Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Mysterious golden snake

"Really? Do you know who it is?"

"What about him, if there is a fight, wouldn't it be okay to watch the excitement and applaud?"


One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and soon everyone in the whole street knew that there was a fight in front of Fengchun Building.

After a while, a group of people surrounded Wuyang Wuyang in front of the building.

Wei Zimo and Sanniang also bent down and looked down curiously.

On the slightly wider street below, there were two people standing opposite each other.

The person on the left is a man with a strange sword in his hand. He is about thirty years old, and there is a flash of fierceness and hatred in his eyes.

Opposite him was an expressionless young man dressed in black, holding a black sheathed long sword.

After a while, a large group of people had gathered around, clamoring for them to start fighting as soon as possible.

The man with the weird sword pointed at the opposite and shouted sharply.

"The killing sword Yanchun, today I, Xia Tingyu, will kill you under the sword."

However, Yan Chun didn't look at him, or looked at anyone, just stared straight at the blue bricks under his feet. .

Just replied in a cold voice.

"You want to fight, Yan will accompany you."

"Okay, happy! Today Xia will kill you to show my prestige."

Xia Tingyu shouted loudly, and at the same time choked, the sword was unsheathed.

I saw that the sword was bright silver, the body of the sword was like a silver snake, and the tip of the sword was forked, like a snake spitting out a letter.

With his swinging moves, it was like a flurry of silver snakes.

Yan Chun did not flicker in the face of the sword, but just flicked his fingers slightly before the sword light reached his body, and saw the black sword in his chest unsheathed.

A mysterious light flashed, and a black line was drawn, sealing all the changes in Xia Tingyu.

The silver light suddenly converged, and the tip of the silver snake sword was being held against the tip of an ordinary iron sword.

"It's alright, no one pays for your head, and Yan can't kill you."

At this time, Yan Chun finally looked up at Xia Tingyu, and said in the same calm tone.

It seems to have just done a trivial thing.


Xia Tingyu's face sank, and with a cold snort, he drew back his long sword and attacked again.

But they were blocked by Yan Chun one by one.

"It seems that you are bent on seeking death."

When Yanchun pushed Xia Tingyu back again, her eyes finally changed.

This is really a little impatient, and there is killing intent in my heart.

However, Xia Tingyu looked at the silver snake sword in his hand, but remained silent.

Shaking his sword, he stabbed it in another move.

This time was different from before. When the tip of his sword was held back again, he suddenly rolled the sword and locked Yan Chun's iron sword firmly.

At the same time, his left hand, which had been tucked into his sleeve, suddenly came out.

A golden light flashed and went straight to Yanchun's throat.

Yan Chun didn't panic in the face of danger, just shook the iron sword, shook the silver snake sword away, and turned to draw a black line to cut the golden light.

However, although his sword light was fast, the golden light was like a living thing.

After letting go, he still twisted in the air, dodging the sword light and wrapping around his neck.


Yanchun felt a chill on his neck, and at the same time, the sound of rustling scales rubbed in his ears.

When he fell to the ground, he saw a golden snake head appear in front of him.

The icy vertical pupil stared at him, and the snake letter hesitated.

Yan Chun looked at the illusory golden snake in front of him and knew that it was not a real snake, but a different technique.

Struggling to look up at the already blurred figure, he said.

"I don't know that you have learned such a strange method. Yan is not wronged."

"Of course you are not wronged. When you were invited by Wen Qiong to kill my whole family, you should have thought of today."

Xia Tingyu came to him, looked at Yanchun, who had been silent, and said bitterly.

Immediately raising his hand, the golden snake turned into an inch-long animal skin and flew back to his palm.

He looked at the animal skin in the palm of his hand and laughed suddenly.

"Hahaha, old thief Wen Qiong, the murderer died today, and now it's your turn to be the culprit.

Just wait, I, Xia Tingyu, are going to slaughter you all over the house and make you pay with blood! "


Just as Xia Tingyu turned around and was about to follow the road that the surrounding crowd had avoided, she heard a sound of harmony behind her.

"The one who doesn't have eyes..."

Xia Tingyu scolded impatiently, and turned around to see a general wearing black armor with a sword on his back.

Leading four sergeants in the same dress came over.

Looking at the dress on his body, he suddenly changed his face slightly and asked.

"I don't know what the general has to teach you?"

This person is the general Xuanjia that Lingqing had met before, who was called Quan Anguo by Wei Zimo and the two of them.

At this moment, Quan Anguo stared at the animal hide in his hand, which had the exact same pattern as the golden snake just now.

It wasn't until Xia Tingyu put his hands into his sleeves that he asked.

"Where did that thing come from?"

"It doesn't seem to be about the general, does it?"

When Xia Tingyu heard his blunt words, she felt sullen in her heart, but after looking at the iron armor on his body, she said sternly.

He also recognized this armor, it was the exclusive armor of the Shence Army in Beijing.

He is no more than a mere junkie, how can he dare to compete with such generals of the forbidden army.

But he doesn't want to bow his knees after a big victory, causing people to laugh at him.

"Huh? I'm going to ask you something, but you dare to push three or four?"

Who knew that Quan Anguo's complexion changed suddenly, and he was wearing an iron armor and a strong bow, and he came to him in the blink of an eye, punching him between his chest and abdomen.

boom! !


Xia Tingyu saw a black shadow flashing in front of her eyes, and then she felt colic in her five internal organs, and a mouthful of blood could not help gushing out.

The whole body bowed, and before he fell to the ground, his scalp tightened, and he was picked up by an iron hand.

Looking at Quan An Guo's calm and cruel eyes.

He trembled in his heart and handed over the animal skin tremblingly.

"The villain was obtained by chance in Longshan. I dedicate it to the general. I hope the general will forgive him and bypass the villain."

A mysterious guard who followed Quan Anguo took it with a rush of mana, and saw a lifelike golden snake coming out of his hand.

That agile appearance was completely different from when it was in Xia Tingyu's hands.

"General, you can really mix the fake with the real."

After the Xuanjia guard made a pass, he said to Quan Anguo.


Quan Anguo threw Xia Tingyu to another person behind him with a flick of his hand, flicked his cloak behind him, and stepped forward.

"Where did you find it, take us there, if I am satisfied, I wouldn't mind taking revenge for you."

"Thank you General!"

Xia Tingyu, who originally admitted to being unlucky, felt that she had suffered an innocent disaster, and was overjoyed when she heard the words.

Not only because if Shen Cejun is willing to avenge himself.

And because he said so, he wouldn't kill himself easily.

At least not immediately kill yourself.

Sanniang put one leg on the stool, leaned against the window, tore a chicken leg, looked at Quan An Guo with disdain and said.

"Hmph, Quan Anguo, this bitch, when he walks there, he looks arrogant.

It's also the bad luck of that kid, who even let him stare at him.

That **** is a wolf, how can he really avenge you? "

"Sanniang, although that animal skin talisman is magical, it is nothing to Quan An Guo."

Wei Zimo on the side kept rubbing the wine glass in his hand, looking at Quan Anguo's group who were drifting away, said thoughtfully.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

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