Chapter 326: Lei Wang Qiao Wei!

Ling Lan carefully controlled her body temperature. At this time, she was quite fortunate that her talent was ice, and she could make her body temperature the same as the surrounding environment, even colder. If she did not have this ability, her only choice now would be to withdraw from the channel immediately.

"Hey?" There was a sudden suspicious voice behind the iron gate, which made Ling Lan startled and almost thought he was discovered.

The suspicion sounds louder than the voice of the other party. Ling Lan knows that the other party must use the mech voice diffuser, which is convenient for other mechs who are present. This is the reality of no gold finger of the small four, not a member of the team, can not use the special call channel applied by the team. This also proves that these people are not a team.

"Head, what's wrong?" Hearing this horror, everyone's movements were slowed down, and someone quickly asked.

"I found a lot of people in the front of the advanced mech area, a lot of mech has been activated." The head of the delegation replied, it seems that he has successfully opened the ace of the armor, under the reminder of the mech I noticed the situation inside the mech warehouse.

"Is it the same idea as us? It seems that many people have the same judgment as the head of the team and are not optimistic about the outcome of this battle." Some people suddenly sighed.

"The military school has a dragon and a tiger. Some people have the same opinion as me. It is not surprising." The head of the team faintly replied, and the explanations of others made him less curious. Plus those people only stayed in the mecha warehouse area. Advanced Mech Zone. It is conceivable that these people are not very high-ranking people. If they have already entered the special ranks, they should find it here.

With such a thought, the head of the group will see the scene behind him. He paused and asked the human person at the scene: "Are you all ready? If everything is ready, I will open the catapult channel here. ""

"Head, I am ok!"

"Head, I am fine."

"Head, everything is ready."

Soon, there was a messy answer inside, and the head of the team saw that everyone said ok, and this opened the ejection port.

Ling Lan feels that the head of the team is not here, and quietly asks the fourth, can you feedback the situation inside, Xiaosi said that there is no problem, with Ling Lan's current mental strength, enough to support his remote sneak into this distance . Not long after, the picture inside was displayed in Ling Lan's consciousness space.

I saw inside the iron gate, or an extremely wide mech warehouse. On both sides of the iron gate, there were many rows of black mechs neatly arranged. Although some local positions of these mechs made subtle changes, the whole Said, still roughly the same, each mech gives a fierce feeling.

Ling Lan roughly counted, there are about 80 mechs on each side, a total of more than 160 armor. It can be ascertained that there are not many students who have already reached the rank of a super-master in the entire military academy. According to one person and one machine, there are only more than one hundred and sixty people. What's more, the military academy will inevitably reserve more mechs, otherwise someone will suddenly advance to a special-level division. If there is no special-level mech match, the name of the first men's military school. It really became a joke.

Ling Lan now knows that this black mech, which is different from the general federal armor, is actually the federal special mech. Once the mech enters the special class, the mech begins to be personalized. This is because the controller's control technology has gradually entered the individualized manipulation of the self from the original prescribed action, but this control can not reach maturity. Ordinary advanced mechs cannot meet the requirements of the controller's personality control because they only accept the prescribed instructions. The ace of the ace can be controlled too much because of the control of the free personality.

In this case, in order to make these excellent control seeds break through and enter the ace of the ace, the federal painstaking research and design of several generations of mech-makers finally created this kind of advanced mech and trump card. Between the special mechs. Therefore, the special mech is not completely out of the scope of the standard armor, but at the same time has the characteristics of some personality of the ace mech.

When Ling Lan was assassinated when he was six years old, the black armor that had helped her out was actually the federal uniform of the mechs. However, until now, Ling Lan has not found out who helped her.

Ling Lan saw these tall and mighty mechs, and he understood why the catapult channel needed to be set up in the secret warehouse. The passage she entered did not have enough height and space for these mechs to go out.

Of course, it is not these mechs that make Ling Lan coveted, but the row of mechs that are facing the iron gate, only a few five mechs. Each mech looks different and has its own unique personality. One of the mechs has been opened and has come out of its original fixed deck.

