Chapter 275: Action alone!

Han Jijun was unexpectedly calm and directly opposed the opinions of the two.

Han Jijun believes that when the situation is unclear, it will be a surprise, and it will make the situation worse. If the other party’s concerns are concerned, it will be more difficult for them to find Luolang to move to a more hidden place. If the other party succeeds in hiding Luolang for a month, even if they find Luolang, the future of Luolang will be ruined by the other party. . Instead of this, it is better to wait patiently for Lan Lan to come out and make a decision.

The annual assessment of military school students is very strict. If you have no class for one month, you will be deprived of the qualifications of military students. In order to **** talents, many forces use some despicable means, and they are one of them. They are extremely rare. After all, there are military schools' monitoring teams that monitor all registered power groups. In addition to the confidence that can be done seamlessly, the general forces will not adopt this trick.

The few people present in the new regiment feel faintly at this time. Luo Lang is estimated to have been hijacked, but he does not know whether he is an individual or a hand under the influence group...

This incident made some people in the new regiment feel a little down. They were all the pride of the Scouting Center College. They grew up smoothly and under the leadership of Ling Lan, they almost did not encounter any setbacks. Even if the situation is forced to accept the gambling, when everyone is not optimistic about them, they quickly turn to the table and defeat the Thunder machine group...

I have to say that they are beginning to be proud, confident and bursting out, and believe that there is no longer any force to resist the rise of the new regiment. At this time, Luo Lang has disappeared inexplicably under their eyes. This is like a basin. Cold water, when the head is poured down, let them understand that the water in the military school is deep, and it is too early for them to think about the tail.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!..." The stairs from the top to the bottom came from a regular and tough military boots, strong and firm. Let the few people sitting below settle down in a somewhat flustered heart. Standing up almost at the same time, looking back, a familiar figure walked upstairs and their eyes suddenly brightened. A fire named Hope flashes in it.

Ling Lan walked down the stairs with a cold face. When he saw a few people, he ordered: "Wu Jun, you will wait here, nothing happens..." Although Ling Lan’s tone is still indifferent, Everyone who can be present feels that Ling Lan seems to have no murderousness, and a chill is straight through his heart.

Lan boss is angry! Everyone understands what this represents.

The monk stunned, but soon understood it, and said: "Know, Lan boss!"

Han Jijun frowned. A flash of worry in the eyes, asked: "Lan boss, are you ready to act alone?"

"Yes, I have found the whereabouts of Luolang, but it is not suitable for group action. I am going to go alone, it is more convenient to rescue Luolang." Ling Lan explained.

"Who is the other party?" Xie Yi suddenly asked, his eyes full of anger.

"Tianji machine group!" Ling Lan said in a word, the anger that has been forbearing has erupted with the appearance of these five words, her right hand could not help but pat the palm of the handrail on the stairs, I heard a slamming, hardwood handrail on the stairs. It was actually taken by Ling Lan with a raging hand in two paragraphs.

Han Jijun’s face changed and he couldn’t help but change: “Lan boss, is Luolang out of trouble?”

With this voice, the faces of other people have also changed a lot. Several pairs of angry eyes stared at Ling Lan, hoping Linglan told them the answer.

Ling Lan bite his teeth: "There is not yet, but there is no guarantee that there will be no later. Therefore, I must rush as soon as possible..."

Ling Lan glanced at a few of Wu Ji Han Jijun and confessed: "Wu Jun, successor, here is handed over to you. No matter what happens, you have to hold me back, remember, our new regiment knows nothing. And no one has gone out... and Luo Lang just went to the Medical Research Center for a review."

Having explained this sentence, Ling Lantou did not return, and quickly left the villa, and soon disappeared into the night.

The monk took back his gaze and confusedly turned to ask Han Jijun: "Han Jijun, you said, what is the idea of ​​Lan's boss?"

Han Jijun indicated that several people sat back on the sofa in the hall and asked Lin Zhongqing to find the deck to come and spend time, and then he replied: "The celestial machine group has a cup..."

"Ah?" The monk only guessed that Ling Lan was going to save people alone, so he couldn't understand why Ling Lan didn't let other people know that the people of the Celestial Group would take Luo Lang away.

Han Jijun just shook his head and was not prepared to confuse the martial arts. This made the martial arts uneasy and swayed, even if the cards were not in the state.

Xie Yi is actually somewhat uncertain, but he knows what his position is, so he doesn't think about it, so he is not as uneasy as Wu Hao. In the end, Lin Zhongqing can't see it. He can't help but remind him: "No. People know that Luo Lang was taken away by the Tianji machine group, then there is no way to prove that today, the person at the top of the Tianji headquarters is our Lan boss..."

