Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Theocratic talisman

With this technique of borrowing the law, Lingqing will not care about any copy in the future.

As long as he can get in, he can spread wild symbols.

Use the method to collect the background, and then cast the mysterious altar.

Of course, even so, this dungeon will take at least half a year to complete.

In this way, there is enough time for the template to grow, and enough information can be accumulated for him to collect.

After all, after the copy is released, the two worlds are divided.

With his cultivation base, he can't borrow the profound altar to collect information on the talisman across the border.

"It seems that the attitude towards dungeons needs to be changed in the future."

Lingqing muttered to himself, and set the rules in his heart.

Then, seeing that it was almost time, he got up and came to the Sanqing Palace. .

He led Daoist Yunsheng and others to an evening class.

When he was doing his homework with Xiaoqian and others on Huaiyin Mountain, he was used to releasing his own rhythm.

This time is also normal.

Lingji and others were immersed in it, and they felt the moment of chanting.

The truth contained in the scriptures was clearly imprinted in their minds.

For a while, even the mind felt a little clearer.

I feel that the homework of the past is just dealing with it, and it is not as good as the one-time work today.

They feel this way, except because they haven't even started to practice.

What's more, Lingqing has a deeper understanding of the scriptures after this period of practice.

The rhythm of the scriptures emitted is also more intense.

After finishing his homework, Ling Qing also went to rest after dismissing everyone.

On the second day, I checked everyone's practice of Wuqinxi, and also checked the homework of Lingji and Wenjun.

Lingqing and Daoist Yunsheng returned to the Sanqing Hall together and asked him.

"How is the Laoshan Benzong now?"

When Ling Qing came back yesterday, he asked him to inquire about the situation.

I would like to ask when this Lijiao ceremony is expected to be held.

"Looking back at the Lord, the integration of sects up and down Laoshan is very busy now.

The construction of the palace is just beginning. "

Daoist Yunsheng sorted out the news he asked yesterday and said.

"According to the brothers and sisters on the mountain, I am afraid that this year's ceremony will not be completed.

The earliest is expected to be the summer solstice next year. "

"What news is there for the rest of the points?"

"Except that the construction of Guanyu is nearing completion due to the small site of Jiushao Palace in Pengcheng.

The fastest in the rest is just the Orb View in Pengcheng.

Their family has a big business, and they are willing to invest in it. They want to be able to build it within three months. "

The information could not be concealed from the association, and Daoist Yunsheng, who was still on a temporary post, naturally knew it when he asked.

Jiushao Palace belongs to Tian Yong and Tian Ying.

The two of them are not going to spread out a lot of booths, so they are the fastest progressing except Ling Qing.

The Orb View is Zhu Guang's sub-view, and he is more smooth than Ling Qing's.

Just don't ask.

However, if his family is worried, he doesn't need to do anything about it.

"So, I know."

Ling Qing nodded and ended the inquiry.

He took out dozens of talismans from the tiger skin pouch around his waist and handed them to him.

"This is Pindao's harvest this time. You can choose one set of your own, and then according to your own performance, the rest can be rewarded."


Daoist Yunsheng took it over curiously.

It was found that this stack of things was like talisman paper, but the material was some kind of specially refined animal skin.

In addition to some runes, the most obvious one is the animal pattern-like rune in the middle.

These symbols are roughly divided into five categories, corresponding to the five animal forms of Wuqinxi.

It's just that the different species can be clearly seen. For example, this deer is divided into sika deer, red deer, white deer, deer, and muntjac.

There are also red-crowned cranes and gray cranes.

"these are?"

Although he could see that this should be a talisman, he didn't know what magical effect it was.

This talisman can be regarded as a simple magic weapon. It can not only be used on the body, but also transform itself into the corresponding animal form.

It can even catalyze it into an animal form composed of mana.

And most importantly, this talisman can also become stronger according to one's own ritual training.

After seeing Lingqing demonstrating the usage one by one, Taoist Yunsheng immediately thanked him excitedly.

"Thank you, the watcher, thank you watcher!"

For Lingqing, it has been two years since he has not seen him, and he is now progressing rapidly, so naturally he doesn't think this talisman has anything.

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But for Daoist Yunsheng, he felt that he really did not make the wrong choice.

However, in just two or three months of kung fu, I first learned a set of five animal exercises to improve my skills, which can be regarded as a fundamental practice method.

Now there is such a magic weapon given.

Even in Laoshan headquarters, although he is confident that with his own ability, he can still be rewarded.

But it will never be as easy as it is now.

Seeing him like this, Lingqing understood what he was thinking, but he didn't care.

After all, this talisman was originally intended to be scattered all over the sky, and now it is only natural that it should be cheaper for one's own family.

So after a few words from Daoist Yunsheng, he let him arrange it by himself.

And he himself took out the alien dragon staff, ready to start to raise the authority in it and condense it into a talisman.

Originally, when he condensed it into authority in Laoshan, although he didn't know anything about Fu Lu, he really couldn't handle it.

Therefore, authority can only be condensed on objects.

Now he specializes in Talisman One and has experience in transforming Druid spells into Talismans.

Now is the time to turn it into a talisman.

Ling Qing raised his hand and played a series of hand tricks to capture the power of the alienated plant from the dragon staff.

I saw an emerald green ball of light floating in his hand.

A little bit of fluorescent light scattered in the light ball, turning into various plants.

As these plants absorb more and more fluorescent light, they begin to gradually change in shape.

This ball of light is the authority of the alienated plant priesthood that contains the rules for the growth and mutation of plants and trees.

And the dragon staff that lost this divine authority didn't seem to change in appearance.

But it can clearly feel that it has lost a kind of charm.

Ling Qing didn't have time to care about it, looking at the ball of light in front of him, the magic trick was cited.

Incorporate this authority into the middle level of the Dantian Profound Altar where the image is shaken.

When the ball of light is submerged in it, the light will vibrate, like ink dyed in water, like light shining on darkness.

A space was opened up from the surface of the altar, and various images of alienated plants were manifested.

There are Disha trees, corn milled rice, Faling beans, Acacia beans, and a dwarf peach tree.

In the end, this peach tree was a small tree on the Peach Mountain in the former mountain. It was the one that Wenjun prevented the sika deer from eating.

There is also a phantom of a blue dragon looming in the jungle.

Next, Lingqing used the three techniques of Fushui, Qiqi, and Dongzhen.

He began to convert the information contained in this authority into a talisman map little by little by concentrating.

This is not a momentary effort, and it was not until the westward **** that Lingqing turned it into a pair of rectangular talismans.

It shines brightly when it falls on the center of the altar. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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