Chapter 215: The choice of each!

When she saw that the clean and tidy ground was contaminated by the blood sprayed from the mouth of the other party, Ling Lan frowned at her disgust. She ruthlessly pulled her sleeves and said, like telling the garbage, "This **** smell makes it really People hate, Lin Zhongqing, throwing this waste out of me, so as not to taint my eyes."

Ling Lan said that the casualness is cold enough to prove her coldness and disdain for life. Even if she is familiar with Ling Lan’s Lin Zhongqing, seeing such a Lan boss, she can’t help but tremble and almost change her color.

For many years, Lin Zhongqing has learned to use his smile to cover up his true thoughts. He still keeps his smile on his face and whispers in an understatement: "Yes, Captain!" It seems that he has become accustomed to these words of Ling Lan. A similar incident is not only once or twice, which makes the staff still scared.

Ling Lan nodded secretly. Lin Zhongqing also grew a lot in the past three years. He was able to adapt to such unexpected situations. Although the two did not communicate beforehand, they cooperated with each other with great tacit understanding and easily reached the situation that Ling Lan wanted.

Lin Zhongqing walked calmly into the front, but in fact he couldn't help but be a bit suspicious. Lan's boss was so ambiguous that he couldn't figure out whether the guard captain was alive or dead... This made Lin Zhongqing unable to doubt the blue. Did the boss really kill the guard captain?

He had all sorts of doubts in his heart, but his face was not moving. He went to the guard captain's side, leaned over, and squeezed the clothes on the other's chest, but touched the other's chest with his clever movements...

"咚,咚,咚..." The weak heartbeat came back from the palm of your hand, and Lin Zhongqing’s heart suddenly became clear. This is probably a scene of Ling Lan’s deliberate performance, which is to deter these staff in the main control room.

Although Lin Zhongqing did not understand why Ling Lan had to work so hard, he believed that Lan’s boss must have his reason for doing so.

As for the Lan Lao Conference, he would not be able to figure out the situation himself. Lin Zhongqing did not have this idea at all. He knew very well that according to the strength of Lan’s boss, he was absolutely clear about each other’s life and death. The reason why the attitude is vague is definitely setting a bureau.

The life and death of the **** captain made the staff in the main control room feel like a rabbit dying of foxes. The faint sorrow was quietly filled in the main control room. They both worried about the safety of the captain and frightened their own end. At this time, they have not calmed down at the beginning, and they no longer think that these teenagers really dare not treat them, because their leading teenager, the cold and cruel black boy is definitely a sultry figure.

Ling Lan saw that the original commotion was finally suppressed, and immediately decided to pursue the victory. So she glared at her eyes: "Take them all to me!"

This group of freshmen is still tender. I did not even consider limiting these staff members.

Ling Lan gave Lin Zhongqing a look after he finished. Lin Zhongqing saw Lan’s boss with a deep look and a flash of light. He thought of a kind of tying method that Ling Lan had previously handed over to their team. You can take materials locally, and you don't have to worry about the omnipotent method of tying people's materials. That is to tie people with belts, to know the world in the present. On the spacecraft, whether it is a guard or a staff member, a belt will be worn and a short beam of light will be carried around.

Lin Zhongqing, who wanted to understand, nodded to Ling Lan and went straight to the nearest staff member. In the struggle of the other party, he untied the other's belt and pulled it out.

The beam rifle was early at the beginning, when the students rushed in to stop the staff. The first time was cleared, so these workers did not have any hot weapons to fight with the students. Unless they were fighting with bare hands and fighting, how can these people be elite students from these Scout Centers?

"Don't struggle. The more you struggle, the more painful you are..." The smile of Lin Zhongqing's mouth became deeper, which made the fear in the staff's heart deeper. Do they still want to abuse to get pleasure? The frightened staff could no longer remain calm, began to struggle fiercely, and almost broke free from the control of a student who controlled his actions.

"Hey!" Lin Zhongqing smiled cold, a step, directly subdued the other side to the ground, and then wrapped the other arm's arms tightly behind the belt, and finally wrapped around the other's head and neck, and then pulled back the arm tightly locked .

Lin Zhongqing's method of bundling the staff is to cross the eight-style method. This kind of bundling method is very skillful. Even if it is done several times, there is no way to master the technique. It is a super difficult but extremely practical method. It is used by Ling Lan from the learning space. A skill that is redeemed for honor points.

If this kind of bundling method is not properly mastered, there is a certain chance that the other party can break free, but once it is perfectly mastered, the other party is struggling, and the cross-eight-type knot will become more and more tight, and it is impossible to break free.

Of course, this method has no effect on the past. After all, the strength of the micro is enough to break the toughness of the belt, but these workers have no way to break free, because their strongest is only at the present stage.

Lin Zhongqing still remembers that their team learned to play this knot, but it took a lot of effort, especially the captain of Qilong. He has always disliked this kind of fine work. He hasn’t succeeded in playing it hundreds of times, which makes Lan’s boss angry. Now, the captain of Qilong will be directly returned to the fighting room, and he will be relieved.

