Chapter 205: Open talent!

Just the Luolang scene has taken advantage, but the strength gap makes Luolang this attack without any achievements. On the contrary, the other party seems to have suffered a loss, but broke the momentum of Luo Lang, so that the two people once again resumed the equality at the beginning.

Ling Lan saw it. Luo Lang, who was in the middle of the battle, understood that his potential had disappeared after the blow, so he did not choose to continue the storm, but carefully chose the defensive, and the two again squatted against each other. .

Tang Yan, standing on one side, saw the action of Luo Lang and could not help but secretly nod. This first-year student did not become blind and confident because of the initial advantage. He was very clear about the change of the situation. He saw that his advantage disappeared and quickly took the defensive, which showed his calmness and rationality. This is definitely a good mech fighter. seedling.

The more he looked at Luo Lang, the more he liked it. The only thing that affected Luo Lang to become a good mech is his thin body. Tang Zhen couldn't help but wonder if he would go to an old friend of the medical profession and take some of the newly developed genetic agents. It is better to hear that the effect is to be a bit-level genetic agent...

As a referee, Tang Yan temporarily gave up his thoughts, while Zia, who stood opposite Luo Lang, seemed to be undefended as in the beginning, but Neri had already prepared for the attack. If Luo Luo has an impulsive choice to fight again, it is likely that he will seize the opportunity and hurt him in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, Luo Lang is very cautious and does not act like Ziya wants. This makes Zia sneak and scream. This first-year freshman is too cautious.

Luo Lang’s demeanor and movement made it impossible for Zia to understand that Luo Lang’s active attack was impossible. There are only two roads in front of Zia, one is to be patient with Luo Lang, to see who can't stand the initiative to attack. The second road is Zia’s own active attack.

On these two roads, Zia chose the second active attack with almost no thought, because he did not want to stand up with Luo Lang and thought it was an insult to him. He believes that the clean and neat will be the other side, in line with his strength, in order to play the momentum of the Thunder.

Of course, let him choose to take the initiative to attack, but also because the hard hit just now, let him understand the true level of Luo Lang body surgery, compared with him, obviously weaker, should be just entering the initial stage of Qi Jin. Exceeding the opponent's three small ranks, defeating the opponent is a steady and steady thing. The gas level is not like the previous levels. The difference between each small order is not very large, so there is indeed the possibility of being counterattacked. At the level of the gas level, a small equal gap is enough to crush the opponent.

Zia, who had a bottom in her heart, rushed up, and blinked to the front of Luo Lang. A strong and powerful right fist hit directly to Luo Lang.

Luo Lang saw Zia attack and came to hear the fist wind brought by his fist. He knew that he could hardly pick it up. At this time, the slim and slender figure showed a fighting style that was completely different from Jian Jian’s body. I saw that Luo Lang dexterously moved a step, gently twisting the waist to the side, and the fist was inserted from his left side...

The absolute subtlety of this distance is almost accurate in the scope of the outbreak of the other boxing, and the danger has almost flashed. Of course, the only thing that cannot be controlled is that when dodging, there are a few tips that fail to avoid the boxing range in time. It was actually cut off by the other's fist, and the owner reluctantly said goodbye, and began to dance in the air.

A loud bang of "嘭", Zia’s fist was so heavy that he couldn’t take it, hitting the ground directly and making a loud noise.

I saw the ground of the ring platform, because of this huge force, it cracked directly and spread to the edge of the ring. And where the fist fell, there was a shallow pit about 30 centimeters.

While Luo Lang took the other party and did not change the move in time, one foot flashed to the other side, and once again opened the distance with Qi Yala. However, his look is more dignified than before. Because he feels the opponent's punching force at a close distance, he understands that if he is accidentally hit, his body can't bear it, and he is directly injured and defeated. This is the level of Qi Jin, although it seems that the order is not much different, but the strength of the Qi Jin and the mellow but the difference is different.

This scene of the destruction of the ring and the table made the newcomers watching the audience suddenly exclaimed. Is the game going to end? A single blow will destroy the downfall to such an extent. How many times can this downfall be supported?

The old students saw that the new students were so calm, and couldn’t help but glance at them with contemptuous eyes. At this time they forgot that they were also shocked by the same scene.

Not only the new spectators of the battle, but also the people of Qilong were also shocked by this scene. They couldn’t think that the battle hall of the military academy was so fragile that they couldn’t stop the blow of the primary peak. Li Yingjie was not deeply touched. Qi Long of the monk is secretly arrogant. They are going to compete in the competition. Do you want to converge on the air, so as not to directly smash this downfall?

Ling Lan saw the surprised expression of her companions and sighed secretly. She explained: "This is a high-tech immersive technology that can directly reflect the strength of the players on the stage and return to normal after 30 seconds."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the cracked ground on the platform slowly healed and finally recovered. This scene once again amazed the new students. I couldn’t think of the military school’s combination of immersive means and the platform, and the strength and power of the fighters. The method is fully embodied, allowing the battle to be seen.

