Chapter 226: Freshmen!

Zhang Jingan went to the sofa pointed by Ling Lan and sat down. He didn't talk to Ling Lan. Instead, he looked at Qi Long, who was next to Ling Lan. The face was sighed and praised: "Qilong Xuedi, this year you are the champion of our military school. Great for our central college in Doha! Your strength, even in the entire military academy, can be ranked, and in the future will certainly become the pillar of our central school faction."

Zhang Jingan Ming Li praised Qi Long, in fact, he wanted to nail a thorn in Ling Lan’s heart, which made her feel jealous and could not fully trust Qi Long. And he also believes that as long as he gives Qilong a chance, he will never be willing to surrender to Ling Lan! Zhang Jingan believes that with his ability, he can definitely make this silly boy of Qilong join his power.

Just now, Ling Lan’s indifference, let Zhang Jing’an make the decision to abandon Ling Lan’s choice of Qi Long. Of course, if you want to get what you want, you must have the relationship between the two, so that Qilong and Linglan will break. This is why Zhang Jingan greatly praised Qi Long, that is, he hopes to arouse Qilong’s fame and fortune, and he is dissatisfied with Ling Lan.

However, Zhang Jing'an's wishful thinking is doomed to be defeated. He praised Qi Long and carefully observed Qilong's change of expression, but found that Qilong had no reaction to his words. This made Zhang Jingan's brow slightly wrinkled and his heart smashed. .

Ling Lan certainly knew what Zhang Jing's idea was, but she didn't care. She originally had the meaning of pushing Qilong, but Qilong was a fighting fan, and she was not interested in this kind of thing.

Zhang Jingan saw that the two ignored his words, and even felt Ling Lan’s line of sight with some ridicule. He had to stop his own provocation. He laughed and said to Ling Lan: "And Ling Lan’s brother, who has not seen for a few years. Your style is as good as it was at the beginning." In a few years at the military academy, Zhang Jingan was obviously more mature and more tolerant than the college.

Since there is no drama on the side of Qilong, you must choose Linglan. Zhang Jing'an mind changed his mind and returned to his original decision.

Ling Lan no expression, still maintain her face, cold and cold: "Thank you!"

This sound without any temperature made Zhang Jingan stunned, and the smile was only a half-sound, but the smile was a little stubborn.

It should be said that Zhang Jingan did not expect that Ling Lan would not give him face, and even the coping in the scene would not be willing. He originally wanted to use the relationship of the schoolmaster to pull in the distance and then propose cooperation. Now it seems that it is impossible.

So Zhang Jingan opened the door and said: "When I first entered the military school, Ling Lan’s younger brother probably didn’t know the distribution of our military academy. I want to be safely mixed in the military school. I don’t know if this is the case.”

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Is there still this?" Since some people are willing to take the initiative to analyze and explain with her, she certainly will not refuse, and there is nothing wrong with knowing more.

"There are a lot of forces in the military academy, and there are more than a dozen of them. However, the most powerful ones have four major forces, namely the first force Leiyun faction, the second force Tianji faction, and the third force. The Promise faction and our central college faction in Doha.” Zhang Jingan’s face showed a trace of regret. “If the people of other colleges in Doha are willing to join us, we will not be the fourth force, even if the first and second are somewhat difficult, the third It is also appropriate. We must know that we competed for seats with the Promise Faction Fighting Combat Competition last year. The final score is only a dozen points, and we are defeated..."

Zhang Jingan said that the third force, the words are not convinced, he looked up at Ling Landao: "However, I believe that this year is different, we will be able to get back to the third position. I know that Scout Center is admitted to the military academy this year. There are more than 300 new students in the new life. As long as we work together, even the second force can fight."

When it comes to this, Zhang Jingan is very excited. He seems to have seen the scene of the students who led the Central Academy faction in the military school.

However, Ling Lan’s answer directly brought him back to reality from his delusions. He only listened to Ling Lan’s faint saying: “I’m very impressed with Zhang’s thoughts, but I personally don’t like fighting and don’t want to participate in this kind of thing. Other freshmen, Zhang Xuechang can invite them to see them in person."

Ling Lan’s words made Zhang Jing’an almost vomiting blood. He looked at Ling Lan with his big eyes. He couldn’t believe his face: What did you like to fight? Was the horrible big fight in the beginning not the one that was provoked by the person?

Zhang Jingan just wanted to say something, Ling Lan stood up and said: "One day, it is already very sleepy, I can't accompany you, Zhang Xuechang please take it easy!"

After Ling Lan’s words were finished, he left the hall and returned to his room. He did not give Zhang Jing’an the opportunity to continue to talk.

Looking at Ling Lan’s disappearing back, Zhang Jing’an’s face changed slightly. He endured the anger of his heart and turned to look at Qi Long. He invited: “Is Qilong’s brother interested in adding strength to my central school faction?”

