Cultivation From Cellphone

Chapter 69: Became famous

Jason looked at the two people in front of him, leaving one after another, muttering in his heart, what is the relationship between the two of them? This Chinese man does not look like a person from the supernatural organization.

Looking at the coquettish woman next to me, she wouldn't have raised a boyfriend like me.

"Forget it, take one step at a time. It shouldn't be troublesome for me because of such trivial matters. It's really bad luck." Jason took the woman and left.

Out of Brioni, Avril looked at Qin Feng's attire and nodded frequently, "I didn't see the uncle's figure being so perfect."

"It's okay, it's okay. By the way, I can't use your money in vain. You will go to my wife with me when you are finished shopping." Qin Feng touched his dirty long hair, thinking about it. Only a chic head shape can highlight his noble status.

"Uncle, go get your hair up again, I know there is a salon that is super! It's just a bit far away."

After a few minutes' drive, they arrived at the bustling central area north of the city.

Qin Feng's long hair was scattered before entering the store; after he came out, it was the chestnut head that is popular nowadays. His refreshing and drier shape coupled with his handsome and expensive suit is nothing short of a girl killer.

Many girls stopped and waited before leaving the store.

"So handsome, is he a male star? Why haven't I met him."

"It seems to go up to WeChat."

"It's impossible. You see the little sister next to him is not an ordinary family with a brand name, hey. Both men and women can't escape the clutches of money."

Avril Lavigne pulled in with her ears on the side, and then pulled Qin Feng, "Uncle, they said we two are perfect match!"


Qin Feng just wanted to go back to the hotel as soon as possible, and then return the money to Avril Lavigne, to get rid of the relationship. After all, staying with her for a second can feel the collapse of the outlook on life. There are such flowers in the greenhouse in this world.

Just as Qin Feng lowered his head to meditate, four or five hippies with exaggerated costumes walked toward him, "Hey, did you guys just finish cutting your hair?"

"What?" Qin Feng asked faintly, looking at the little **** in front of him.

"That seems to be you, the Chinese from Edwards came in and talked to me."

The few gangsters said, pulling Qin Feng away from the noisy street.

Avril Lavigne saw that Qin Feng was about to be taken away by the ill-intentioned hippie in front of her, and she looked anxious, "What are you doing? Let go of my uncle!" Then she took out her mobile phone and prepared to call, "Uncle, you wait. I call someone to help us."

"Beauty, I still want to call someone, are we not enough for you to play?" One of the hippies stepped forward and grabbed her mobile phone, trying to hold Avril Lavigne.

Qin Feng stood in front of her, "Let's go, let me see what you are doing."

Avril Lavigne looked worried, "Uncle."

"It's okay, trust me." Qin Feng petted her head and smiled. I don't know why Avril's heart suddenly calmed down, looking at the man in front of him with incomparable confidence, she seemed to be full of strength.

Leaving the noisy street, a few punks led them into a dirty path, the leader of them naturally sat on the trash can.

"Do you know who you have offended?"

"I don't know." Qin Feng was very calm.

This dismissive look immediately annoyed several **** present.

"Damn, beat him."

Qin Feng looked helplessly at the few ordinary people in front of him. He was too lazy to move with his hands, blinking, looking at them.

The hippies rushed over, ready to take down Qin Feng with a single blow, so that they could go back to the business, but they didn't take two steps, and they all stayed in place, "Ward? My god, why can't I move!"

At that moment, Qin Feng's mere look in his eyes made them completely restrained in place.

"Let's go, Avril. When I pay you back, you can go home quickly, otherwise the family will be anxious." Qin Feng walked out the alley bored.

At this time, Qin Feng's handsome photos have been among the top in hot searches on INS, Twitter and other social networking sites.

Suddenly handsome guy, I love it!

Huaxia still has such a handsome man.

My little girlfriend is not too bad, we can't compare to it.

In an office of more than 100 square meters.

"Brother! Look at this, I just saw it when I visited the forum." A bald man in a traditional black suit took the younger brother's phone and followed his fingers to the lower right corner of a picture.

"How can my dear daughter be there! Shouldn't she go to her mother's house? Send someone to get it back. It's about time. I don't know how dangerous it is to be alone. Damn, all the bodyguards today are Dismissed me!"

After Qin Feng took Avril Lavigne out of this small alley, he did not pick up the soul power to imprison the punks. Although this spatial confinement technique only requires a subtle soul value, the extremely rich soul value of Qin Feng seems extremely shocking, if When a monk sees it, he will find that the entire alley is filled with dark green spirit power.

The ability organization base also felt this unusual spirit power fluctuation.

The leader of the organization slapped the table extremely angrily, "Damn Chinese people, why have caused me so much trouble recently! Go and catch all the troublemakers for me, and tortured them what they are doing!"

The man in the cloak looked at the scene broadcast on the scene, "Kill them, don't let us be exposed." The imprisoned hippies didn't know what happened. The next moment there was any pain and died silently.

Qin Feng took Avril to the door of Edwards Hotel and asked her to wait here.

The well-groomed Qin Feng did not receive any hindrance, and soon came to the floor Shen Qianling had told him.

As soon as she exited the elevator door, she was stopped by a waitress and looked up at Qin Feng, "Sir... students, please show your admission ticket."

Oh my God, this handsome Chinese guy is so charming, with hesitant eyes.

After a brief period of lust, he recovered his calm.

"I'm here to find someone, is it convenient for accommodation to let me in?"

"I'm sorry, sir. We have a rule not to affect the guests inside."

Qin Feng took out the phone helplessly, "My wife, I can't get in at the door, come out and pick me up."

When the waiter heard Qin Feng's wife call, his heart was very cold, and the family came to look for his wife. Yes, such a handsome person must have a family.

After a while, Shen Qianling came out of the ballroom gate and saw Qin Feng standing in the elevator room at a glance.

Frozen for a moment.

How could you dress yourself so decently and handsomely after a while, so you won't recognize the wrong person.

Shen Qianling stepped forward and called out tentatively, "Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng slowly turned around, staring at her with tender eyes, and smiled slightly.

I like the infinite evolution starting from the mobile phone, please collect it: ( The infinite evolution starting from the mobile phone is the fastest to update literature.

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