Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 96: Preparation before amusement park, three-dimensional maneuver

"Are you the one who lives for the longest? I am Dulan, the president of Yuanshan!" Yuanshan is the small electronic company that Duran took over for the first time, and has now become the world's largest enterprise!

"Hello!" Changsheng Dao Yi was the first place in the robot fighting personal competition. Although he lost early in the final universe battlefield, he quickly adapted to the universe and won the final victory.

"Your business, I already know, you should keep that meteor system yourself, the orphanage has been acquired by me!"

"... What do you need me to do?" Chang Sheng Dao said very little, so he asked directly.

"I watched your last game in the space battlefield. Your sense of space is very good. That's why I like you. Our company has a new project. I think you may also know that it was built over Tokyo. Sky playground. "

"I know this!"

"Well, in the sky playground, we introduced a new thing called three-dimensional maneuver, which is a thing that allows people to fly in the sky, but it is impossible to use it without an excellent sense of space. So I am going to hire You, with an annual salary of 3 million, ten days of annual leave, overtime pay, and red envelopes, do n’t you know if you want to?

Jiangsang Dao has no reason to refuse, this job is much better than his current one, and Duran also helped the orphanage, so that Changshen Dao has no more reasons to refuse.

After signing the contract, one signing for three years, but in this world of no concept at this time, Changsheng Dao basically sold himself to Duran.

Then Dulan came to the place where he trained the three-dimensional maneuver with Longevity Road. "Using three-dimensional maneuver requires an excellent sense of balance and space. Your sense of space is good, but you still need to train a sense of balance. And when in the air, people There is no place to borrow force, so the posture of the body is completed by a high-strength elastic rope tied around the body. "

Duran did not prepare Changsheng Tao Yi with a nano combat uniform, but let him easily go into battle.

Jiangsheng Dao looked at something composed of elastic rope clothes, two rectangular boxes, and a cylindrical jar in front of him, and felt very strange.

"This is a three-dimensional maneuver, and I also used it for the first time. The lab just took it out, and no one has used it!" Duran made it himself, but it has not been tested yet.

Duran first had to give a demonstration to Changsheng Dao, so with the help of Dao, Duran put on a whole set of three-dimensional maneuver.

This is a factory with a lot of space. There are various columns with different heights, which are used for flying maneuvers.

Duran took the two controllers in his hand, and then felt the weight of the three-dimensional maneuver on his body, "I'm gone!"

Duran pressed the launch button with both hands and released the handbrake of the recovery fly hook. The two fly hooks flew out and nailed the post. "It's no problem to launch, remember to turn on the recorder!"


Duran's hand tightened, the whole person was pulled into the air, and then the foot was forced, and the elastic rope of the whole body was pulled. Duran felt that he could make some movements without using gas.

Then Duran made another two flying hooks alternately, and then continued to move in the air.

Longevity Road was dumbfounded, and saw Dulan flying in the air chicly. Even sometimes, the two flying hooks didn't catch anything. Duran also used inertia to do various actions in the air, and before being pulled down by gravity He fired a flying hook again and flew out again.

Changsheng Dao did not believe that Duran was using this three-dimensional maneuver for the first time.

"Dao Yi, press the green button on your hand!" Dulan's voice came from Changsheng Daoyi's headphones.

"Okay!" Dao pressed the conspicuous green button without hesitation.

The pillars in the field suddenly popped up some monster images, which is also used for training. Duran leaned the handle against the edge of the long box, and two more blades immediately appeared on the handle. Do not attack, use electronic instrument induction to determine whether to attack those monsters.

"So handsome!" Chang Shengdao felt that he was fascinated by Duran!

Duran shuddered, but his movements did not slow down, and his double blades flew around, defeating all the training objects.

"I feel pretty good and can be used, it's up to you!" Duran feels that the stereoscopic maneuver he made is still good, even more powerful than the original gas.

Because Duran uses light materials, and the strength of this system has been strengthened. Not only, especially for the power system, Duran does not use gas, but a small turbine. The speed can be adjusted, but these three-dimensional maneuvers that only determine the speed in the laboratory have the function of speed adjustment.

When the playground opens, the three-dimensional maneuver should be as simple as possible, and it should be suitable for most customers.

"In the past two days, I will recruit a few more people, and then you will train together. After you have finished training, the playground should be finished. Then let you shoot an advertisement. After the playground opens, you are responsible for performing and teaching customers. Use three-dimensional maneuvers. Of course, there will be a new game hall with robot fighting in the playground. If you go to play, it is free! "

Every tree is a towering tree, and there is no sunlight at all, and a sound suddenly sounds from the shadows.

The horseshoe spattered the spoiled leaves, and five horses came out.

Then the screen turned, there was a tree blocking the view in the direction of the five horses, the camera slowly moved and finally the situation behind the tree was revealed.

A tyrannosaurus was on the other side of the tree.

"According to the tactics, just like training, surround him!" The leader gave an order, and the four people behind him were immediately divided into two parts, and they were outright.

"All staff ready for three-dimensional maneuvering!" The leader shouted loudly ~ ~ and then flew out of the horse first.

At this time, the picture changed again, no longer a forest but a tall city wall, and the narration also appeared.

"Humans have forgotten the humiliation imprisoned by the monster behind the high wall until this day!"

A huge explosion sounded, a giant taller than the wall appeared, and the city wall was easily destroyed. At this time, the voice of people appeared.

"You residues, the rations of the monster, now tell me why I joined the corps ?!"

Each young face shouted, "Devotion! Killing! Unyielding!"

The narration is on again, the old hunting corps is rebuilt, and it challenges the beast!

The camera returned to the forest, the battlefield of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The man who took the lead skillfully used three-dimensional maneuvering, walking through the woods, and then slashing these swords towards the Tyrannosaurus rex, "Let you see the power of human struggle !!"

The screen was dark, then a logo appeared, and everything was in Sky Amusement Park.

At the same time as the advertisement was launched, Duran also launched a novel and a thick monster illustrated book, which includes some common monsters and some equipment information, which is a Daguai Raiders.

After all, the playground is still fun for people to visit. If tourists do n’t know anything, there is nothing more fun.

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