Qi Long made a big yawn and waved his hand and refused: "We are following Lan's boss. He is not interested in us and I am not interested. Sorry, Zhang Xuechang! It is too tired, I have to rest. Bye!" After leaving, I left the hall and went back to my room to rest.

The most powerful two of the Scout Center Academy rejected the mercy without any mercy, and Zhang Jingan could no longer stay. He hated to say goodbye to Han Jijun and quickly left Linglan’s villa dormitory.

"md, toasting, not eating and drinking, really thought that it is time for him to call for the rain?" Once in his villa, Zhang Jingan slammed a teacup on the coffee table in the hall to the ground, just received at Linglan. The humiliation finally broke out at this moment.

"Captain, what do we do next? Do you want to teach them?" His team members approached and whispered, this is Zhang Jing'an's consistent handwriting. Whoever is unwilling to surrender will send a small team to force people to give in until the other party joins him. The forces.

Zhang Jingan’s eyes flashed, and there was an impulse in his heart to let people learn the bad guys, but he quickly pressed the impulse and knew that it was not the time. After all, other newcomers have not joined his power. If they are known by others because Linglan does not join them and teach them, I am afraid that those new students will be scrupulous and refuse to join.

Humph! When he puts all the other freshmen in the bag, he will definitely teach them a meal! Zhang Jingan’s eyes are resentful, and his death will not forget the shame of the last year of the Scouting career. At the beginning of the revenge, he must report.

The disappearance of Zhang Jing'an's failure was quickly learned by the top leaders of other forces. They ridiculed, and there was also gloating. However, the so-called Scout Center is the most powerful enchanting name that has not been valued by them. Even if the champion of this year is the Scout Center, it is not in the heart. Because there is a champion every year, the one who can really become the strongest person in the military school is often not the champion.

Everyone thought that the Scouting Center Academy would soon lead to competition between old and new forces. Unexpectedly, it was calm and calm. Zhang Jingan did not take any action against the other party. Linglan’s side seemed to focus on learning, and there was no idea of ​​fighting for power. The big forces are a bit confused. Can Zhang Jingan really endure this batch of freshmen who don’t listen?

Zhang Jing'an didn't want to move, but he couldn't move because he kept inviting other freshmen to join his forces during this time, but he was rejected by all the new students. Although Zhang Jingan once thought about starting from the weakest new students, he found this. There is a relationship between the batch of freshmen, and the relationship between them is very good, and it is easy to produce the consequences of taking the lead. This made Zhang Jingan have to give up this plan, can only endure, and then find a way.

Zhang Jingan frequently hit the wall in the new life, Ling Lan certainly will not know, because Wu Hao, Li Yingjie, and the captains of the various teams have discussed this matter with her.

Ling Lan directly said her decision, watching it for another year. After all, their first year was a hard physical training task, and there was no energy to participate in this power struggle. When you reach the second grade, when the time is right, you can decide whether to join the other party or organize your own work.

Ling Lan’s words seemed to give these people directions, so they decided not to join any forces for the time being and focus on completing their training tasks. They also prevented Zhang Jing'an and other forces from being angry and angry because they could not get what they wanted. So they agreed to set up a new group temporarily and join hands to advance and retreat.

They did not ask Ling Lan what it meant, and directly elected her as the first head of the new group, while Qi Long was the second head, the third leader of the monk, the fourth head of Li Yingjie, and the fifth head by the other The squad leader takes turns to facilitate coordination.

Ling Lan knew the result afterwards, very speechless! To know that she let them watch for a year, I want them to have the price of strange goods, rather than let them form a team, but do not want to be the first leader of this new group... 丫 she simply Don't want to take on any responsibility?

However, Ling Lan’s face is now in an absolute level of sorrow, and the emotions are almost impossible to check, so even if she is dissatisfied, she will only send out infinite air-conditioning to abuse these stupid classmates who do not understand her true thoughts.

Although Ling Lan’s air-conditioning makes the new students chill, every time they pass Ling Ling’s side, they will be trembled by the cold and cold feet, but they will make their beliefs more firm: Hey, their first group The long-term strength is awkward, just a look, they can freeze them. Under his leadership, they are forced to stand tall and stand firm in the military academy.

I don’t know who sent the Scout Center’s faction to the new students in Doha’s other colleges. These freshmen have experienced the great success of Linglan’s leadership of the Central Academy’s freshmanship, and Ling Lan’s original Very convinced, many Doha freshmen have joined the same, and only a few freshmen have joined other Doha forces for personal reasons.

In this way, the new group has nearly 500 new students to join, this small organization, so that other forces do not dare to over-press, once a major riot, the military school will come out to suppress, and they are also unfavorable. In this case, the freshmen in the new group temporarily got a free space to

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