Ling Lan saw that behind the mech was a high-energy laser gun with almost two-thirds of the height of the organic armor, and a standard beam gun, knowing that the armor's ability focused on long-range attacks.

The other said the ejection port, next to the right hand of the iron gate, there is a circular passage, which is enough to accommodate the space of the four mechs. Now that the access door has been opened, I saw a special mech standing at the forefront, and walked into it. The passage is quickly closed. When the three warning lights on the door are all lit green, I hear a dull The sound of the sound...

"Oh!", Ling Lan felt his position standing, a strong sense of shock quickly came, and then saw that the mech in the ejection port was under the force of a strong force, the whole mech was slammed up high Bouncing, suddenly jumped for dozens of meters, and at the moment of the bounce, the armor's engine roared at the same time. With this ejection power and the power of the engine explosion, the mech instantly flew from the passage to the military school. ......

The Thunder people seem to be familiar with this type of ejection. They stepped into it one by one, and then they flew out. Finally, the head of the ace of the ace, and the rumors of the previous time, Ling Lan has confirmed The head of the team must be the king of Lei Wang who successfully promoted the trump card.

I don't know why, Chaucer entered the passage when the automatic door was about to close. The head of the mech suddenly turned to look at the direction of the iron gate. This unexpected action surprised Ling Lan. Did the other party discover her?

Soon, the automatic door was closed, and the figure of the mech was no longer visible. After a few seconds, Chaucer and other super-classic men were flew out from the passage, and Ling Lan was relieved.

However, in order to ensure safety, Ling Lan waited quietly for about a minute before getting close to the iron gate. Under the inspection of Xiaosi, I know that the electric power system of this iron gate has not been destroyed. Perhaps it is because here, the other party may be afraid of destroying the power inside, and affecting the ejection power of the ejection port, so there is no brute force. Destruction, but chose to enter normally.

As long as the system is normal, Ling Lan, who has the gold finger of Xiaosi, easily walked in. When she passed the special mech, there was some regret. The freshman didn’t even have a special master. She suddenly remembered the leopard’s special master friend. If he joined her team, he could come and control these. Mech.

Ling Lan’s purpose is certainly not the special mech, her goal is the ace of armor. In reality, it is the thing that Ling Lan dreams of when he can really control the trump card. At the time of World of Warcraft, Ling Lan's mech was actually not a trump card, but a special mech.

Because in the army, the special mech is also called the trump card, just add a deputy or substitute, and the three ace mekes she had killed were also the special masters of the sundial. After a period of war baptism and gradually perfecting the self-styled control techniques, they can formally advance to the ace of the ace, which is why they are called the ace of the ground crew.

It should be said that Ling Lan is very fortunate and has not encountered a real ace teacher. Otherwise, according to the control style she has just formed, even if she is the last ace of the war, it is very difficult to play. But at the same time, it is on the top three mechs.

Because Chaucer drove off an ace mech, the remaining four mechs also made Ling Lan look at it. Excited.

The leftmost mech, in addition to the humanoid shape like other mechs, has two wings flanking behind it. According to the knowledge of Linglan, this should be a deformed mech, that is, a humanoid in melee. Mech, when a long-range attack, it will become a flight mode, which is considered to be a relatively balanced mech.

The characteristics of this kind of mech is that it is fast, without the speed of any mech, it can be compared with it, it is close combat, and it also uses speed as an attack means. But the best way to highlight its speed is when it becomes a flight mode. At that time, once you go all out and open the speed, you can instantly open or close each other's distance.

This will ensure that the enemy can't get rid of it either remotely or close. At the same time, this speed is also a means of protecting oneself. Once it falls into the wind, it can pull away the distance and get rid of the opponent's attack range. If the ordinary mech encounters such a mech, there is no chance of counterattack and it will be destroyed. The range of the long-range attack, unless it is the humanoid armor that focuses on the remote, is the only animal-like mech that has the title of the king of the land war, and may still have a little advantage.

The second mech, as I just said, can be on the range of the long-range attack, and it may be able to overwhelm the warship king's beast-type ace armor. Rs()

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