Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 234: : Starlight Conversion Power Core!

Chapter 234: Starlight Conversion Power Core!

"What awkward!" Ling Lan directly shut down the voice system of the main brain and concentrate on maneuvering the armor. On the console of the mech, Ling Lan’s fingers showed a rapid re-emergence. The layered shadows were combined, just like the water lily that woke up, floating but beautiful.

I saw the entire fuselage of the rabbit's armor slamming, and the forelimbs of the blade were slightly sinking. This small change made the fierce teeth that swiftly passed through the giant python attack and fled from the squat of the python. , to the seven-inch land, suddenly anti-warping. At the same time, the rabbit armor of the micro-volt body has already prepared for a strong and powerful appearance.

I saw a white rabbit rising from the ground, flying into the sky, the sunlight leaking from the treetop, shining on the fuselage, let the whole body shine, dazzling, this flash also makes close observation of the rabbit machine A machine suddenly repaired the entire screen and suddenly spent a flower, and suddenly there was a blind state.

"Hey!" The giant python screamed fiercely, and the machine that had resumed sight was repaired. The giant snake head suddenly fell from the snake body to the ground, and the huge blood column rushed out from the cut surface. The ground, drenched into a **** land, and then its huge snake body finally crashed to the ground...

Ling Lan controlled the rabbit's body in the body of the python's body more than ten meters away, was not contaminated by these blood, the mech suddenly swept to a place, it was a grass. This abrupt movement, let the grass move slightly, and then no more movement.

Ling Lan satisfactorily withdrew her sight, and as long as she did not stop her from completing the task, she did not want to kill these beasts. After all, she didn't want to collect points by collecting the material of the beast. Manipulating the rabbit's mech bounces directly to the front of the machine. Reaching out and handing the weapon to the other party: "Thank you, the weapon is very powerful. Now, still you!"

Although the weapon is good, Ling Lan does not want to rely on the mind, as long as she changed the higher level of mech, the standard weapon of the mech, is enough Linglan to use.

The machine all had a glimpse of it, and he did not expect that the Lingtian line that witnessed the unrepentant power was not tempted, and still chose to return the weapon to him. From the other party's tone, the machine is not sure that this is not a slap. But the other party really didn't want it. This makes the machine feel a lot of feelings, knowing that in the mech world, in order to make the armor of the control stronger, some of the best weapons often cause competition among the strong, even at the expense of forced hegemony. Grab the hand from the weak.

This made the machine more reluctant to give the heart of Ling Tian a line more firmly, he said: "Do not return me, this weapon is for me."

"Send me? The reward of the mission seems to have no such thing." Although this weapon is very good, Ling Lan does not want to ruin the machine for no reason.

"This is extra. It's a little bit of my heart." The machine is all ridiculous. The rewards alone are not enough for him to hire a special master.

"Since you have already said the task reward, you don't need any compensation." Ling Lan raised his eyebrows. It seems that I understand that the machine is worried about repairing the ground, so I continue to say, "Relax. I will safely send you to Xinyang City, and will not violate the regulations. There will be no additional requirements."

Ling Lan’s words made the machine all face red, and he slammed his hand: “Not like this. I never doubted that you would violate our agreement. This weapon... is special for me, Because it is made by me." The sound of the machine is very light. "Although there are many people who want to buy it, I have never been willing to sell it. I hope that one day, someone who knows it can take it. Go to fight together and complete my dreams."

The machine all looked up and said firmly: "It is not regrettable, so I hope that there is a strong person who can let it not regret in the battle. During this time, I feel that you can complete my dream, so, I I want to give this weapon to you."

If the machine is repaired, Ling Lan carefully checks the information of the weapon in his hand. Sure enough, the information says: weapon name: no regrets (armored armor on the back), characteristics: tough, sharp, weight: 206kg. Producer: The machine is all repaired. Quality: superior.

Xiao Si explained to Ling Lan in the sea of ​​consciousness that such a cold weapon with superior quality and toughness and sharpness is extremely rare, and with its own weight, the key moment can be used as a heavy weapon. . No regrets without obvious weakness, as long as it is not damaged, it can be used for a long time, even when it comes to the ace. In the mech world, the familiarity of mech weapons is fully reflected in the armor's combat power. Therefore, this long-term weapon is extremely cherished by all the armor. It can be said that if the weapon is publicly auctioned, Can attract the attention of all the sergeants below the ace.