Although I don’t know what kind of horror was the captain of Qi Long in the end, when the team leader Qilong raised his wounds, he learned to tie knots. The fearful and cautious touch has impressed them now. From then on, these players are even more afraid to touch Lan Lan... because no one wants to experience the kind of cup of Captain Qi Long.

Lin Zhongqing quickly tied the knot and pushed the staff directly to the corner. Then, under Ling Lan’s instructions, he walked to a staff member and took the other’s belt in the same way, but this time he was present. Several captains said: "The troubles of several captains monitor the audience. The other team members tied me up and tied them to me."

In this way, under the demonstration of Lin Zhongqing, the students began to tie up according to the model. Lin Zhongqing checked them one by one and found that there was something wrong with correcting immediately. Just back and forth three times, the staff here were all bundled. Of course, the students thought about knotting the details and found that they were vague, and it was not clear which one started first...

However, it is not excluded that students who have never forgotten to learn this knotting method, Ling Lan does not care, there is a better way to learn space than this. If it was all students, she wouldn’t be able to give Qilong a more advanced method of tying them.

Of course, Ling Lan never considered, will re-learning the tie-up and let Qi Long die from this life? Maybe Ling Lan is trying to take a plane to repair a Qilong, maybe...

Seeing that the main control room has been closed, it is not her business. Linglan decisively unloaded the burden. She turned to look at Han Jijun and said: "Follow the army, you will leave the battle and take charge of the main control room." She said to all the students in the main control room, "The strongest five, follow me to the last captain's room!"

Lin Zhongqing didn't want to. The first step forward: "Captain. Take me there!"

Ling Lan nodded: "Good. Come again!"

The captains rushed to compete for the four places. In order to save time, Ling Lan directly called the four strongest people to go with her. Speaking with strength, there are no complaints from other captains who have not been selected.

Of course, Ling Lan also reminded everyone. The main control room is the most important control platform for the spacecraft. They must stay here to guard the safety of the main control room. They must not be robbed back by the crew members who have reacted.

When Han Jijun sent Ling Lan out of the main control room, Ling Lan whispered to him: "This is a good opportunity to understand how to master the spacecraft's work."

"But we have a little understanding of this." I haven't systematically learned to control the spacecraft. Although this is a good opportunity, Han Jijun does not think that they can find out what they are doing. I am afraid that they will not get good experience this time. This allowed Han Jijun to sigh and sigh.

Ling Lan glanced at the main control room and reminded: "Where, is there anyone who guides you?"

Han Jijun’s eyes brightened and he immediately understood Ling Lan’s intentions. He thought and turned around and asked: “Is that **** captain still alive?” Although he thinks Ling Lan can’t kill anyone for no reason. But getting a definitive answer is also needed because he thinks about how to get those staff to actively teach them.

Ling Lan nodded and said that Han Jijun’s guess was correct: “How to use him, it’s up to you.” She can only do this step. If she can get what she wants, she will look at Han Jijun’s efforts.

The reason why Ling Lan was so hard, the main reason is that when he first applied for the first men’s military school, Han Jijun did not apply for the military specialty he was good at, but applied for the starship control profession, which means that Han Jijun will become a Captain, if anything, is the most important navigator of the starship...

Perhaps many people will regret that Han Jijun has abandoned his own advantages and chose a profession with a poor prospect. Han Jijun knows what he is doing.

To know that Ling Lan, Qi Long, Luo Lang, Xie Yi chose the armor control, and Lin Zhongqing chose the logistics reserve that everyone would ignore, and even helpless.

In fact, according to Lin Zhongqing's talent, he can completely apply for the control of the mech, but he finally chose this low-key and inconspicuous profession, Han Jijun understands what this is for He is for the future of the team, a The squad can have one less powerful force, but it lacks an excellent logistical.


I participated in the starting point activities in the past few days. I went around with the great gods yesterday and participated in a discussion meeting at night. I thought I started at 7:00, and before 9:00, I ended up. I didn’t expect it to be delayed until after 9:00. I am anxious, I haven't updated it yesterday. I can only update it before 12 o'clock with a speed of only 1000. In fact, I really want to slip, but unfortunately, the representative sitting on the stage is talking about my roommate picking up the star. The most important thing is that the room card is on her... I can only give my life with the gentleman!

What made me most indignant was that the star-selling landlord was a strong man with a speed of 2,500 per hour. When I came back, I easily got a chapter and rested in bed. I could only lie in front of the computer and finally coded 3000 before 12 o’clock. Word, lucky!

I thought that there was still activity this evening, I didn’t dare to blog again, so I started a night shift directly, and I also coded today’s tasks. The night is quiet, the roommates have already slept like little pigs, and I am bitterly coded, really miserable. ...but I thought of the sleeves next door, the big **** with a speed of only 500, but there is a 6,000-word update task. I finally got comfort in an instant. At least I was not as miserable as her... Now she should still work overtime to add codewords. Let's go! ()

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