Chapter 303: Rabbit? leopard?

Li Lanfeng waited in the middle of the mech to answer, did not expect the other party did not say anything, the fighting room became silent.

Li Lanfeng’s heart is getting lost, is this denied on behalf of the other party? At this moment, the sound of the signal suddenly sounded in his armor control cabin. Li Lanfeng’s reflective location opened, and he saw a message asking the friend to join. The name is Ling Tian, ​​and there is a sentence inside. The written story turned out to be: Leopard, we will contact you later.

Li Lanfeng’s heart was suddenly filled with ecstasy. He wanted to click through, but he was originally very flexible. He could even complete the most difficult skills of the senior armor. At this time, he became weak and insensitive, and he clicked three consecutive screens. It turned out that there was no accurate point.

Li Lanfeng took a deep breath, his left hand slammed his right hand, and then slammed it through the prompt.

When I saw the name of Ling Tian’s line in my friend’s column, Li Lanfeng’s whole person collapsed and his eyes began to get sour. He jerked his head up and let the tears of joy that was about to flow out of his eyes back into his eyes...

After searching for so long, I finally let him renew his friendship that has been interrupted for seven years! God, even if you let my destiny become a phoenix, at this time, I still want to thank you, thank you for giving me this opportunity!

Zhao Wei saw that the intermediate mech did not answer the question of his friend Li Lanfeng, and he went offline. He suddenly said with anger: "Rely, how can it be so ruthless, it is so difficult to return to a yes or no." Of course he just said, After all, if you want to answer the power of the other party, he just regrets for his friend Li Lanfeng. Although Li Lanfeng never told him about it, Zhao Wei still faintly knows that in the past four years, Li Lanfeng has been looking for a person in the mech world.

Zhao Yan’s angry words made Li Lanfeng wake up from the surprise and said: “No. Zhao Wei, he told me the answer...”

"Ah?" Zhao Wei was stupid, clearly that the other party did not answer...

Li Lanfeng did not explain, just excitedly said: "I will tell you later. Let's leave here!" He left the Chamber after he finished.

Zhao Wei reluctantly scratched the back of his head. Since Li Lanfeng said that he would tell him later, he must wait for the future, although he now wants to know that he can meet a friend whose mouth is like a slashing gourd. He can’t help but fortunately His patience has been extremely well trained by Li Lanfeng, otherwise it will definitely cause chest tightness and death. Thinking of this, Zhao Wei only sighed and followed Li Lanfeng to leave the Chamber of Secrets.

Ling Lan saw that the other party passed the friend. She went offline directly. She didn't want to tell the other person about her old feelings. However, her father just went offline to go to the assessment site, and it was not appropriate for her to stay here. After all, nominally, she came to accompany Ling Xiao.

After Linglan said goodbye to his father, he returned to his accommodation. At this time, the five people in Qilong had not returned from the training class. Linglan did not wait for them and went directly to the mech world. Ling Lan believes that the stupid leopard must be in the middle of the mech world.

really. After she got on the line, she received a voice message from Nian Tianren: "Rabbit, where are you?" Hey, is she still a rabbit now? I told him before, don't call her rabbit, but this guy doesn't change. This is still the case.

Ling Lan couldn't help but rolled her eyes and wanted to hear it, but she heard the anxious mood of the other party. I don't think it was easy to meet them in seven years. It is really not easy for them to meet. I decided to spare him this time. So Ling Lan replied coldly: "Leopard, come to the Mech Fighting Hall."

Less than a minute, she saw a high-level mech entering from the door of the fighting hall, and then directly to him: "Rabbit, I am coming." The senior mech was waved to her, and The special mech of his team was gone.

"Leopard, why are your friends not?" Ling Lan asked curiously.

"I don't know if you don't mind, so I let him go first." Leopard's mech, now is a man of heaven, laughing back.

Ling Lan used Ling's eyes to look at the heavens, and she was so careful. Besides, the leopard armor is just a passerby that the virtual world has no intention of encountering. I don’t know how the other party is so emboldened, I think I will definitely Is he in his heart? Would you mind if he has friends? Hey, you have to know that there are countless small friends who grow up around them. Five of them are intimate...

Sure enough, the leopard mech was very acquainted with her. She seemed to feel Ling Lan’s thoughts and explained: “I want to get your permission and then introduce him to him...”

This sentence makes Ling Lan Long heart happy, and sure enough, the leopard is very respectful of her, just like the same year, no change.

So Ling Lan said: "There is nothing. In the future, if you want to bring it with you."

Hearing the words, Nian Tian was deeply smiled by people, and he replied greatly: "Know it!"

