Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 212: Master the Seal

Of course, although Guo Ning deceived the old man Guo, it was true that those people were not dead.

It was indeed because the stone vine was fed with blood essence.

Only then could he vaguely see the part of a practice technique from the secret cave.

After the practice, the injury on the body also recovered faster.

It was for this reason that he thought of simply sacrificing Lingqing directly to the stone vine, eager to see the comprehensive exercises.

"Xianchang, the little **** is really just confused for a while. Besides, hasn't he done such an evil act yet?"

After speaking, Guo Ning kept begging.

Lingqing listened to his pleading, and couldn't stop thinking in her heart.

This mountain **** is now being forced by him to tell the truth, but it can be seen that he has no compassion.

In order to refine the Divine Seal, intimidate others to collect beliefs.

Even if a temple was built afterwards, the atmosphere of the earth was sorted out, and the tourist hunters were rescued, it was also to refine the divine seal. .

Seeing that the sacrifice of his own family seems to be able to open the secret cave, without hesitation, he plans to sacrifice his own life.

In order to prevent accidents, they also resorted to conspiracy and tricks.

It seems that this person has really learned a through.

It's just that no matter how bad he is, he still hasn't got much karma on his body.

In addition, there are many Shinto merits of sheltering living beings and conditioning mountains, which cannot be faked.

Therefore, Lingqing is not good at how to deal with it.

After all, he was different from Mu Jingrou at the time.

If Mu Jingrou didn't repent at the time, Lingqing would have killed him directly.

And although he can still see that his xinxing is not right, he still has merit in his body.

"Forget it, although I have bad thoughts about you, but the bad karma has not been completed, and the merit is not shallow, I will forgive you now."

Ling Qing thought about it, looked at him and said.

"But the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped.

You bump into the hands of Pindao, and eventually you will get some retribution. "

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Qing was still unwilling to directly obliterate his merits.

The most important thing is that he couldn't commit the righteous indignation at this moment, so he had to kill him, thus damaging his own merit.

Some are more than worth it.

But this gong is gong;

Although he was spared once because of his merit, this disgust was impossible.

"Thank you Xianchang, thank you Xianchang!"

Guo Ning was overjoyed when he heard this, and thanked him happily.

"The Immortal Chief has been punished, and the little God has to accept it, and dare not have the slightest complaint."

"In this way, Pindao will relieve you of the position of mountain god."

Ling Qing held out the seal of the mountain **** who had been sealed, and waved his hand to loosen half of his locks.

"Take your breath away from this divine seal."


When Guo Ning heard the words, his expression changed and he hesitated in his heart.

This divine seal was the treasure of his enlightenment, and everything he did after he regained his senses was to refine it.

Now asking him to withdraw the breath that he had finally cultivated in was almost like killing him.

But looking at Lingqing's calm appearance, he didn't dare to risk resistance.

With a ruthless heart, he raised his hand and summoned a phantom from the divine seal.

Completely gave up the refining of the Mountain God Seal.

"Okay, whether you are good or evil, it is the seed of cultivation."

Seeing that he was so decisive, Ling Qing couldn't help but admire.

Indeed, in the face of one's own enlightened things, those who can have the decision to say give up will give up, just to preserve a useful body.

With this kind of xinxing, and the fate of the body as a god, even if there are thousands of obstacles, it will only make it more and more fortified.

Lingqing did not want him to be stubborn and go astray, so he comforted him.

"Pindao is not greedy for your divine seal, and now I will give you a test.

If you can rely on your own kindness and merit to become the mountain **** of Jingtan Mountain, Pindao will return this divine seal to you. "

One of the reasons he took this divine seal was to cut off his means and give him retribution.

The second is to use his own method to condense the authority in the divine seal into a talisman, and then obtain the information inside.

I don't intend to take this divine seal out.

After all, the place under the jurisdiction of this divine seal is in this dungeon, and it is of little use for him to take it out.

It would be better to hang him with this divine seal and make his heart turn to the good way.

"Yes, the little **** will live up to the expectations of the immortal!"

Guo Ning, who had already made up his mind to give up the position of mountain god, was overjoyed when he heard this.

Longshan stretches dozens of hills, except for the seven-pin red imperial seal of the mountain.

There are still subordinates of Changling Mountain, Jingtan Mountain, Cangtou Mountain, and Meihua Mountain.

The mountain **** of Jingtan Mountain was killed by the Fire Demon Lord before, and now it is vacated.

He hasn't had time to seal it yet.

At this time, I heard that Lingqing had promised him to achieve this mountain **** as a test, and he was naturally overjoyed.

Guo Ning, who had been dead for a while, and had tasted the feeling of divine power in his hands, didn't want to kill himself just because of a momentary anger.

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Although he has to go through many tests, he can become the mountain **** of Jingtan Mountain, and then he can regain the divine seal that belongs to him.

But trouble is better than being killed, right?

"The rest of the people are also normal. It doesn't matter what position you were in before you waited, and now you are treated equally."

Lingqing looked at the other ghosts and gods again, and waved his hand to loosen the ban, so that he could move a little.

"Pindao didn't have the time to distinguish between good and evil before you, and if you bump into the hands of Pindao, you will admit that you are unlucky.

Let's see what you do in the future.

It is limited to half a year. At that time, all the priests in the mountains will be based on kindness and merit.

Those with high morals are high, those with low morals are inferior, and those who have no virtue are evil, don't blame the poor and compassionate, and send you a reincarnation. "

A group of ghosts and gods, seeing that their own mountain gods were so taken care of, how dare they have any So they all bowed and responded.

"Yes, I will definitely follow the order of the immortal, and I will not dare or forget it."

"Well, so you can wait in the side hall, and then deal with you when Pindao has refined this divine seal."

Ling Qing nodded and waved them to the side hall to wait.

He took the Divine Seal and started refining.

The position of this mountain **** is different from the turbid suffocating priesthood and the alienated plant priesthood in his hands.

It was his own hard work and hard work, and it took only one day to turn it into a talisman.

At this time, if he wants to turn it into a talisman, he must first refine it and turn it into his own before he can manipulate it at will.

This is like pushing the boat with the current, while the following is like navigating the boat against the current.

The title of the seventh-rank Longshan Mountain God is not only a rank higher than his own cultivation base and priesthood.

It is also a serious artifact of authority, and it is very difficult to refine it.

It took half a month for him to completely refine it.

This is also because he has the help of spiritual transformation, otherwise, it will take three to five months.

After taking the priesthood, Lingqing directly drew a talisman of the priesthood right into his own profound altar.

Then, by the way, the phantom of the transformed profound altar was cast into a few square profound altars, which improved his cultivation.

As for the divine order of its origin, it still remains on the divine seal.

Then he mobilized the Great Seal of the Hand and took back all the priesthoods in Longshan, no matter how big or small.

Guo Ning and others, who had been waiting in the side hall for a long time, seemed rather calm except for Guo Ning's early loss of his divine position.

The rest of the ghosts and gods immediately panicked when they saw their family fall from the gods to the mortal body. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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