Qi Long Wu Hao and others saw this scene, turned their heads and looked at Ling Lan with a look of admiration. The secret said: The boss is really the boss, the knowledge is wide, and nothing can be seen in his eyes.

Ling Lan calmly accepted the eyes of the partners, but in the dark, he was sweating. Fortunately, the fourth reminder is timely, otherwise she is also a blinded member! Of course, Ling Lan was also fortunate that she had a face of ice, not moving, did not expose the facts, and maintained her image in the eyes of her partner...

At the same time as Ling Lan’s exchanges, the battle did not stop on the platform. Zia did not give up on Luo Lang again, and was evaded by Luo Lang. At this time, Luo Lang unswervingly listened to Ling Lan’s instructions. He did not fight hard with his opponents. He has been fighting and dodging. He has played several rounds. One is erratic on the field, one is strong and the other is heavy. Let everyone see it. Originally, they believed that the one-sided situation did not appear at all. According to Luo Lang’s style of play, he could definitely support it for a long time before he exhausted.

The Thunder also began to have some commotion, and there were several dissatisfied faces on the faces of those who were also fighting representatives. They thought that Zia’s performance was too weak and lost their senior faces.

The audience uproar, of course Zia clear his mind with anger and hate, but then speed can be significantly faster than the waves without his Los way. Thin Los waves, his flexibility significantly more than the average person. To catch each other, either exhausted his strength, or let him lose his cool ......

Lingering breath to see each other, you know that the current wave of Los absolute physical abundant, Zia even suspect that he physically exhausted, this is not a hateful little flea continues jumping tap, plus Zia had no wish to wait, he just wanted to beat his opponent as quickly as possible to defend his honor. So he can only lose his cool the other side ......

Qia’s mouth showed a vicious smile. When he passed away with Luo Lang, he sneered: “You can only avoid the garbage, can you become the player of this fight, is it exchanged for your body? ”

Luo Lang’s pretty face suddenly rose red. He once again shunned the past and endured the anger in his heart. He knew that the other person said this to anger him and let him lose his calmness. He must not count...

Zia followed up again, and the double fists continued to attack the past. Luo Lang was dodging and hiding. After several times, he was almost wiped by the other's boxing wind. Even so, Luo Lang's uniform was split in several places, revealing his white and delicate. Skin.

"Sure enough, the conditions are very good, no wonder your head is fascinated by you, desperate to lift you up." Zia glanced at the leaked skin with a hidden look.

"Stop!" Luo Lang slammed and drunk, and he could bear it, but he was absolutely not allowed to insult his Lan boss!

"Stop? Why should I stay in the mouth, since he can do it, don't be afraid to say it!" Zia knew about the weakness of Luo Lang in Luo Lang's reaction. He laughed even more madly. "I want to tell all. People, your head is a foundation, it’s a broken back..."

Luo Lang's face turned red, his eyes began to be red, and he ducked, but his body trembled uncontrollably...

"Haha, I was told in the middle of it..." Zia added another sentence viciously, and then the right leg that had been prepared for it was kicked over...

Everyone thought that Luo Lang would dodge, but at this time, Luo Lang suddenly stopped moving, his head was low. Seeing that Zia’s fierce side kicked and kicked the body of Luo Lang, he saw Luo Lang’s left hand stretched out and even grabbed Zia’s right foot neck.

Qilong, who watched the battle, stood up and changed his face: "Not good!"

This awkward movement made Wu Yi Li Yingjie look at it stunnedly but the exclamation of the audience broke out and pulled their eyes back to the ring again. They thought that Qilong was because of his concern for the partner, so he was When I was in danger, I stood up and exclaimed. Only Ling Lan knew what to do. She pulled down Qilong and whispered a warning: "Small voice!"

Qi Long reacted and sat down, but still looked ugly. He leaned against Ling Lan's ear and whispered: "Boss, Luo Lang opened the talent." He couldn't think that Luo Lang turned his talents in desperation. What did the other party say that angered him?

Although the voice of Zia’s speech is very light, the people watching the battle below can’t hear anything, but from the other’s mouth, the face of Luo Lang’s face is getting worse and worse. It must be said what stimulates Luo Lang’s words. Otherwise, Luo Lang will not violate Ling Lan’s orders and open the talents privately.

Ling Lan faintly replied: "I know!"

With this sentence, Ling Lan's body became cold and incomparable, and even there was a kind of killing faintly revealed. Fortunately, Ling Lan's breath was blinking, except for the recent few people who felt that it did not cause others. Attention. Only Tang Yan on the stage looked at the direction with amazement, but quickly turned back to the ring. Rs()

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