Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 229: 7 Shades of God

The dazzling light in the corridor can not only be perceived by others, but can also make one's heart dry.

The magic way is inherently indulgent, not good at nourishing the qi and calming the mind.

In a short period of time, Huo Mojun and the others, because they were afraid of Mr. Tongxuan's name, they still walked along the passage honestly.

It's just that with the passage of time, everyone was affected by the glow, and their hearts became more and more irritable.

The Fire Demon Lord, who had mastered the fire technique, suddenly became furious.

"When will I go on like this? Watch me break through this ghost place and just kill it."

Saying that, the flames all over his body skyrocketed, and he raised his hand and shot a huge green flaming palm against the wall.

"Mountain, stay, don't be reckless!"

Seeing this, the peach blossom scholar on the side changed his expression and shouted quickly.

However, it was too late, and the flaming palm slammed on the quicksand wall with a bang.

Immediately, as if a mechanism was triggered, the quicksand on the wall suddenly collapsed, turning into a torrent of sand waves that rushed towards everyone. .

"Tips for carving insects!"

When Huo Mojun saw the sand waves coming in, he was very excited.

As long as there is a change, there is a way to deal with it, and it has been quiet to make people feel depressed.

I saw him open his jaw and inhale, leaving only the sternum of the skeleton bulging high.


It was blown out in one breath, and it turned into flames flying in the sky, burning it towards the incoming sand waves.

In a burst of beeping sounds, countless yellow sand was burned into blue smoke and scattered.

However, at this time, the surrounding sand was flying wildly, and the quicksand was like a turbulent wave, and it looked like a corridor that was completely invisible.


Daoist Ma waved the hemp flag in his hand and sent out a black wind rope, which rolled the Fire Demon Lord and pulled it back.

Then I saw a crackling in the air, and countless crystal long sand cones fell down.


With a soft sound, a sand cone brushed the Fire Demon Lord's cheek, creating a spark.

"Come on, don't stay where you are!"

Seeing this, Peach Blossom Scholar shouted loudly.

"The ban here has been touched. If I don't leave in time, I'm afraid I'll be trapped here."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]


Daoist Ma shook the magic flag in his hand and released a black wind to wrap it, blowing away the sand around him.

The Fire Demon Lord only released the skull wine glass and sprinkled a piece of blood, covering his body.

The Peach Blossom Scholar released a pink cloud, while the Ghost Mother released a magic light.

The four of them cast their magical powers, lined up a passage in the yellow sand in the sky, and flew forward, wanting to get rid of this passage as soon as possible.

But what they didn't know was that the nine-curved yellow sand formation had turned into a ball of sand after being touched by them.

Wrap them in it like amber, no matter how they fly, they are just struggling in it.

"You can't go on like this. If you keep running, you won't be able to run out if you're exhausted."

A fire of ghosts scatters the rain-shattered swords, and looking at the scene that has not changed much, the Fire Demon Lord said in a hurry.

"If you have any means, don't hide it. Otherwise, we won't get the benefits, but we will be buried here."

"Trail and stop the first block first!"

Daoist Ma shook the hemp flag in his hand, blowing out the stench of black wind, turning it into a tornado to cover everyone.

At the same time, the stench corroded the yellow sand to black.

For a while, the slapped sand waves were blocked as if they were covered with a layer of black shell.

His banner is called the Seven Devils Falling God Banner.

The pole is made of human bones, and the face of the flag is woven from hemp ropes washed with the blood of humans and beasts.

Then, using the spirits of humans and beasts, they practiced step by step according to the seven evil spirits of shape, sound, light, taste, wind, air, and spirit, and condensed them into a **** of the seven evil scorpion kings.

Now that he has practiced the five evil spirits on it, he is still short of energy, and the two gods and two evil spirits have not been able to achieve full power.

"The Taoist master is very good, and Xiaosheng is here to help you!"

Seeing that this trip was effective, the peach blossom scholar was overjoyed and praised.

He turned around and stopped, and waved the folding fan in his hand.

It fanned out the pink clouds and mist, and turned into a red cloud peach blossom.

The sand waves that re-break the black shell and the various attacks of the divine sand.

Although it has all kinds of power, it is like hitting cotton and falling into a heavy net, without any effort.

For a while, the change in the yellow sand formation was blocked by the two of them, giving them a chance to rest.

No array can exert its full power without being manipulated.

Besides, both the divine sand and the array map were just forged by Lingqing in a hurry, and there is not much magic.

At this time, most of the demigod sand used for the formation has been destroyed by their magical powers.

Now even the charts are a little unsustainable.

Although Huo Mojun and others don't know it, they have the ruthlessness of the devil's way.

The Peach Blossom Scholar shook the fan, urged the red cloud peach blossom banner, freed up some space, and said solemnly.

"Although we can protect everyone temporarily, this is not a long-term solution.

And now the channel has become like this, without arguing before and after.

If you don't want to break out of the siege, I'm afraid that you will die here. "

"I have long heard that Niangniang's children have extraordinary abilities."

While urging Shenfan, Daoist Ma kept releasing the black wind to blow the quicksand, and worked together with the peach blossom scholar to relieve the pressure.

While smiling flatteringly, he asked the ghost mother.

"I wonder if there is a way to bring us out of here?"

"The prohibition formation around here is very powerful."

The ghost mother suddenly looked at it and said with hatred.

"My newborn baby can change from reality to reality.

But in the end, he was only a newborn, and he was still too young to be able to get out. "

"Come on, let's work together to hit a dozen of this great Even if it really doesn't work out, I'll be willing to wait to die."

Huo Mojun squeezed his phalanx and said while looking at everyone.

"It's better than being consumed to death here."

"Well, just follow the Demon Lord's method and try to break it first.

If it really doesn't work, then I'll have to admit it. "

Peach Blossom Scholar pondered for a while, then slammed the folding fan, and said fiercely.

"Even though it's the Immortal Cave Mansion, I don't believe that his great formation was created by immortals?"


After the four made up their minds, there was no delay.

Daoist Ma shook the flag, and a five-tailed giant scorpion fell from the flag's surface, holding a pair of huge claws, and shaking five cold-glowing hook-tailed steel needles.

Five kinds of evil spirits, such as Pin Xing Sha, Magic Sound Sha, Dazzling Light Sha, Fishy Turbid Sha, and Black Wind Sha, condense into poisonous needles and are ready to go on the hook tail.

The Fire Demon Lord took a sharp breath, and in the empty chest and abdomen, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys actually appeared.

Then these five internal organs kept circulating and chasing in it, turning into a colorful and dark ball of light.

This is the five yin and thunder, and it is the method of condensing the five internal organs with the magic fire, and concentrating on the method of combining the yin and thunder.

Along with the white bone vajra body and the green scale ghost fire covering the whole body, they are the three methods that he is most proud of.

"Children, let your mother break this great formation!"

Following the Ghost Mother's order, the six pink-carved and jade-carved babies suddenly roared loudly.

They turned into gods and demons who were as thin as firewood, with uneven fangs, different faces, disheveled hair and over 10 feet tall, and used every means to beat them around.

When the others saw this, they also released their own means. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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