Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 233: sentient beings

Lingqing looked at the baby in front of her and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"Although I don't know the specifics of this method of refining heaven and ghosts, but I heard that only nine sons need to practice together before they can communicate with each other.

Besides, once the ghosts are trained, it is their instinct to change the virtual and the real, and to shuttle between yin and yang. How can this ghost mother only cultivate one like this? "

But he didn't know that the secret method of Heaven and Ghost that Ghost Mother had learned was only a fragment, missing some key points and some incompleteness.

Afterwards, it was refined by combining various gods and demons such as Hercules, Water and Fire, and Two Phases.

Patching up a more brutal method.

At the beginning of the refining of gods and demons, this method was to directly find a pregnant woman with a suitable birthday.

Biting the belly directly, swallowing the unborn fetus together with the placenta. .

Then it is refined and nurtured by magic in the womb, so it can be refined alone.

When he was born like this, he was a different kind of **** and demon, and after that, he used flesh and blood to give birth to a soul, and his resentment and demons were raised and refined.

Although it is not as weird as the real ghosts, but each has its own magical effect.

Although Ling Qing was full of doubts in her heart, she didn't stop.

The dust threads wrapped around the ghost flickered with brilliance, and all kinds of prohibitions were placed on the baby.

Then he threw it backwards, and circled around his body, the bright yellow ribbon that blocked the attacks of the other heavenly ghosts volleyed into the air.

Wrap it up and hold it under that jade mountain.

In any case, Ruo Guimu used the first method, refining the nine-child mother-day ghost.

Ling Qing also killed him directly, sending him to reincarnation.

However, she can't be so sloppy with this kind of unborn fetus.

Although the unborn fetus was physically formed, it was not reborn with a true spirit attached to it.

There is only a trace of innate spirituality and a desire for life.

She was instilled with a lot of fierce resentment by her magic, and the sacrificer became emotional.

As the saying goes: sentient beings are sentient beings.

These heavenly ghosts have emotions, and they are all living beings.

However, because there is no real spirit possessed, if he directly kills this ghost at this time, then he is really dead.

The kind that disappears completely from this side of the world, and can't even be reincarnated.

Although Lingqing is not afraid of killing people, moreover, he doesn't care about his grievances during his lifetime.

But he needs to leave a line in killing people. Putting his true spirit into reincarnation, reincarnating and reincarnating as a human being is the fundamental bottom line.

But he couldn't do it so directly to make it disappear, not even giving up a little bit of life.

So looking at this devil, although he knew that there would be endless trouble in the future, he really couldn't kill him.

"If you want to grow a vine gourd baby, you can only wait for it to raise a true spirit before reincarnation."

Ling Qing looked up at the remaining five celestial ghosts, and then looked at the ghost mother who was still displaying the magical appearance of the celestial demons, the Dementor Sound, and muttered in her mouth.

Originally, he wanted Guo Ning and others to get rid of demons and gain some merit.

Now, seeing such brutal methods, he has no heart to wait.

When he saw a thought in his mind, the entire Yuansha gourd was shocked.

A turbid essence like a bright yellow river rose up and directly swept the five heavenly ghosts, making them unable to move.

Then the whisker in his hand was extended and wrapped around it.

After the five celestial ghosts turned into babies, they also imposed a ban and settled under the Jade Mountain.


The ghost mother never thought that in the blink of an eye, all her children would be suppressed.

Just as she was stunned, Ling Qing had already appeared in front of her with a gloomy face.

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed her neck and restrained her whole body of mana.

Looking at her slightly bulging lower abdomen, she slashed her fingers into a knife and cut open her abdomen.

Looking at the fetus that was no more than the size of a slap, Ling Qing couldn't help twitching the corners of her eyes.

Looking at this appearance, the fetus should have just been born.

However, the fetuses who have been trained by her secret method must have no real spirit to possess them, which means they have lost their chance to be human.

He resisted the urge to slap the ghost mother to death, and still banned the fetus and suppressed it under Yushan.

Raise your hand with a spell talisman that can turn the subject into a plant—the plant body is smashed into the ghost mother's body.

It temporarily turned into a plant.

Then he stretched out his hand and struck Si Ziping's lost black snake talisman into her body.

Then, in the shrill cry of his soul, he used the method of refining talismans combined with spiritual transformation.

Shengsheng refined it into a strange talisman with a half-human, half-snake pattern.

This is the first time Lingqing feels that treating someone so ruthlessly is such a free and correct thing.

Although the method was very cruel, he did not feel that it violated the good and evil in his heart.

Putting away the talisman, Ling Qing turned to look at the other three places.

When Huo Mojun, Peach Blossom Scholar, and Ma Daoren saw him turn their palms, they suppressed the devils one by one.

He then opened the ghost mother's belly and forged it into a strange talisman, and she was instantly terrified.

At this time, I didn't dare to ask for anything else, I just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

The Fire Demon Lord opened his mouth and spat out a five-yin magic thunder that blasted Guo Ning.

Although Guo Ning escaped in time, it made him escape.

Peach Blossom Scholar twisted the folding fan in his hand and released nine nails to force the Plum Blossom Mountain God back.

Daoist Ma was even more decisive, shaking the magic flag in his hand violently, blowing it to pieces.

With the cover of their own means, the three demons turned around and ran away, for fear that Lingqing would catch up.

However, this place is inside the gourd of Yuansha, how can they escape from the gourd if they can't even get out of the sand

Just as it was spinning around like a headless fly, Lingqing first caught up with Daoist Ma.

Before he opened his mouth to beg for mercy, he stretched out his palm and patted it lightly.

With one palm, he slapped the head of Liu Yang Kui Shou into the cavity, turning it into a headless corpse.

Then he swept away the dust in his hand, and the light of the spell flowed.

The body and soul were scattered, and only a little real spirit was left and entered the cycle of reincarnation.

On the other side of Peach Blossom Scholar, there is a Ming Yellow River wrapping it.

No matter how hard it is to let out the red clouds and peach blossoms to cover it up, it can't stand the sharpening of the turbid essence, which is extremely hard and fierce.

In a short while, he was crushed into powder, and even the spirit could not escape, and it was tempered together with the ghost of the woman who was restrained by it in the fan.

Also, only a little bit of true spirit is left to put into reincarnation.

Although Ling Qing killed these two demons within a moment.

But during this period, Guo Ning, who avoided the Fire Demon Lord Wuyin Demon Lei in time, released an unusually handsome condor.

The eagle let out a long howl in the air, and caught up behind the Fire Demon Lord while spreading its wings, and stretched out two fine steel claws to grab onto his shoulder blades.

The eagle beak like a steel hook pecked at his forehead like lightning. Although he failed to break his demon body, it also stopped him.

At this time, Guo Ning also caught up and knocked him to the ground from behind. The steel fork in his hand caught his spine, making him unable to get up for a while.

Then he held out a talisman, and tried his best to turn it into a square seal the size of a palm, and smashed it **** his forehead.

bang bang bang ~

After a random smash, when Ling Qing arrived, Guo Ning had already smashed his head into pieces.

With a shake of the divine snake in his hand, he swallowed its divine soul and spit out a bit of true spirit into reincarnation.

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