Two hundred and thirtieth chapters: Novice Tournament!

"If the other party is really the machine to repair all the Xinyang city, those with disabilities Mech practice is probably not the opponent." Some people hesitate to report cautioned.

After the men did not have to answer, "Even our more mid-mech persons have died in the faith channel, you think they can live in the past?" They asked each other harshly denounced the Road, "a fool, a no-brainer, they certainly failed, so bird dead rabbit will want to get mech battle arena fighting experience ...... "

"Yes, yes, yes, I think it is bad." The contactor rubbed his cold sweat on his forehead, regretting why he said so much, and hung up the head of the contact, he immediately released the order. Then I saw a lot of mechs sent back and entered the Mech Fighting Competition...

When Ling Lan entered the Fighting and Fighting Pavilion, the system sent a reminder to choose anonymity or public name. Ling Lan thought about it, but chose to be anonymous. Ling Lan was definitely careful. Even if she really wanted to do it with Lei Wang, she would have to leave enough preparation time for herself.

Because Ling Lan is still a trainee, she can't enter the real battle. That is to say, the leap-level challenge of the official battle against Taiwan has nothing to do with her. She can only come step by step, and the match with her is Those who are on the same level as her are also new to the internship.

Ling Lan's level of battle is called a novice match. There are not many points in each place, only 1000 points, and there is no additional gambling reward. Of course, if you lose, Ling Lan will be deducted 1000 points. Once again, I became the one who was poor and white.

Ling Lan does not think that he will lose, this is not blind, but confidence. Of course, she does not disappoint a game. Only 1000 points can be taken. Compared with the time-consuming tasks, I can get more points, which makes Ling Lan very satisfied. Therefore, she does not want to. A request to challenge immediately was sent directly to the system.

Soon, a system sounds in Linglan's ear: "Lingtian is on the line, you are welcome to join the battle of the mech world. Since you are still a trainee, you can only play the novice match. Competition). Now enter the queuing system for the novice match, please be patient!"

Ling Lan thought that he would wait for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be a few seconds. The system once again sounded: "Please note that your opponent, the system has been randomly selected. The internship is a dream butterfly dance. After three seconds. Will send you into the ring game, there is ten seconds of invincible protection time, invincible protection disappears The match is officially opened!"

Dream butterfly dance? Ling Lan first responded to the other party is a girl, of course, does not rule out some sissy teenagers ... Ling Lan is thinking about it, I saw the mech picture suddenly black. Then she brightened again, she was already in a plain, endless, but there was no place to hide it, which shows. This battle is a simple strength competition.

The other side chose the flying deformation armor, which indicates that the other party is very confident in their own control. Otherwise, the flight deformation armor with the highest control factor in the basic machine armor will not be selected. This made Ling Lan unable to sink his heart and be cautious. If the other party was really a genius, she could not overturn the ship in the gutter.

Ten seconds of invincible time soon passed, Ling Lan is somewhat interested in the other side, so she did not take the initiative to attack, she wants to see the other side's attack, as long as the shot, she can see how the other side's strength.

The first choice of the other party is deformation, and the control armor flies into the air and chooses a long-range attack. This is the most basic tactic of the flight deformation armor. The original advantage of the flight deformation machine is that the long-range attack is the most powerful among the three basic mechs. The choice of the other party is undoubtedly very accurate.

"嘭", Ling Lan control armor jumped away from the original place, the beam exploded in the Linglan's original place, splashing a lot of dust, Ling Lan jumped in the defense against each other's continuous attack, but did not expect each other A missed shot, even chose to retreat again, opened the distance with her, which made Ling Lan feel a little disappointed.

On the attack just now, the other party has three errors. First, the first long-range attack of the flying deformation armor, the launching point should not be the position where she stands, but the place where the other party is dodging. This is called a prejudgment. Of course, if you don't have enough confidence in your ability to predict, you can shoot multiple bullets and hit each of them in several directions. This is one of the necessary capabilities for a long-range attacker, but the other party does not have it at all. The most basic shots of the sergeant, the spot beam bomb, will be gone.

Second, even if the flight rifle does not have the ability to predict, you can also see the direction of your dodge, continuously track the shooting, to force the opponent, so that the opponent can not get a chance to counterattack, can only choose passive dodge.

Third, the mature flight deformation armor, pulling the distance in the attack, and, when she is dodging, the distance from the other party is very far, the rabbit armored long-range weapon can not hit the other party, no need to be so cautious, Give up the attack and pull the distance between the two.

