "

Ling Qing stretched his waist and lay down on the wooden couch.

Feeling the natural atmosphere around me, I felt at ease for a while, and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

It was only in the early morning of the next day that he slowly woke up.

When I came to the futon in the hall, I did the morning class alone, and my heart became more and more clear.

Then let them go in Beppu, and you only need to pay attention occasionally in the future.

Next, it's time to start cleaning yourself.

Ling Qing thought about it, and first took out a few volumes of Taoism from the tiger skin bag.

Other than that, it's nothing, and the four devils are not very wealthy.

The Fire Demon Lord was killed by Guo Ning, and Lingqing asked if there was anything.

Peach Blossom Scholar's folding fan and Ma Daoren's Qisha descending spirit streamer, one was ground into powder by the turbid evil essence, and the other was blown into powder by the master, and they were all gone.

The ghost mother only sacrificed and refined seven heavenly devil heads.

There are only a few volumes of Taoism left, which were left by Lingqing.

A book of Seven Demons Seizing the Spirits, just a hemp paper book.

He looked at it, and also understood the methods of Daoist Ma.

These seven evil spirits did not have much effect on him, but these seven evil spirits made him quite interested.

You must know that he has the power of the divine authority of the evil spirit, but it was condensed by the method of restraining the spirit with the help of the refining technique.

A volume of Heavenly Ghost Secret Technique, the material is an unknown piece of leather.

It is about how to sacrifice and refine the heavenly ghosts, or the most cruel method of the ghost mother.

In addition, there are some scattered methods of sacrifice and refinement of the gods and demons of vigorous and two equals.

Lingqing swept his eyes one by one, rubbed his hands to make fly ash, and raised his hands to sprinkle it in the air.

This kind of magic uses human life, soul and flesh to sacrifice and refine the devil's head.

Taoism also has the means of sacrificing divine soldiers, heavenly generals, and guardians, so there is no need to contaminate such means.

In the end, there is a peach blossom, but this peach blossom is still just a book of Taoism.

Recorded a book of twelve flower mysticism.

It is about the method of collecting flowers and refining twelve kinds of flower mystical arts based on the flower letter at the age of the year.

There are a lot of them, but they are mixed with a lot of side door miscellaneous techniques, and even magic door methods.

If these are gone, it is not a secret method.

Lingqing took it back into the tiger skin along with the Qisha Seance, and was not in a hurry to look at it at this time.

These two Taoist methods are nothing more than minor techniques. Compared to the Qinghuang Jade Canon, they are not even a scrap.

Now the most important thing for him is to sort out his own Taoist foundation as soon as possible, and everything else is secondary.

Lingqing turned over and held the Qinghuang Nine-layered Tower in the palm of his hand.

Ever since I got this treasure, I have first sorted out the foundation and then prepared the cave house, but I haven't had time to take a closer look.

At this time, hold it in the palm of your hand and look at it.

This treasure is made of the Azure Sky Sacred Wood as the material, and all kinds of spiritual roots are refined.

In addition to the magical material, it is still just an unrefined magic weapon embryo.

Lingqing also needs to sacrifice and refine one by one with the secret methods in the "Jiu Ling Changsheng Chaoqing Emperor Jade Canon".

The day before yesterday, I just played a set of Nine Spirit Seals and collected it. Today, after sorting out the Taoist foundation, I will practice it first.

I have said before that there are three methods of sacrificing utensils, namely, the method of raising utensils, the method of prohibition, and the method of pill utensils.

In front of him, the Nine-layered Tower of the Green Emperor is a magic weapon made by the alchemy method.

Then, it is necessary to use the prohibition method to ban the nine spirits for longevity, so that the true power of this treasure can be fully exerted.

In the end, the nine spiritual bans are unified, and the magic weapon is formed.

Ling Qing reviewed the immortality ban of Jiu Ling again, raised his hand and threw the Qing Emperor Jiuzhong Que in front of him.

Holding the seal with his hands, strands of turquoise mana flew out of his hands, turning into talismans like various plants and flowers in mid-air, merging into the outermost layer of the nine-layered azure tower.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It is integrated with the various patterns carved on it, making it more and more crystal clear.

In the spiritual field outside the cave, all kinds of spiritual lights also rose from various spiritual flowers and grasses, and gathered in front of Lingqing.

Along with his sacrifice, he merged into the Qingque.

The congenital essence cultivated by Lingqing's Innate Yiqi scripture can not only be transformed into mana of various attributes.

Because of his profound altar foundation building, he has cultivated more powerful mana.

Following his sacrifice, the outermost layer of Qingque absorbed his mana and the surrounding aura.

It gradually turned into a tall gate in the middle, with three gates on both sides, suspended in the air.

Show the characteristics of this magic weapon.

Que, the original meaning refers to the high platform in front of the palace, temple or mausoleum.

Usually, there is one on the left and one on the left, and there is a view from the building on the stage, and there is a road between the two ques.

Later, there was a gate between the two ques, which was called the gate of the queer.

This nine-level green tower is the gate of nine towers.

At this time, he had just started the sacrifice training, and even if it was released, it was only a gate that was no more than three feet high and no more than ten feet wide.

If it can be practiced to the greatest extent in the future, one discipline can be transformed into a vast as a star.

The light inside the door hangs down to nine million feet, and there is Qingdi preparing for the door.

But it's too early to talk about this now.

The prohibition of this ritual for cultivating the Qingdi Jiuzhongque is called Jiu Ling Longevity Treasure Lu.

There are nine spiritual bans in total, each with nine talismans.

For the first-level Qingque, it is necessary to refine the nine-level longevity treasures nine million times, and the nine-level Qingque is eighty-one million times.

I don't know what year and month to be successful.

However, this ritual training magic weapon is also similar to cultivation, it cannot be accomplished overnight, it must be stabilized and carefully crafted.

But it's not just that one has magical powers.

Each time the Nine Spirits Longevity Treasure is refined again, it becomes more powerful and magical.

Moreover, when he is sacrificing and refining this magic weapon, he can also use this to sort out his own Taoist foundation.

After all, for his current situation, this treasure refining is also the process of comprehending the Qinghuang Jade Canon.

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