Chapter 269: Twenty-four filial father!

However, Li Yiyu’s mind reminded me of the words of Li Mozhen in the lobby. He said that Li Yingjie's heart is actually not bad, but some people in the Li family are slanting in the wrong direction. If they can, the lobby brother still hopes that Li Yuyu will help Li Yingjie and let him go back to the right path...

And now, to prove that the lobby brother is not bad, who is willing to sacrifice for his brother, where can the heart be bad? Perhaps this is an opportunity. If he can relax with Li Yingjie, he may be able to complete the lobby brother’s embarrassment...

I can think of having to buy one and two, and Li Yuyu’s heart is depressed. As he said, those special effects drugs are not coming. Even if he is the chief student, it is quite difficult to apply for special medicines for three people. It must be used. Some relationships... To be honest, he doesn't want to consume these relationships at this time, because this is the life-saving opportunity he left for his lobby brother.

"Of course, if you can cure them in a short time, our new group includes me, owe you a favor, you are free to withdraw." Ling Lan is not blindly strong, but also raised the price she is willing to pay, She does not want Li Yingjie to really lose the opportunity for this treatment. "Of course, the requirements you have must be what our new group can do."

“New group?” Li Yuyu was moved, but soon sneered, “Can you guarantee that the new group will continue to do so.”

Ling Lan faintly replied: "At least for two years, no problem, you can choose to let us pay you back within two years. Of course, if you ask for a new group does not exist, my Ling Lan's promise has been. You can come to me." For her few younger brothers, Ling Lan believes that it is worth paying the price.

Li Yuyu was silent. He was thinking that the value was not worth it. At this moment, Li Lanfeng said: "Master Yu Yu, I believe that Master Mu Yu will also agree to treat you Master Yingjie and his partners..."

Li Lanfeng sighed softly and his eyes were somewhat blurred. It seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to remind him: "Know. This is something that the young Master Mu has always envy..."

In the heart of Li Yuyu's heart, he strongly resisted the sorrow and grief of Xintian. He replied loudly: "Well, I promised." After that, he applied for two applications for transfer therapy on the contact, after a few seconds. The approval message was sent back again.

Seeing that he finally reached a wish, Ling Lan felt a loose heart and secretly sighed. Soon the staff sent the three to the Military Medical Research Center on a stretcher. Li Yuyu and Yun Xiu also hurriedly said goodbye. After all, the three men were seriously injured. They must rush back to the Military Medical Research Center for a new treatment plan.

When the treatment center is busy. When Ling Lan took the crowd away, he happened to pass by Li Lanfeng’s side. Ling Lan glanced at Li Lanfeng and then staggered away from each other...

This is the first time Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng met, there is no dialogue between them, no communication. Li Lanfeng may be impressed with Ling Lan and have the possibility to cooperate. Ling Lan just feels that this man is not bad, the words that are said at the crucial moment helped her... but only then!

And this time. The distant Nanyuxing, the headquarters of the 23rd Army is stationed in this planet. At this time, the 23rd Army is in vain, and the head of the 23rd Army, who lacks senior generals, not only has to The heads of the army are arguing with each other to dig up the talents of the family, and they have to work hard to smooth out the bad things that their daughters have done... for example, the spacecraft hijacking incident!

On the day of the speech, Ling Xiaozheng was conducting long-term multi-faceted talks with several major military leaders. The content of the talk was of course to let the brothers' army support senior generals. Of course, these several regiments belong to the first Marshal faction and support the allies of the same faction. They are willing to help. However, Ling’s appetite is too big. The candidates proposed are all excellent officers of their army. This makes the heads of several regiments somewhat unscrupulous, but they can’t refuse them directly, so they began to negotiate.

In fact, this is the price of the sky, waiting for the other party to pay back the money, only then, he can know what the other party's bottom line is. Of course, in order to win more talents, Ling Xiao originally made up his mind to spend with them. You know, if you want to quickly build a mature corps, you definitely lack a lot of excellent backbone generals. As long as the frame is set up, it is much easier to fill the flesh inside.

Of course, this is the first step. Ling Xiao also issued a request for some of the surviving old men of the former Seventh Corps. Of course, it can be successful. It depends on the current army leader of the Seventh Army, who is willing to let go, and the old men. Willing to return again.

However, when the talks went smoothly, there was a message on Ling Xiao’s liaison. After Ling Xiao’s bow looked down, he suddenly smiled and his face suddenly became dignified, even his face was stiff. Was hit hard...

Ling Xiaoqiang endured the emotions and was very sorry to re-arrange the negotiation time with the heads of the major military forces, and hurriedly interrupted the long-distance talks.

