Chapter 365: All for me!

As for the mech that was flung by Ling Lan, after a fierce collision with the friend machine, he bounced back to the ground and there was no movement.

If anyone pays attention, you can see that there is a long flat hole in the center of the control cabin of the mech. At this time, blood is slowly flowing from the hole and slowly dyed the ground below...

Ling Lan solved the two mechs around him and saw that Luo Lang failed three times in a row. He decisively raised his right hand, and a beam of light in the beam gun poured out, directly hitting the knee of the mech that was attacking the Luo Lang attack. At the office.

The knee is the weakest connection point of the mech defense. When Ling Lan suddenly hit the cold gun, suddenly a small spark broke out. The action of the mech was originally slowed down.

At this time, the fourth time using the light and shadow slide, still no dead-hearted Luo Lang, the cold weapon in the hand slammed directly into the other's neck, perhaps the knee has been destroyed, so that the mech can not maintain balance, plus Luo The wave of this wave of anger is a knife, the power is extraordinary, directly cut the armor to the ground.

Luo Lang was unforgiving. He once again waved cold weapons, slashing to the fallen armor like a storm, and violently violently wanted to break the mech into a ruin. Perhaps the mech also did not want to bear this kind of abuse, and finally chose to blew himself. Fortunately, Luo Lang reacted sensitively to avoid the past, and the mech did not suffer much damage.

But this scene makes Luo Lang even more angry. He really believes that this is absolutely the main brain is fighting for him, who does not blew himself, prefers to go with him? He rushed up again, kicked the ruins of the armor that was burning, and kicked the ruins directly out of the ruins. The direction of the kick flew to Linglan... ...

Ling Lan is fighting with two mechs at this time. Her regrets are violently colliding with the cold weapon of a mech, while the cold weapon of the other mech is madly slashing to Ling Lan. Ling Lan is not a space that does not have a dodge. It can be a place where she wants to dodge. The ruins of the ruins that Luo Lang kicked happened to appear.

Luo Lang’s original fire, when he saw this scene, suddenly went out. He only felt that a cold chill appeared in his bones. There was only one thought in his heart, that is, he was dead... He slammed a scream and shouted: Boss, flash."

In the face of this dilemma of how to choose a hard time, Ling Lan just calmly kicked out, and took the enemy planes that had been hit hard by half a step. Then, the hands did not regret a maneuver, aligned The flames violently shot, and the fire was shot to her half-step enemy plane. The enemy plane did not expect to fly to the opponent's ruins. The fireball suddenly flew to himself, directly smashed, and the huge force, which allowed him to retreat back and forth four or five steps, and then stopped.

Although Ling Lan escaped this flying disaster, but she did not have time to control the mech to evade the attack of another mech. The miraculous thing happened. With the power of the shot, Ling Lan’s mech was actually sliding one meter in the opposite direction, and this meter made her risky and flashed the fierce killing of the enemy plane.

After Ling Lan flashed, take the armor attack attack and get older, one anti-warp, cold flash, no regrets, the enemy's right arm will be directly removed. Ling Lan's attack is not only this, she followed the right foot with a force, the whole mech is vacated, about seven or eight meters from the ground, the right leg slammed up, and then fiercely kicked sideways.

A loud bang, the right leg kicked the armor that cut the right hand. This huge force from top to bottom kicked the mech directly to the ground...

When Ling Lan's mech was followed, the hand did not regret to draw a beautiful arc in the air, and finally the tip of the knife pointed down, and suddenly inserted the control cabin of the mech. This action has been completed in the blink of an eye...

When Luo Lang saw Ling Lan flashed his flying and smashed, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but when he started to celebrate, he heard Ling Lan chilling and said: "Luo Lang, go back to the Chamber of Secrets for a week!" Ling Lan said this, while slowly taking out the entanglement in the enemy aircraft control cabin.

"Ah..." Luo Lang screamed, he just vented his anger, but he couldn't think of the result. The secret room, a week, under the abuse of Lan, can he survive?

"I still don't fight? Do you want to prepare for the secret room for two weeks?" Before the screams of Luo Lang stopped, Ling Lan's cold voice screamed again in the team channel. As a result, Luo Lang’s original screams suddenly turned into fierce squeaks, and then he rushed to one of the last mechs like a wolf.