Ling Lan reluctantly scratched her eyebrows and asked: "How did you recognize me just now?" This is the same confusion that she and Xiaosi are. After all, seven years, and they have changed their mechs, not the original Look like. Although the other party is a virtual ability, but the fourth is sure that the other party has not used the virtual ability to spy on them, there is no reason to recognize her to come...

"Your trampling is not an ordinary trampling technique. You will use it every time you evaluate it. How can I forget it?" Nian Tian was laughed back by people. "You don't need this, I can't recognize you." "Niantian was fortunately reluctant to the heart, and the chance to let the other party exert these basic manipulations, so that he found him.

When I read the words of the people, Ling Lan Xiao suddenly understood that it was Ling Lan’s habitual action to sell her.

"I believe that in this world, only you will have this skill. We lost contact seven years ago and let me find you for seven years. I finally found it." Nian Tian was sighed by people.

Ling Lan was a little embarrassed. In the past seven years, she has not been in the mech world. She has been completing the task in the study space or the inheritance of her father. It is a waste of effort in the seven years.

"Is that king-level teacher a person who is your teacher?" Nian Tian was asked curiously.

"Oh... yes." Ling Lan slammed back and said, she did not specifically want to conceal, just just met with the leopard, some things can not be said very thoroughly, although the leopard mech and her very tacit understanding, she also Cherish the friendship with each other, but after all, it is a person who knows in the virtual world. Linglan cannot trust the other party like the partners of Qilong. However, Ling Lan’s answer is not a lie. She inherited the inheritance of her father, Ling Xiao, and of course she is one with her father.

"I think at first glance, every movement of the king's division is the simplest four basic movements in defense control, blocking, pushing, blocking, and blocking. Without using a little extra power, it is reduced to the extreme, with you. The same thing that was told to me at the beginning was to completely integrate the basic manipulations and truly become a kind of instinct.” Nian Tian is marvellous.

Ling Lan heard a shock and quickly asked: "We have a fight, have you recorded it?"

Nian Tian was embarrassed to say: "Sorry, I have recorded it without your consent. If you mind, I will delete it immediately."

"No, I just want you to copy one to me, and I want to see it too." Although Xiaosi recorded the battle, but the sight of the most protagonist, some things are not very clear, perhaps the first The visual feeling of the three parties makes her understand more clearly.

"Good." Nian Tian was immediately sent the video to Ling Lan. After Ling Lan received it, he directly opened the video and began to watch it.

Li Lanfeng saw that Ling Tian’s line became silent, and he knew that the other party would definitely watch the video with full concentration. He would smile, and the rabbit in this state is too familiar with him. Sometimes the rabbit learns new movements or has good ideas and sentiments. It will fall into this state of nowhere, which makes Li Lanfeng return to the original. At this time, he will quietly stay next to the rabbit's mech, patiently waiting for the rabbit armor to return.

About five minutes later, Li Lanfeng finally heard Ling Tian’s line sigh: “Sure enough, from your sight, you can see his power.”

Ling Lan really felt that his father was awesome. The father's basic control is called the real peak, although it is only a simple defensive action, no matter the timing of the interception, or the movement, it is superb, it is intercepted when her power is the least, and the swaying of the sway every time. The gesture is extremely small, and the consumption of the mech is completely controlled at the lowest line. Ling Lan believes that even if his father controls an internship, in the face of her violent bombing, it will still block back with the lowest consumption.

The father's manipulation is called the real basic control. Compared with his father, Ling Lan's basic control is undoubtedly too gorgeous Compared with his father, she really is too big.

"The king's division is of course powerful. The basic control is really interesting. I will learn from you later. I will use the low-level mech to practice the basic control skills of the advanced mechs. This should be more versatile." The eyes of the people look brightly at Ling Lan. It seems that he is very smart.

Ling Lan couldn't help but sweat. I don't know how to answer it. Isn't she going to say that it is because she doesn't have enough points, can't she do it with a better mech?

Think of using high-level skills in low-level mechs, the requirements of the controller are indeed very high, very challenging, there is nothing bad for the controller, and even indeed gain. After Ling Lan thought about it, she would no longer scream, because she was also very embarrassed to explain to the other side, why in the past seven years, why not enough points to exchange high-level mechs.

In this way, Ling Lan did not know how to explain, and felt that doing so was harmless to the other side, so he chose to be silent and let Li Lanfeng mistakenly believe that his guess is correct, so he really embarked on this no return. Created a legendary path that belongs to him...


The second chapter is still in the code... Don't stay up late, look the same tomorrow morning!

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