Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 216: 9 heavy blue towers

Human immortals have lived in the world for 300 years, I am afraid that they are not as good as their immortals, who live with the same life as the sky.

The earth immortals who live forever in the world are nothing but the turbulent currents of the red dust.

Only the real gods in the clear spirit can get into their eyes.

Thinking of this, Lingqing immediately discarded some of the vain thoughts from the previous practice.

Sure enough, one cannot live forever, and in the end it will only be a handful of loess.

Now that he has not yet established his foundation, he cannot yet be called a fairy.

No matter how he appears in front of people, in the eyes of the brothers, it is no more than a child's play, not to mention the master.

Sure enough, it is still the right way to be pure at all times, to be pure in everything, and to practice cautiously.

A lot of thinking strengthens the Dao heart and grows the root of longevity.

Lingqing focused his attention on the Qinghuang Jade Canon again. .

In this way, it is impossible to give up.

However, he couldn't just practice it directly. After all, "Xiantian Yiqi Mantra" was his fundamental method and could not be changed.

In this way, there is only one way, the same as Druid inheritance and spiritual transformation.

It was integrated into the foundation of his own mysterious altar.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, it will not itch, and if there are too many debts, there will be no worries.

With the technique of borrowing the law, he is confident that he can increase the ten-year foundation-building period by a few years.

Now that there is more of this method, at most the period of foundation building will be extended to ten years.

Thinking of this, Ling Qing waved his hand and still covered the entrance of the cave with green vines.

Immediately, he looked inwardly, ready to start integrating this method into his own profound altar.

He originally planned, after accepting this method.

He started to take advantage of this dungeon to spread wild talismans and build a profound altar by borrowing magic.

But now it seems that it is going to be pushed back.

After all, borrowing the law is not in a hurry, and this foundation should be done sooner rather than later.

If he waits until his profound altar is completed, he will not be able to integrate it again.

I am afraid that I will be in a dilemma and regret in my heart.

When he condensed his soul into the dark altar of Dantian, he raised his head and looked at the wooden ball in the Xiantian Qi on the altar.

At this point he already knew the name of the wooden ball.

Qinghuang Nine Towers.

It is the supreme secret treasure in the Qinghuang Jade Canon.

It can be transformed into nine layers of green towers to suppress all methods, and each layer of green towers has a Qing emperor incarnation of different treasures guarding the door.

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It can be said that the advance can be attacked, and the retreat can be defended. If it is really impossible to fight, it can also escape from the other side with the intercommunication ability of the Quemen.

In addition, the genus Genus is full of vitality and longevity, and most is not afraid of consumption.

Although the secret treasure is wonderful, the one in front of him is just an embryo.

If you want that kind of magic, you still need a little sacrifice from him.

But it's not bad to have this treasure embryo, at least it saves him the tediousness of searching for materials.

In addition, looking at the Qinghuang Nine-layered Tower, he gradually had an idea in his heart.

This Qinghuang Jade Canon can be used as a fundamental method for cultivation.

Among them, the method of condensing the nine doors and nine emperors can also be regarded as the method of condensing the incarnation outside the body.

And the more powerful the mana, the better the effect and the faster the speed.

Thinking about it, Senior Brother Zhang knew exactly the characteristics of this exercise, and also the innate energy he cultivated.

It was the most suitable for this method, so I gave it to him.

His innate energy is all-encompassing, and it can be said that it is all-encompassing and transforming.

The mana obtained from this Qinghuang Jade Code can't get out of its rut.

At the same time, his Spiritual Talisman Profound Altar and the technique of Talisman Water can also treat all things as Talismans, and can also use Talismans to derive all things.

In this way, starting from these two places, the Qi and the innate and the magical talisman will be transformed.

If you want to use a Qi Spirit Talisman to derive the Nine Sects and Nine Emperors according to the Qinghuang Jade Canon, it is also very promising to practice the incarnation outside the body.

As for the final nine emperors, the real spirit turned into Qinghuang.