The four people in Qilong had just solved their opponents, and they heard Ling Lan warned Luo Lang’s words. They were cold-hearted in their hearts, and they didn’t want to, and they directly rushed to the remaining mechs with their weapons...

Hey, boss, we are so powerful, can't anger to us, please close the secret room, please look for the culprit Luolang, don't look for us.

The cruelty of the secret room training has made the five people of Qilong now have the degree of color change in the training of the secret room. In order not to let themselves taste the pain of this kind of inscription, the five people of Qilong have exerted great strength and pressed each other to fight. Let the opponent have no room for resistance...

Li Yuyu also confronted the last enemy at this time. He inexplicably glanced at the Qilong five people. I don’t know why they are like special effects stimulants. The current combat power is not a level at all. Is there any mystery in secret room training? Perhaps it is very helpful for him to develop the potential of the human body. Should he find the captain of Ling to get to know it? Li Yuyu thought of this.

The Qilong people who are struggling to kill the enemy suddenly feel that there is a cold out of the bones... Is the boss really thinking about their secret room? Thinking of this possibility, they are more fierce, and they can't wait to kill the mechs in front of them to tell the boss that they absolutely don't need to go back to the closet to forge.

The performance of the force allowed Qi Long and others to resolve their opponents within one minute, and saw that the comrades who were several times more than the original were immediately solved by the enemies of the invasion of the secret base, because the impact of the ruins of the fireball A few steps away from Ling Lan’s mech, I was timidly seeing Ling Lan slowly coming to him with the regret of dripping blood...

He clenched his arms and looked at the demon who killed them almost half of the mechs in a moment, watching him get closer and closer to himself, finally roaring and turning and running...

"Ah? Actually choose to escape?" Ling Lan suddenly, originally thought that the military will be set by the main brain into a mode of death, but can not think of as a real person, choose to escape. At this time, the two armored teams newly dispatched by the enemy have appeared in their visible range, and the vibration on the ground has become very strong... Her mouth hangs a very sneer, and her right hand slams into her hand. The regret is like a cold flash, directly stabbing the armor in the escape.

"Ah..." He commanded the mech, and made a scream of screaming. His body had been cut into two pieces by the terrible magic knife. In the pain of tearing his soul, he saw himself. The internal organs are accompanied by fountain-like blood flowing from the break of the waist...

He looked at the friendly team that was only five or six hundred meters away from him. He wanted to tell them, hurry to escape. This group of people is the devil. It is not that they can compete... but he is no longer There is no voice, he seems to see the final results of these companions, like them, hate this place, become a soul...

The "呲啦" sound suddenly sounded in his ear. He watched as the magic knife that cut his body was leaving his control cabin. He knew that the devil had to take his magic knife back. He wants to catch the magic knife, not wanting the devil to take it away and continue to hurt his comrades. He used his last strength and tried to reach out his right hand...

Can't catch the knife? He watched the magic knife finally disappear in front of him, left his control cabin, and lifted his right hand, but found that his five fingers had disappeared... It turned out that he had already encountered the magic knife!

Sure enough, it is a magic knife! Finally, in the amazement, he swallowed the last breath, and his eyes did not close!

After Ling Lan took back her own regrets, she watched the last two teams that were approaching them quickly. She gave her orders to everyone in the team: "All killed me!"

The distant Caesar Empire In an experimental hall of the secret base of the military department, everyone is watching closely the more than 30 virtual login cabins in the hall. Although they try their best to stay calm, it is still difficult. Cover the tension and excitement.

According to the estimated time, in a few minutes, their plan will be successful, and the success of the battle, which will make the entire Caesar crazy, it can make the Caesar Empire become the strongest hegemon of the solar system. Since they were caught up by the China Federation five thousand years ago, they have lost their seats as the strongest hegemons. They can only share their glory with China. They must know that in the history of the Caesar Empire, they have ruled this galaxies for seven thousand years.

The side of the couch is tolerant of others to sleep, the Chinese Federation has let them endure for five thousand years, and now can finally solve the opponent, a taste of what I want.

"Oh..." Suddenly the two control cabins made an emergency call, which means that people in the virtual cabin are likely to have problems or are in danger.

This situation caused everyone in the hall to change their face and flocked to the two virtual cabins. The virtual cabin was quickly opened, and the nutrients in it quickly returned to clean. People who should wake up still lie in it and did not respond. The closed eyes seemed to be still asleep. Rs()

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