In the case of Xiaosi, Ling Lan was very recognized, as if she had practiced the carrot weapon for a long time. Later, I changed other mechs. Compared with the simpleness of hot weapons, she spends the most time on cold weapons. Because cold weapons are extremely dangerous, as long as there is an oversight, they may bring them to the top. disaster.

Ling Lan, who was not remorseful and not tempted, was really tempted at the moment. For a mech, it is extremely crucial to find a satisfactory cold weapon of the main battle. Originally Ling Lan wanted to change the mech after considering this problem, but now, such a good main cold weapon appeared, Ling Lan had to start to consider this.

Ling Lan did not entangle for a long time, she took back no regrets, hung it in the back of the only weapon mounted slot, and said: "Thank you, this weapon is really excellent, exactly what I need, I am disrespectful. However, the other rewards we agreed to at the beginning would not have to be given to me.” Ling Lan said here, suddenly thought that there is no 200 points, she is not satisfied with 1010, so I am embarrassed to add, "That, points still need In order to make up for your loss, I can pick you up again in the future, of course, the commission must be what I can do."

Ling Lan decided to completely break this person's sentiment. She didn't like to drag the mud, so she explained the matter beforehand. After the exemption, the two people were unhappy because they couldn't talk, and they wasted the gift of today.

I didn’t want to pay for the machine. I didn’t want Linglan to pay any price. I was very sincere and wanted to hand over the best weapon I had made. I heard Ling Lan say this and didn’t take Ling Lan’s promise to heart, just happy. The spot was taken down. He doesn't know it now, just because Ling Lan's promise makes his future become less common...

Ling Lan soon came to the place where the little four pointed, got a very ordinary stone, and all the machines were dismissed and dismissed: "What is this? Is it your mission?" This gray stone is here. It was everywhere, but Ling Lan took the stone from the pile of stones very seriously.

"Yes, this is the core of the starlight conversion power." Ling Lan replied.

"What, this is the legendary star-light conversion power core?" The machine screamed when it was repaired.

"Legend?" Ling Lan looked at the machine in confusion, not knowing why the other side was so shocked.

"Lingtian is a line, this is the only main line task of Sanyo Town. Although many people have taken it, it has never been found. Many people think that the core of the starlight conversion power has not appeared yet. It is currently impossible to complete. Mission." The machine explained all the way.

"Is it? I just saw that the points are good, I just picked it up." Ling Lan refused to return.

The machine is almost repaired with tears. Is this the difference between a strong person and an ordinary person? The task they dare not think about, the other party just sees that the points are more random, and the machine suddenly reacts: "How do you know that there is a star-light conversion power core? Can you accomplish this task?"

Ling Lan faintly replied: "I have seen this before, but I don't know what it is for, so I didn't take it here..."

Didn't take it? The machine all vomited blood, and the other party had already come to this fierce land. I thought that the other party was very familiar with it, it was like coming to my back garden, and the machine was all repaired.

Ling Lan put the starlight conversion power core into the equipment space of the mech, and then said: "Okay, let's go."

The machine that was attacked by Ling Lan Lianfan was all repaired. Of course, he left here with Linglan without any opinions.

The two men walked back for ten minutes. Ling Lan suddenly glanced at the machine and asked, "Do you offend someone?"

At the west gate of the If those people stare at the machine without any repairs, let Ling Lan understand her client, it is likely to offend some people, but Ling Lan does not care. At this point, as long as she can give her points, she will still take over the task of escorting the other party.

All the machines were stunned and suddenly asked, "Why are you asking?"

"These mechs should be tracking you over, but it seems that the strength is not enough, and it has been killed by the beast." Ling Lan pointed to the jungle in front, indicating that the machine can be repaired.

All the machines changed their faces, and they violently manipulated the mechs. When they landed, they saw several mechs gray and lying on an open space. This indicates that these mechs are in a state of death, even if they choose to revive. The mech will not disappear until after twenty minutes. During this time, anyone can pick up the equipment weapon or other items that the other party has dropped.

The machine repaired the lightning sign that was familiar to the chest of the mech, and suddenly gnashed his teeth: "It is them, the power of the King of Thunder."

"Lei Wang?" Ling Lan heard the name after the machine was repaired, and could not help but know how to be familiar. (To be continued.)

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