Undoubtedly, the opponent can't wait for the dishes in terms of basic control or judgment. It can be said that according to the control ability of the other party, it is not enough to control the flight deformation armor with higher difficulty coefficient. If Ling Lan suggested, the other party should honestly control the animal-type mech, and practice the basic control and then choose other mechs.

Ling Lan just saw the other party's bottom line from the other side's attack. Ling Lanton, who was still interested in it, did not feel entangled with the other party. He saw Ling Lan open all the rabbit engines, and the rabbit flew in general. A flying arrow makes the opponent's attack unable to keep up with this speed. Seeing that the other party is getting closer and closer to each other, the other party is a little panicked and actually began to desperately escape. Just the next second, he suddenly found that the shadow of the rabbit could not be seen in the mech screen. What is going on?

The other party did not dare to act rashly, quickly stopped the mech, carefully searched for the traces of the rabbit's mech, and did not carefully check it, the main brain began to warn loudly: "Danger!"

He also heard this sentence, and then he felt that the mech was hit hard, almost stunned him, and then the whole screen of the mech was black. Followed by the system voice notification: "You are hit by the opponent, directly blasted to death, please choose to continue the next round or leave..."

Did he actually die? How did he die? The flight mech chose to continue the next round. He chose to take a break and then immediately check his video against the rabbit armor. In the video, he finally knows how he died.

It turned out that the rabbit armor had already come under him, it was the blind spot of the mech sight, and then a violent jump, it flew into the air, from the bottom up, with the characteristic carrot, will explode him Chrysanthemum...

"It's awful!" The dream butterfly dance couldn't help but patted the console with the hand. The image of the gerbera was too cumbersome. As a girl, she really couldn't accept it. At this time, she couldn't help but be alone. The rabbit hates it and thinks that the other side’s attack is absolutely insulting...

Women in anger often have no reason to speak!

Ling Lan did not know that because of the efficiency of the blow, it actually caused a girl's hatred, she is now waiting for the next battle, although 1000 points have been obtained, but to exchange the worst low-level mech, at the very least With 100,000 points, she took the first step of the Long March. At the very least, she had to win 100 games in a row to fill the 100,000 points.

Soon, the system informed her that the new list of opponents appeared, the internship master full-time master, the same three seconds after the transmission of the battlefield.

Full-time master? It seems that this person is very confident and dares to take such a name. Ling Lan looked at the name and began to scrutinize the character of the other party.

This is the habit of getting from the No. 5 tutor. On the 5th, I like to control the opponent, so I will dig some secrets from some unexpected places, such as common words or sentences that my opponent likes to hang on my lips, or some nicknames. These are the nicknames of their own, and often these subtleties are the true reaction of the inner world of this person. Of course, there are some disguised masters who are good at disguise, deliberately saying something boring or having nothing to do with themselves. Love is called the nickname, which has to be reversed.

The battlefield that was transmitted is still an endless plain, exactly the same as the previous one. This makes Ling Lan doubt that this is the only battlefield for the novice match. If the guess is correct, I am afraid that the system is not optimistic about the battle between the novices. It is estimated that the system does not think that the novice can use the bad environment to do something, so the battlefield has chosen this unchanging plain.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I was so lucky, I even came across the team to inform me about the rabbit armor to be dealt with." A mocking laughter rang in Linglan's ear, which was extremely Ling Lan Frowning and looking at the past, I saw a humanoid mech standing in the distance, with a giant metal machete on his shoulders. The whole mech was lazily standing there, without any precautions. no other is to attend the match the kind of tension.

Ling Lan could not help but laugh a cry, this guy is really seeking death, even so relaxed in front of the opponent undefended, is simply not the slightest fighting level.

Ling Lan in the eyes of all the other upper and lower body flaws, it can be said, as long shot, Ling Lan is definitely a move can kill each other without any difficulty. Thought it would have hit a level of armor with disabilities, but did not expect to be a parallel, which makes Ling Lan once again disappointed. Although Ling Lan wants to accumulate points as soon as possible, he also wants to find a worthy opponent, not the garbage that has not passed the basic control of the mech.

I have been training hard over the years. Whether it is for physical fighting or mech-fighting, Ling Lan has always treated the fighting techniques with awe. I feel that my opponent’s attitude is so sloppy, and my heart is very unhappy.


This is the second, sleeping, it’s so sleepy! Everyone should go to bed early! Staying up late is not good!

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