This performance of Ling Xiao has caused some of the leaders of the army to be somewhat uneasy. They have speculated whether Ling Xiao has encountered any difficulties, and they are not overwhelmed by the price, so that Ling Xiao is sad? After all, Ling Xiao is still a young man who has just turned 40. He coughs. Compared with the heads of the army of at least sixty or seventy years old, it is indeed young...

They think that it is not easy to think about it. The Twenty-three Army is a good name in the name. It is a regular army. All kinds of arms are fully equipped. In fact, it is just an empty shell. There is no one in the army. There is nothing to do things. I am going to prepare for digging people by Ling Xiao. The other factions of the military department are watching with each other, waiting to see Ling Xiao’s failure. If they don’t help with the faction, who else will help him?

With such a thought, they still had some uneasy feelings. In fact, they only gave a few more officers. Ling’s request is still very reliable. Each army has one or two excellent officers assigned to each legion. Generals, in fact, there is no loss to the major legions. Although the officers are indeed excellent, there are still many outstanding officers in the legion. It is not bad.

Several legions of the regiment negotiated in private and felt that they were still giving Ling Xiao a face, and Ling Xiao was good, and they were good. So when Ling Xiao re-negotiated with them, they became very generous. Basically, there were any requirements for Ling Xiao. As long as they were not too much, they agreed. This makes Ling Xiao extremely surprised. After all, it is very beneficial to have a good general to the Legion. It means that more excellent soldiers can be brought out, and the 23rd Army can form combat power at the fastest speed.

In fact, the heads of the army have guessed wrong. Ling Xiao is not having something difficult, or he is saddened by their price-pressing behavior. The reason why Ling Xiao’s expression has become so solemn and serious is because he was sent by his daughter. The news was shocked...

The first men’s military academy had an entrance examination, and he knew that, after all, he also came over. The reason why I didn't tell Ling Lan was that I wanted to see Ling Lan's response. This is a test of my father's daughter.

Ling Xiao thought that Ling Lan would lead her team to stand on the sidelines. He chose this way. Ling Xiao believes that with the ability of her daughter and her small partners, it is no problem to get the respect of the military. But he never imagined that his daughter was so daring and led the students on the spacecraft to hold together. spaceship. More unexpected, the **** was actually completed by her...

Seeing this news, Ling Xiao chose to close the talks in the first time, and then he laughed in the sky!

At this time, he can no longer maintain his calm smile. He is no longer the smile of the national idol, no longer the handsome and arrogant general, he is just a crazy father who is proud of his daughter... ...his daughter, * is his daughter! Well, Ling Xiao can only think of this. He is proud of his own baby daughter. It is really his kind, dare to do things he dare not do...

However, after laughing, Ling Xiao was guilty, because his daughter knew that she was in trouble. This girl is very self-aware. She knows that things have been done too much, and may cause the soldiers who have assessed them to be punished. Dad came forward to settle this matter. According to Ling Lan, he should have done something for this title in the air for 16 years.

Really a filial daughter! Although Ling Xiao said that Ling Lan is not filial, his heart is very happy, because this is the first time Ling Lan asked him to come forward to flatten her fault. Although the tone is not so good, Ling Xiao knows that this is Ling Lan. Taking the first step, she is trying to accept his father...

Understand the deep meaning behind the news of Ling Lan, Ling Xiao suddenly beaten the chicken blood, throwing the digging work directly to his adjutant, and then rubbing his hands to clean up the mess of his own daughter.

He first pressed the captain's penalty order as a general, and then applied to the military for a dispatch order to compile the spacecraft and all the people on board, including the captain, into the 23rd Army. Immediately communicated with the headmaster of the military academy, completely blocked the content of the exam, and did not make an announcement... Ling Xiao is very clear that once it is announced, Linglan’s excellent performance will attract the attention of the military, including the major legions, which is absolutely absolute. not allowed.

Do all this Wei is still not at ease. After all, it is difficult for him to control the first military school in the first place, so he decided to go to see Linglan’s situation and determine. After no danger, he can safely continue to build the 23rd Army.

Ling Xiao’s reason for this kind of thinking is because, in the near future, the fifth-grade old students will lead their assessment of the first application for the legion. And their 23rd Army is the first time to log into the military school's assessment system. As one of the legions that accept student assessment, he must send an assessment team to examine those candidates who apply for the 23rd Army.

Ling Xiao decided to personally lead the team, of course, the task of assessment will be handed over to his officers, and his main task is to care about his lovely baby daughter...

Ling Lan? lovely? Only the twenty-four filial dad will regard the ruthless and overbearing daughter as a lovely daughter. It can only be said that Ling Xiao is here at Linglan. There is no judgment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

Ps: Finally finished at the last minute! Thrilling!


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