Wu Hao’s eyes lit up: “It’s the same.” However, he quickly sank and pointed out the loopholes. “Every place in the military school has monitoring equipment...”

Han Jijun sneered: "How much do you know about Lan’s method? Since Lan’s boss wants you to do this, you will do so, there will be no mistakes.”

The monk suddenly thought of the spaceship. Lan boss had successfully controlled the monitoring equipment. His eyes flashed again and shouted: "I understand!"

This voice attracted the cold eyes of the other three people. Han Jijun was cold-eyed and despised. "If you understand, give me a whisper. Do you want to attract everyone and expose the evidence that Lan boss is not here?"

Wu Hao was ridiculed by Han Jijun, and he was not angry. Since the confusion in his heart had an answer, he could play cards with peace of mind...

When Ling Lan went out at the door, he asked the small four in the sea: "Tianji headquarters, which direction to go."

Xiaosi directly gave her a map, marked with the location of Ling Lan, and the target location marked with a red flag, which is clear at a glance. And said: "It is recommended that you take a suspension vehicle first, then choose a station to get off at a place close to them. This will allow you to spend less energy and internal strength..." Xiaosi knows what Linglan is going to do, so Find ways to reduce the consumption of Ling Lan, after all, destroying a headquarters, it is still very laborious, the savings will have to save.

Ling Lan decided to listen to the advice of Xiaosi, only to see her step by step, the whole person went to 100 meters away, two steps came to the suspension station closest to her dormitory, waiting for the arrival of the suspension car. Even if it is saving energy, but time is still the most important, she does not want to close the door at the end, Luo Lang was bullied.

The suspension car came very soon, Ling Lan flashed up like a ghost, without Ling Lan input, Xiao Si chose to give Ling Lan a station about one kilometer away from the ground and directly shielded the input it entered. a message.

On the main brain of the military academy, Ling Lan’s suspension vehicle is still an empty suspension vehicle wandering in the military school, and the monitoring equipment of Linglan’s time to get off the train has also been changed. Of course, small The hands and feet of the four are perfect, no one will find someone to change the trace...

In this way, no one has no equipment to prove that Ling Lan came out of his villa.

In a certain room of the Tianji Headquarters, the white-shirt youth forced the pain from the body and swallowed the special healing drugs sent by the men.

"Hee brother, you are fine." A blue man asked worriedly.

"True tmd did not expect that the spiritual strength of Luo Lang would be so strong and able to resist my ability." The white youth hated the earth. "Not only that, but also turned me back and made me hurt."

Obviously, he has put down his vigilance and believes in his words. Why did he wake up at the last minute? And he was injured at that time, if not forcibly resisted, I am afraid that the other side saw the flaws. Also because he forcibly endured the rebellious force, his injury was three cents on the original basis.

"When I am hurt, I must torture the guy." The white face of the young man’s face showed a sullen expression, and his original handsome face was destroyed, leaving only endless embarrassment.

"Congratulations to Xi Ge, not only have the beauty, but also got a physical genius, adding a big boost to our celestial machine group." Lu Yongguang on the side of the face and congratulations, this makes the white youth feel good, face The haze on it has also disappeared a lot, and it has restored a handsome young man.

"This time you performed well, wait for the contribution department to receive a second-level resource, and give you my warrants when you wait." When the white youth is in a good mood, he will reward his heroes.

"Thank you Xie Ge, thank you Xie Ge." Lu Yongguang looked surprised and said that he had a three-level resource, and he did not expect this Hee Ge to be so generous.

A blue man next to Lu Yongguang seems to feel something Just wanted to open the reminder, he was pulled by the partners around him, and he said that he would say a lot of words. The owner is just a self-contained person. Not the upright leader who is retreating.

After the white youth enjoyed Lu Yongguang’s pats, he suddenly thought of something and asked nervously: “You erased all the traces, right? Are you sure that no one can find it here?”

Lu Yongguang proudly replied: "Reassured, Xie Ge, everything is done, even if the first person of the hacker Lin Zhidong shot, there is no way to find out the traces in a short time." Then he laughed, "the new group I also found myself dead, offended the Thunder, do you want Lin Zhidong to shoot? Certainly not, other people's words... I believe no one can crack my approach."

When I heard Lu Yongguang’s words, the white-shirted youth suddenly laughed with relief. His concerns were gone. As long as he gave him enough time, he would be able to teach the beauty to success, and finally he and his body would surrender to him.

The reason why the white youth is so confident is that his spiritual variation is a magical hypnotism. He can easily get the goodwill of others. If he wants the other person to fall in love with him, he will succeed if he gives him time. Just like his first few lovers, they are so successful, they still think that they are willing.

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