His own true spirit has been transformed into a Lingbao Talisman, so it will be changed to the Nine Emperor Chaobao Flag.

Think of it and do it, Ling Qingfei put on the altar and sat cross-legged in front of the Lingbao Talisman.

Rotate one's own innate true essence to perform meritorious deeds according to the method of the Qinghuang Jade Canon.

When he first entered the cultivation formula, he was influenced by the natural force of the Druid Heart.

It makes its true qi integrate with the rhythm of natural longevity.

Now that he has practiced the same vigorous and continuous Qinghuang Jade Canon, it can be said to be like a duck to water.

After a while, Zhou Tian revolved, and a green energy hung down from the sky and landed on the Lingbao Talisman.

The green energy was twisted and rotated on the Baofan, turning into talismans and flying out.

It landed on the mysterious altar and turned into illusory gates.


Immediately, the entire profound altar vibrated slightly and radiated light.

Countless talismans were integrated into the doorway and filled it.

As he continued to run the magic formula, the nine-layered azure tower became more and more solid and stable.

At the same time, the altar is constantly changing.

When the Qingque was solid, and when he stopped practicing, the entire profound altar had undergone considerable changes.

The altar is divided into three layers, and the octagonal pattern in the upper circle at the bottom remains unchanged.

However, there was nothing other than these three layers before, but now it shows a majesty.

Above this majesty, every ninety-ninth step stands a layer of green towers, and a total of nine layers are listed on it.

Seeing the changes in the profound altar, Ling Qing nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is not considered that the Qinghuang Jade Canon has been integrated into a qi scripture.

However, it is not bad to cultivate it with the innate energy as the foundation, and it is not bad to initially integrate it into the profound altar.

In the future, the profound altars in the acupoints of the whole body will be sorted out one by one, and then the foundation building will be completed with this profound altar.

At that time, the Druid inheritance, the spiritual transformation, the congenital one qi scripture, and the newly acquired "Nine Spirits Longevity Chaoqing Emperor Jade Canon".

With the foundation of fusion, it can be regarded as a preliminary fusion.

In this way, he can also disassemble the four methods of practice, classify them into categories, and divide all the exercises into nine.

Then use the method of condensing the incarnation of the Qing Emperor to condense into an incarnation of the Qing Emperor, and integrate them into the nine emperors and nine emperors.

In this way, it can be regarded as a complete connection of For example, the Druid's natural way and the authority of alienated plants are combined with related magic methods.

A single incarnation of Qing Emperor was condensed, called Natural Qing Emperor or something.

In the future, the methods related to plants, nature, and wood can be integrated into it one by one.

The same is true of the way of the wild. If you condense the authority over beasts by the method of restraint in the future, you can also merge with it.

Wouldn't it be much clearer to integrate the four dharmas in this way, and then divide them into nine, and turn them into nine incarnations?

But this is not in a hurry, Ling Qing closed his eyes and opened his eyes.

After thinking for a while, I found that this fusion exercise took more than ten days of work.

It is comparable to the consumption of his previous sacrifice of the Dragon Mountain Divine Seal.

Although now he is cultivating, I don't know how time has passed.

But fortunately, as his meritorious deeds got deeper and deeper, the time he was able to inediate became longer and longer.

Otherwise, I am afraid that when I wake up from a retreat, I will be skinny and hungry.

I went to the medicine field outside to find a few pieces of Huangjing and a few pieces of spiritual fruit. Lingqing walked out of the cave while eating.

Although the spiritual plant of this hole is waiting for him to receive it, it cannot escape if it is placed here.

Now he can only stay in this copy for the first half of the year, and it has been nearly a month now.

Just relying on his own cultivation, he can sort out the rest of the profound altar at most in the remaining time.

However, sorting out the mysterious altar does not need to be like building a mysterious altar, but also requires careful comprehension.

Just follow the path when you do the work.

Just taking advantage of this time to make more plans for building a profound altar in the future. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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